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  2. chi development methods in wing chun?
  3. Xingyiquan and Grappling
  4. Nei Kung & Modern Taoist Immortals
  5. Emei Bagua Zhang
  6. confused
  7. DC area Hsing-i?
  8. Internal in Houston
  9. Does Anyone Train Iron crotch
  10. Teachers in the UK???
  11. What are your opinions on this Tai Chi Article??
  12. Anyone read the Magus of Java?
  13. bagua questions
  14. BaKua
  15. Five word song of Li Tung Fung- Hwa Yu Tai chi
  16. Xing Yi - style characteristics
  17. Taoist Yoga
  18. 23 Wudang Taiyi WuXing Boxing
  19. Neigong/Nei kung help
  20. Horseriding stance
  21. spirituality and enlightenment (a bit off the topic of kungfu)
  22. 72 Levels of development
  23. lotus position--help
  24. any dojos in madison or twin cities areas?
  25. DWID- are you interested in teaching?
  26. Question about teachers and Yi Li Chuan
  27. The Famous Wu style Tai Chi Vs. White Crane Fight
  28. Tai Chi/Bagua in GA
  29. Bagua vs Taichi
  30. Internal arts and self defense against blade weapons.
  31. The mysterious hand in push hands
  32. "wave hands in clouds"
  33. Tung Ying-chieh's Nine Essential Principles of internal working
  34. Training in both : Bagua and Tai Chi
  35. Hsing-I I need detailed info
  36. tai chi chuan posture sizes
  37. Bagua and the I-Ching
  38. The Jan 27th San Shou Event
  39. A little off topic
  40. has anyone heard of this form, and know what style it is????
  41. Question for any/all Bagua practitioners
  42. Bagua: "the Single Palm Change"?
  43. Zhao Bao Tai Qi Quan
  44. Wang Xinwu
  45. Morning Practice
  46. Full-time tai chi?
  47. bagua video clips?
  48. hi
  49. Sun Family Taiji
  51. Xing Yi Quan?
  52. High Ranking Baguazhang Students
  53. Internal iron palm?
  54. Tai chi question
  55. Another question on breathing...
  56. Ba Gwa folks
  57. Stick, adhere, neutralize and follow
  58. How do you know you've been doing Martial Arts too LONG??
  59. BaguaZhang Historians...
  60. Tai Chi and Internal Arts in San Diego
  61. Xinyi and Xingyi, how are they different?
  62. Sun vs. Wu(Hao) TJQ
  63. Lifting the Anus (Not kidding)
  64. Bagua video-cd
  65. Ba Gua: the Aikido connection
  66. Li Tai Liang - san shou event in atlantic city?
  67. San Ti Shr
  68. carlos castaneda
  69. Where can I find a good internal arts teacher in Rochester, Ny
  70. Xingyi DVDs
  71. Old Yang Versus New Yang
  72. Yang Chen fu murdered?
  73. Pakua jings transfer to taiji?
  74. Gerald Sharp Hsing-I videos
  75. Shaolin Xinyiba and connections to Xinyi Liuhequan
  76. How do you keep push hands from turning into a contest of strength???
  77. Hsing I
  78. tai chi and the knees
  79. dit da jow in bagwa?
  80. Information regarding Baguazhang
  81. Does Tai Chi rely too much on "Foreward" energy?
  82. Reverse Breathing
  83. Internal/external
  84. ATTN: Wish For Peace
  85. xing yi instruction in NY
  86. Razak presents the results of the Feb. 3 Kung Fu Strike Challenge
  87. about how long...
  88. Jiang Rongqiao's Baguazhang - Zhang Zhankui
  89. Master Yu Hua Long
  90. Anyone knows any Taichi schools in Vancouver?
  91. Anyone knows any Taichi schools in Vancouver?
  92. Classic Xingyi Books
  93. Internal Arts in edmonton canada
  94. Lama & a Pro New York San Shou Challenge
  95. Has anyone read this book??
  96. walking the circle..
  97. To all you anatomists, here's something to think about.
  98. Chan hak Fu & Wu gong yi
  99. Bagwa training methods
  100. Xingyi Combos
  101. sun lu tang
  102. Long Spear
  103. Deer Horn Knives
  104. Has anybody heard of Quintsai Rong Zhou?
  105. Baguazhang: John Bracy and Hsing Chen
  106. Taijiquan & Chi Gong
  107. Off Topic: Attention liangZhiCheng!!!
  108. Time spent practicing in a day
  109. Stance Keeping with San Ti
  110. Info on Vince Black...
  111. Hebei Xingyiquan
  112. Duration of Zhang Zhuang (or Santi, etc.)
  113. Wrist Flexibility in Bagua
  114. Selfless Masters vs. Paid Instructors
  115. Rolling and Push Hands
  116. who is the black taoist?
