View Full Version : Kung Fu Forum
- umbrella as a weapon?
- Closed fist or Open palm YOU DECIDE
- Etiquette in the Martial Arts
- Chinese Lion Dance
- Iron Fans
- Tiger Claw shoes...
- Bubishi
- 2008 Beijing Olympics
- Taiji Legacy in Plano TX 2nd weekend in june
- The Olympics & Wushu
- Bruce Lee vs. Wong Jack Man fight
- Karate and kung fu
- North or south?
- What do we think?
- Green Dragon Studios
- If you could only train three arts..
- What do these chinese words mean?
- Vent Your Rage
- Ryu, did you kiss her yet? :-P
- How far are you willing to go
- trading rare kung fu footage:
- If you had one martial arts wish.....
- Anyone ever box?
- Id like everyone who doesnt hate me and is into computers to read this!!!
- 3 sectional staff?
- ATTN: Chang Style
- Another weird URL I stole from e-budo.
- Help needed.
- Self Defence Kung Fu ???
- 6 Harmony Mantis
- Samurai Kungfu
- Challenging
- Nan-King Guoshu Institute Curriculum
- Too funny
- Long Quan Pai???
- Continuing on
- Met A True Master Last Night
- IS There A Wing Chun School In NJ
- Styles of Kung Fu (strange question)
- This picture is not fake
- Attn Knifefighter: reverse grip
- From theory to testing ground.
- New member..Just want to say hello...
- Complete this sentence
- Arm Wrestling beats Kung Fu everytime!!!
- ATTN WaterDragon
- terrorist in my city
- Att: Lil' Joe
- Hung Gar fighting
- Does anyone know ?
- a sensei in kung fu?
- hey illusionfist, do you think you can email me?
- My what big muscles you have!
- The Live Action He-Man movie is on right now on Superstation!!!
- Flexability training??
- My Shuai-Chiao(my definition)
- Decent chain whips?
- WTF is this world coming to?
- Announcement
- Gurkhas are going to fight in the"World Cup"
- Got choked out last night-good choke tech.
- Weapons in kung fu?
- funny twist to that fake wtc pic
- Anyone who wants a webpage hosted, read this..
- Tai Chi Sword
- Crazy Weapon Questions
- Petition for US Team recognition - last two days!
- Extra! Ashida tells students to attack a man with a gun / can dodge bullets
- Japanese ads are freaking weird
- tai chi is ok
- 9 Questions about Lien Bu Ch'uan and Longfist
- usawkf - solutions
- can you recommend a travel agent for a trip to HK and china
- its soposed to be rappers damit!
- Blackhawk Down
- Stubbs... where are you?
- I thought this was the Kung Fu forum?????????
- Why does he do this is he mad
- Please answer my question somebody!
- Why Palestinians Throw Rocks
- How do you know when Bruce Lee is dating your sister ?
- kungFu Ezines
- Troll, who thought this up?
- whats happened to all the members?
- Here's an interesting E-bay Auction
- Question about a couple of famous kung fu sifus
- Has anyone heard of this form?
- Looking for New Admins ... Multi Language !
- Traditional "weights" training
- Kiai
- Ralek is ok
- If you're reading in England, read this!!
- Heading off to camp.
- Martial arts in my area
- How to use kung fu to fight a challenging moron.
- iron hand kung fu
- Now this, ya gotta see
- ?????????
- Anyone practice with/know doc fai wong?
- Jizz
- Iron Monkey!!!
- ATT: Mousel Guys (Conspiracy Theory)
- Styles and Systems
- I am looking to buy a copy of Hsing-i Kung Fu, Vol. I by Tim Tackett
- qigong
- need someone killed? dispatch a ninja!
- Lung Shou Pai???
- Test icle pain on body slams
- Anyone heard of Master Ang (Manchester England), Hung Kuen style?
- A topic for you all to go crazy with:
- ATTENTION: Shaolin Tiger
- What is the most complete martial art in your opinion?
- some forum suggestions?
- Does anybody in maryland have a video camera?
- The Portal is open
- TKD questions
- MA in schools.
- Nostalgia
- ATTN: wooha
- How to apply Chi Na, and pressure point fighting techniques
- where is the chat at now?
