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  1. Choy lee fut history: Cheung hung sing - founder of the hung sing choy lee fut style (0 replies)
  2. The three families of Choy Lee Fut by Sifu Frank (0 replies)
  3. A look into the life of Chan Heung by Sifu Frank (0 replies)
  4. Possible true history of Choy Lee Fut by the late Lun Chee, a student of Tam Sam. (2 replies)
  5. Tam Sam, Founder of Buk Sing Choy Lee Fut - a small look into his life (0 replies)
  6. A small look at Cheung Hung Sing, Founder of the Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut style (17 replies)
  7. Purposeful misleading the people in king mui (0 replies)
  8. Been a while ... Heres a new Hung Gar vid (4 replies)
  9. The deep rooted connection between the hung mun and choy lee fut kung fu (0 replies)
  10. Sifu Frank's definition on what martial arts forms really are (3 replies)
  11. RIP GM Buck Sam Kong (1 replies)
  12. HONG KUEN 1992 Hong Kong Parts One and Two (2 replies)
  13. Seattle Kung Fu Club’s Diamond Anniversary (3 replies)
  14. RIP GM Mai Yu Qiang (2 replies)
  15. Practicing KUNG FU and other martial arts is SATANIC - according to the HOLY ROLLERS (0 replies)
  16. Can kung fu fight? (3 replies)
  17. RIP GM Chiu Wai (3 replies)
  18. Onassis Parungao going to be in Raleigh, NC April, 2023 (3 replies)
  19. Hung Sing CLF vs Muay Thai (6 replies)
  20. The green grass monk - a hung mun painting of cheung hung sing's master (0 replies)
  21. Hung Sing Kwoon comes to Ohio (0 replies)
  22. Sifu Frank's words of wisdom: (1 replies)
  23. Can "traditional Kung Fu" fight? YES WE CAN!!!! (0 replies)
  24. Hung Sing Fut Gar Fight Team new Shirt Design by sifu frank (2 replies)
  25. Other styles that use sau chui? (2 replies)
  26. White Crane book (0 replies)
  27. Choy lee fut's connection to the hung mun secret society by sifu frank mc. (3 replies)
  28. CLF Origin of Form Names (24 replies)
  29. Postures of Qiniang Fang Fujian White Crane: #1. (1 replies)
  30. The lack of Historical Documentation coming from Cheung Hung Sing (CLF Co-founder) (0 replies)
  31. Cheung Hung Sing and the intentiol spread of misinformation by bitter rivals (0 replies)
  32. Hakka Concepts (0 replies)
  33. The "Hung Sing" name of Choy Lee Fut Gung Fu - by Sifu Frank of the Hung Sing Kwoon (0 replies)
  34. Controversial Viewpoint for Discussion (1 replies)
  35. WingsFlix Free Worldwide Crane Law Online Learning Village (Updated link) (0 replies)
  36. A martial arts revolution! Free online worldwide white crane kung fu learning village (0 replies)
  37. 2019 Marks the 80th anniversary of the American Hung Sing Kwoon in SF (2 replies)
  38. 50th Anniversary celebration of Lee Koon Hung Kung Fu (9 replies)
  39. How can CLF forms from different lineages look so different? (2 replies)
  40. Rare Picture of Jing Mo's Hou Yuan Jia (3 replies)
  41. RIP Grandmaster Vince Lacey (4 replies)
  42. Taizu Quan Interview (0 replies)
  43. Mok-Ka (2 replies)
  44. Hakka Kung Fu - Liu Jia Jiao (2 replies)
  45. The 3rd Hung Kuen Competition. Nov 17-18 2018 (0 replies)
  46. RIP Vincent Tarozzi (1 replies)
  47. FREE White Crane Training! (1 replies)
  48. 2nd USDLDF National Dragon and Lion Dance Championships (0 replies)
  49. Southern Monkey Kungfu Martial Arts Douwe Geluk (3 replies)
  50. North/south tcma fusion (4 replies)
  51. Wikipedia falsehood information on choy lee fut (3 replies)
  52. Kung Fu Frauds: It's really a thing. (9 replies)
  53. Ng Ying Kungfu, Five Animal Kungfu, Ng Ying Kuen (9 replies)
  54. Info on a Choy Lay Fut teacher? (2 replies)
  55. Challenge Match! MMA vs. Wing Chun [Video] (1 replies)
  56. Dragon and Lion Dance Competition - May 25-27, 2018 (0 replies)
  57. Year of the Dog - Top Dog Championship (8 replies)
  58. Diu Ma Chun La/Na (3 replies)
  59. Emei kung fu is it in Bak Mei kung fu ? (3 replies)
