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  1. umbrella as a weapon?
  2. Closed fist or Open palm YOU DECIDE
  3. Etiquette in the Martial Arts
  4. Chinese Lion Dance
  5. Iron Fans
  6. Tiger Claw shoes...
  7. Bubishi
  8. 2008 Beijing Olympics
  9. Taiji Legacy in Plano TX 2nd weekend in june
  10. The Olympics & Wushu
  11. Bruce Lee vs. Wong Jack Man fight
  12. Karate and kung fu
  13. North or south?
  14. What do we think?
  15. Green Dragon Studios
  16. If you could only train three arts..
  17. What do these chinese words mean?
  18. Vent Your Rage
  19. Ryu, did you kiss her yet? :-P
  20. How far are you willing to go
  21. trading rare kung fu footage:
  22. If you had one martial arts wish.....
  23. Anyone ever box?
  24. Id like everyone who doesnt hate me and is into computers to read this!!!
  25. 3 sectional staff?
  26. ATTN: Chang Style
  27. Another weird URL I stole from e-budo.
  28. Help needed.
  29. Self Defence Kung Fu ???
  30. 6 Harmony Mantis
  31. Samurai Kungfu
  32. Challenging
  33. Nan-King Guoshu Institute Curriculum
  34. Too funny
  35. Long Quan Pai???
  36. Continuing on
  37. Met A True Master Last Night
  38. IS There A Wing Chun School In NJ
  39. Styles of Kung Fu (strange question)
  40. This picture is not fake
  41. Attn Knifefighter: reverse grip
  42. From theory to testing ground.
  43. New member..Just want to say hello...
  44. Complete this sentence
  45. Arm Wrestling beats Kung Fu everytime!!!
  46. ATTN WaterDragon
  47. terrorist in my city
  48. Att: Lil' Joe
  49. Hung Gar fighting
  50. ATTN : RALEK!!
  51. Does anyone know ?
  52. a sensei in kung fu?
  53. hey illusionfist, do you think you can email me?
  54. My what big muscles you have!
  55. The Live Action He-Man movie is on right now on Superstation!!!
  56. Flexability training??
  57. My Shuai-Chiao(my definition)
  58. Decent chain whips?
  60. WTF is this world coming to?
  61. Announcement
  62. Gurkhas are going to fight in the"World Cup"
  63. Got choked out last night-good choke tech.
  64. Weapons in kung fu?
  65. funny twist to that fake wtc pic
  66. Anyone who wants a webpage hosted, read this..
  67. Tai Chi Sword
  68. Crazy Weapon Questions
  69. Petition for US Team recognition - last two days!
  70. Extra! Ashida tells students to attack a man with a gun / can dodge bullets
  71. Japanese ads are freaking weird
  72. tai chi is ok
  73. 9 Questions about Lien Bu Ch'uan and Longfist
  74. usawkf - solutions
  75. can you recommend a travel agent for a trip to HK and china
  76. its soposed to be rappers damit!
  77. Blackhawk Down
  78. Stubbs... where are you?
  79. I thought this was the Kung Fu forum?????????
  80. Why does he do this is he mad
  81. Please answer my question somebody!
  82. Why Palestinians Throw Rocks
  83. How do you know when Bruce Lee is dating your sister ?
  84. kungFu Ezines
  85. ATT. RALEK
  86. Troll, who thought this up?
  87. whats happened to all the members?
  89. Here's an interesting E-bay Auction
  90. Question about a couple of famous kung fu sifus
  91. Has anyone heard of this form?
  92. Looking for New Admins ... Multi Language !
  93. Traditional "weights" training
  94. Kiai
  95. Ralek is ok
  96. If you're reading in England, read this!!
  97. Heading off to camp.
  98. Martial arts in my area
  99. How to use kung fu to fight a challenging moron.
  100. iron hand kung fu
  101. Now this, ya gotta see
  102. ?????????
  103. Anyone practice with/know doc fai wong?
  104. Jizz
  105. Iron Monkey!!!
  106. ATT: Mousel Guys (Conspiracy Theory)
  107. Styles and Systems
  108. I am looking to buy a copy of Hsing-i Kung Fu, Vol. I by Tim Tackett
  109. qigong
  110. need someone killed? dispatch a ninja!
  111. Lung Shou Pai???
  112. Test icle pain on body slams
  113. Anyone heard of Master Ang (Manchester England), Hung Kuen style?
  114. A topic for you all to go crazy with:
  115. ATTENTION: Shaolin Tiger
  116. What is the most complete martial art in your opinion?
  117. some forum suggestions?
  118. Does anybody in maryland have a video camera?
  119. The Portal is open
  120. TKD questions
  121. MA in schools.
  122. Nostalgia
  123. ATTN: wooha
  124. How to apply Chi Na, and pressure point fighting techniques
  125. where is the chat at now?