- Did you see that commercial?!
- Who's this Ralek guy?
- Ralek is comical
- ffds
- to train?, or not to train?, that is the question.
- Btw
- I'd like to set something straight
- Any Chin Woo Kung Fu Practitioners on the forum?
- Visible action in Afghanistan
- Does kung fu have good kicking combos?
- I have been honored by COMBAT Magazine
- Do your non-MA friends severely overestimate your fighting ability?
- The Ultimate Work Out
- Translation of bin Ladens latest speech...
- I like big orgies with girls
- The Nervous Game
- info
- Odd bin laden picture
- Question for Gene Ching
- pai lum??
- Scientology on KFO Forum
- You're probably as tired of reading these FORUM CHANGE notices as I am of posting them....
- Kung Fu Schools in Manchester
- Ideas
- Ralek vs. ShaolinTiger
- Want to say "thank you"?
- Attention: BAK MEI
- 10 years of training
- Thunder Foot, the deceptive power of the fool.
- Deadly Fighting Stances!
- More evidence Knifefighter is vasco
- centreline and open faceups
- recent experience and opinions requested
- Competitions
- Kickboxing-like styles vs. traditional styles in NHB
- Do the Taliban military train silat?
- Best of luck
- Congratulations Knifefighter
- Opps
- To Bruce Leroy looking for a sifu
- More evidence that Knifefighter is Howdy Doody!
- Knifefighter's photo ( gift to SifuAble )
- Rolls/Ralek of KFO:verification-ish
- Arts and Media: The Martial Arts?
- Why Ralek Is Good for the Forum
- Who watch Iron Chef...?
- Guess what?
- What is pushing hands ?
- Slap in YOUR face
- Knifefighter, Ralek and Turiyan are my Heros
- military black belts
- Dave Simmons/Masterman interview up at
- Vasco de Gama = Jojitsu
- kung fu forum is just an amusment park for kids
- UFC ? Kage Kombat?
- Intelligence and fighting ability
- Newbie punches me in face!!
- ***Ashida Kim is a racist***
- anti-american dumba$$
- Want to fight with no rules?
- Attn: Gene
- New Book - Oct. 15
- What Bin Laden loves about America
- Any chance the forum mods could disable name changing?
- Who Visits the Otherground????
- JWT. Could you tell me a little bit about Kenpo?
- Called Out The Grandmaster
- Att:Watchman
- The fun never ends
- Hey, can someone help me out?
- Skeptic almost converted
- Hello kids.
- ATTENTION: ap Oweyn and verticalfist
- Dead or Alive legal issues
- Is the mystique gone?
- Cudos to Rolls
- We Will Never Evolve As A People..
- What"s Your Moral
- New San Shou Web Page
- Bert and Osama for Real
- New way to access Ashida's Forum
- Chance To Go To China
- Promoted to blue belt
- Tae bo as self defense:
- You have to check this out!
- Shuai-Chiao on ABC news
- ATTN: knifefighter
- xingyi vs. bagua, jet li vs. jet li
- To the grapplers on the forum
- Who's crying to Ashida about me? j/w
- Martial Arts Online shopping stores
- Gene: Forum Changes
- Here's a new one, Master Pan Qing Fu vs. Master Chan Poi
- Cauliflower ear
- Knifefighter (or others): Kali?
- Attention: Jaguar Wong
- my best friend blew his ******* head off . ..
- Soke Doke
- Something lacking?
- Weights on your testicles and/or iron crotch
- Sony Digital Camcorder 4 sale.
- Cold Water
- Why
- A MA must have at rock rock bottom price of $3.00
- Dynasty warriors 2 and those fuggin cool samurai games
- Had dinner with Ajahn Kevin Philavanh last night.
- Bruce Leroy
- strikes to the jaw
- 100 complimentary paired classifications of fighting...
- Mr. Nemo is always first with Tyson vs. Nielson results
- What is the pheonix eye fist?
- ATTN African Tiger
- Drunkin master 2
- Elbow Smashes in Sparring
- White Lotus
- Attn: All of my alter-egos and aliases
- Bad Ass Brazilian Jiujitsu
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