  117. Do all Tai chi styles share the same basics?
  118. Baqua in Boulder Colorado?
  119. ATTN: Sam Wiley
  120. Are Hsing-I, Ba Gua ,Tai Chi Inferior to Ba Ji/Pa Chi ????
  121. Taiji/Qigong/ Islam
  122. Secret Yang Style
  123. Ba Ji / Hsing-I Info???
  124. Bagua Reading Recommendations
  125. Abdomen and Waist in Tai Chi
  126. Joy of Bagua
  127. ATTN: Sam Wiley or any other Wudang nuts.
  128. taiji is b*llsh!t
  129. Gu Ruzhang - Long Zixiang: Mixture between Yang and Sun style Taijiquan?
  130. Attn: MMcConnell
  131. Neijia in Sacramento?
  132. Tai chi chuan from Taiwan
  133. Mike Patterson's Hsing-I videos
  134. Bagua 12 elbows
  135. What happened to BT, Maoshan and Ross?
  136. Atten: RAF
  137. Iron Palm, Vibrating palm
  138. storing chi from standing meditation/zhan zhuang
  139. Chen style videos ?
  140. The Tai Chi-trained Aikido Uke
  141. Lungchuan weapons directly from China?
  142. sufis
  143. Zhang Gui-Feng???
  144. Which would you recommend?
  145. When Choosing an Instructor...
  146. Liu He Ba Fa and Water Boxing
  147. Shockability
  148. taiji in celebrex comercial?
  149. Wu/Hao form names
  150. rebuttal on article in Tai Chi Magazine
  151. I got a question
  152. Spear/Pole Shaking In Taiji?
  153. Rovere's Military Hsing-i
  154. Single Whip
  155. Single Palm Change Footwork
  156. Bagua Videos
  157. Just got my first sword!
  159. Joseph Chen
  160. Robert W. Smith in J.A.M.A. about Xingyiquan
  161. Pakua schools in SE England?and some Pakua questions
  162. Beginner question
  163. Dr. Xie Pei Qi & Yao Cheng Guang
  164. Cigarette Smoking and the Internal Arts
  165. Is Hsing i a northern or southern style?
  166. Hip and waist mobility Chi Kung for Ba Gua?
  167. Chen Pan Ling
  168. Bok-nam Park
  169. Internal Groundfighting
  170. Yin Fu modified Bagua?
  171. Semen retention techniques
  172. Decided against cross-training - opinions?
  173. Wudan and internal lineage
  174. Baji and piqua
  175. Adam Hsu
  176. Lohan kung fu and Baguazhang
  177. Need some advice on starting
  178. question about the thirteen postures in Taiji
  179. Piercing Palms in Yin Fu Only?
  180. notice someting about bagua?
  181. Transition between the brandches of Hsing-i
  182. Baguazhang Dim-Mak
  183. rooting
  185. Chin Na in Bagua
  186. "Hsing-I Kung Fu Volume II: Combat" by Tim Tackett
  187. Hsing-I Videos
  188. Park Bok Nam in a 70's Karate Video...
  189. Please advise
  190. Bai Bu?
  191. the Yi Jing (I Ching), bagua and you
  192. yang and chen adherence to the tai chi
  193. Quote is from...
  194. World Tai Chi and Qigong Day
  195. Attn: Waidan
  196. Training Long Form left-sided?
  197. Taichi for fitness
  198. How important is it to consider the type of opponent you are facing??
  199. Chicken vs. Fighting Cockerel
  200. HI folks, some help please.
  201. Xingyi in Vancouver
  202. Anyone know of YMAA's reputation?
  203. LiuheBafa
  204. Ba-Gua Usage
  205. Bagua Zhang Training Methods...
  206. Asking for opinion, please help
  207. Vibrating Palms
  208. ATTN:Wujidude
  209. Karate vs Pa Kua
  210. Semen (or maybe sperm?) production enhancer? (off topic)
  211. Forms
  212. How's your bow stance look?
  213. iron body, iron palm, iron fist,bagua xing yi conection
  214. Sun Lu Tang Bagua
  215. Wu Style Taichi
  217. KFO's Hsing-i communtiy
  218. Bagua in ufc
  219. You know you're a baguazhang practitioner when...
  220. George Xu.
  221. attention blacktaoist
  222. Condensation Form & Pre- vs. Post-Birth
  223. Hsin-I 's Dragon Stance
  224. Cost of your training
  225. Trading
  226. DVD/VCD's for sale - weapon forms
  227. Buy Jim Lin's stuff!
  228. Its there another Taijiquan
  229. FEAR!!!
  230. Has anyone ever heard of
  231. george xu or hsu
  232. Cant train , going to jail
  233. Comparative views on Bagua instructional tapes?
  234. Legends, Classics and History
  235. Tai Chi in Hudson County NY or area quality only??????
  236. Weight Training for Bagua
  237. The secret of Lightness Skill
  238. Bagua Teachers in Philedelphia...
  239. Practical weapons
  240. What is linear Pakua????
  241. Sifu Paul Ramos of Md.
  242. Large and Small frame Yang style
  243. Zhang Shizhong(?) - Bajiquan
  244. On the learning of Ba Gua...
  245. Going to China/Taiwan to train?
  246. Could anyone of you!!lets just say "eXcuisite" gentelman>>>>>>>>&g
  247. any one know hybrid kajukenbo/hopga....HOP GA MASTER HARRY NG and his student "KAIDO
  248. Hsing I in Dead or alive 2
  249. Bagua Zhang Mother Palms...
  250. Tai chi for health