  126. Did you see that commercial?!
  127. Who's this Ralek guy?
  128. Ralek is comical
  129. ffds
  130. to train?, or not to train?, that is the question.
  131. Btw
  132. I'd like to set something straight
  133. Any Chin Woo Kung Fu Practitioners on the forum?
  134. Visible action in Afghanistan
  135. Does kung fu have good kicking combos?
  136. I have been honored by COMBAT Magazine
  137. Do your non-MA friends severely overestimate your fighting ability?
  138. The Ultimate Work Out
  139. Translation of bin Ladens latest speech...
  140. I like big orgies with girls
  141. The Nervous Game
  142. info
  143. Odd bin laden picture
  144. Question for Gene Ching
  145. pai lum??
  146. Scientology on KFO Forum
  147. You're probably as tired of reading these FORUM CHANGE notices as I am of posting them....
  148. Kung Fu Schools in Manchester
  149. Ideas
  150. Ralek vs. ShaolinTiger
  151. Want to say "thank you"?
  152. Attention: BAK MEI
  153. 10 years of training
  154. Thunder Foot, the deceptive power of the fool.
  155. Deadly Fighting Stances!
  156. More evidence Knifefighter is vasco
  157. centreline and open faceups
  158. recent experience and opinions requested
  159. Competitions
  160. Kickboxing-like styles vs. traditional styles in NHB
  161. Do the Taliban military train silat?
  162. Best of luck
  163. Congratulations Knifefighter
  164. Opps
  165. To Bruce Leroy looking for a sifu
  166. More evidence that Knifefighter is Howdy Doody!
  167. Knifefighter's photo ( gift to SifuAble )
  168. Rolls/Ralek of KFO:verification-ish
  169. Arts and Media: The Martial Arts?
  170. Why Ralek Is Good for the Forum
  171. Who watch Iron Chef...?
  172. Guess what?
  173. What is pushing hands ?
  174. Slap in YOUR face
  175. Knifefighter, Ralek and Turiyan are my Heros
  176. military black belts
  177. Dave Simmons/Masterman interview up at kenpoworld.com
  178. Vasco de Gama = Jojitsu
  180. kung fu forum is just an amusment park for kids
  181. UFC ? Kage Kombat?
  182. Intelligence and fighting ability
  184. IS THIS FOR REAL?!?
  185. Newbie punches me in face!!
  186. ***Ashida Kim is a racist***
  187. anti-american dumba$$
  188. Want to fight with no rules?
  189. Attn: Gene
  190. New Book - Oct. 15
  191. What Bin Laden loves about America
  192. Any chance the forum mods could disable name changing?
  193. Who Visits the Otherground????
  194. JWT. Could you tell me a little bit about Kenpo?
  195. Called Out The Grandmaster
  196. Att:Watchman
  198. The fun never ends
  199. Hey, can someone help me out?
  200. Skeptic almost converted
  201. www.shaolins.com
  202. Hello kids.
  203. ATTENTION: ap Oweyn and verticalfist
  204. Dead or Alive legal issues
  205. Is the mystique gone?
  206. Cudos to Rolls
  207. We Will Never Evolve As A People..
  208. What"s Your Moral
  209. New San Shou Web Page
  210. Bert and Osama for Real
  211. New way to access Ashida's Forum
  212. Chance To Go To China
  213. Promoted to blue belt
  214. Tae bo as self defense:
  215. You have to check this out!
  216. Shuai-Chiao on ABC news
  217. ATTN: knifefighter
  219. IM BACK
  220. xingyi vs. bagua, jet li vs. jet li
  221. To the grapplers on the forum
  222. Who's crying to Ashida about me? j/w
  223. Martial Arts Online shopping stores
  224. Gene: Forum Changes
  225. Here's a new one, Master Pan Qing Fu vs. Master Chan Poi
  226. Cauliflower ear
  227. Knifefighter (or others): Kali?
  228. Attention: Jaguar Wong
  229. my best friend blew his ******* head off . ..
  230. Soke Doke
  231. Something lacking?
  232. Weights on your testicles and/or iron crotch
  233. Sony Digital Camcorder 4 sale.
  234. Cold Water
  235. Why HardcoreJKD.com?
  236. A MA must have at rock rock bottom price of $3.00
  237. Dynasty warriors 2 and those fuggin cool samurai games
  238. Had dinner with Ajahn Kevin Philavanh last night.
  239. Bruce Leroy
  240. strikes to the jaw
  241. 100 complimentary paired classifications of fighting...
  242. Mr. Nemo is always first with Tyson vs. Nielson results
  243. What is the pheonix eye fist?
  244. ATTN African Tiger
  245. Drunkin master 2
  246. Elbow Smashes in Sparring
  247. White Lotus
  248. ATTN RYU
  249. Attn: All of my alter-egos and aliases
  250. Bad Ass Brazilian Jiujitsu