  60. Official sucessor (1 replies)
  61. Origin of this form??? (6 replies)
  62. Lion Repair Workshop! (0 replies)
  63. Grandmaster John S.S. Leong 80th Birthday Celebration (2 replies)
  64. Bak Mei demo at Atlantic City New Jersey Wing Chun Convention (0 replies)
  65. Looking for Info on a Win Chun and White Crane Sifus in my Area (5 replies)
  66. Y.C. Wong Kung Fu Studio 50th Anniversary Celebration (2 replies)
  67. Ngor Mai Shaolin and Pak Mei kung fu ? (4 replies)
  68. Lion Dance in America? (2 replies)
  69. Gung Li Kun form ? (1 replies)
  70. White Crane ... (6 replies)
  71. Is Bok Fui Pai White Tiger kung fu a Real system ? (10 replies)
  72. Ten Thousand Elephants Fist Short Range Fighting Seminar (0 replies)
  73. Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut 1968 Performance San Francisco "Kenneth Wong" Elephant Fist (1 replies)
  74. Movements in Gung Gee Fook Fu written in Chinese (3 replies)
  75. Hung Gar's "Bench Form" (7 replies)
  76. Of interest? (0 replies)
  77. Anyone else here do Bak Mei? (0 replies)
  78. For all Mantis Practitioners & Enthusiasts, "The Mantis Gathering Los Angeles 2017" (0 replies)
  79. Choy Lee Fut- Futsan Sup Ji, Sup Ji Mui Fa (4 replies)
  80. Southern Mantis Press news Winter 2016/2017 (0 replies)
  81. Daoism (12 replies)
  82. Shaw Brother Museum in Mexico being build. (3 replies)
  83. Grand Master Dino Salvatera demo'ing Hung Sing Kuen Techniques (0 replies)
  84. Cheung Hung Sing - mini documentary (4 replies)
  85. 5 Generations of USA Hung Sing Kwoon (0 replies)
  86. The Martial Man (2 replies)
  87. Any southern crane practitioners here? (15 replies)
  88. Real knife fight with kung fu (5 replies)
  89. twin beaks (3 replies)
  90. Fujian Yong Chun Crane Style Kungfu (12 replies)
  91. Hong Kong Kung Fu Inheritor - Southern Praying Mantis (3 replies)
  92. Southern Pole and Staff weapons Systems ? (0 replies)
  93. Lo Meng teaching Southern Mantis in Mexico. (0 replies)
  94. Alexander Fu Sheng CLF pics (13 replies)
  95. What styles make the "HISSSSS" sound of the snake? (3 replies)
  96. For Sifu Frank and anyone else from Lau Bun Hung Sing- Questions on Jo Yau Biu Sei (9 replies)
  97. RIP Li Hon Ki (0 replies)
  98. Four Gates / SiMen Quan (9 replies)
  99. Iron Thread (15 replies)
  100. Ming Dynasty Kung Fu ? (6 replies)
  101. GM Ho Ngau of Choy Lee Fut (7 replies)
  102. Low Fo Shan Mountain in Canton Kwangtung Province China ? (2 replies)
  103. Cat snake crane hung gar form (1 replies)
  104. Half Hillock, Half Crane (5 replies)
  105. Kung Fu Elbow ? (14 replies)
  106. Ngo Chor (13 replies)
  107. White Crane- CLF- I liked this. Seems a guy who knows is stuff. (4 replies)
  108. Another loss in the Choy Lee Fut fraternity (4 replies)
  109. Chan Sau Ching TSPK book (1 replies)
  110. Bak Mei Torque Power Video (5 replies)
  111. TBT 20 years ago - my first tournament. (2 replies)
  112. Bak Mei (0 replies)
  113. New Southern Arts Web Pages (0 replies)
  114. Emie Kung fu Bai Yun and Bak Mei (2 replies)
  115. Hung Ga and cross Training (29 replies)
  116. 方七娘手 (7 replies)
  117. When People Think of the most Dangerous Style of Kung Fu is it Pak Mei ? (3 replies)
  118. Interview of Grand Master Dino Salvatera on The Bo Luellen Show (4 replies)
  119. Southern Feet, Northern Hands (5 replies)
  120. New DVD: Fang Qiniang Shou (2 replies)
  121. Pak Mei Wooden Dummy Form Old Video (1 replies)
  122. What is Five Shape Boxing Wu Xing Quan ? (1 replies)
  123. Pak Mei Website (4 replies)
  124. Mok Ga Documentary (4 replies)
  125. General Kwan (2 replies)
  126. Passing of a Master! (15 replies)
  127. Professor Lau Bun mini documentary (4 replies)
  128. My schools new T Shirt Design (2 replies)
  129. Where to purchase Twin metal Tiger Head Shields? (6 replies)
  130. Lama Kung Fu: Where? (8 replies)
  131. New Web Site (0 replies)
  132. Rest in peace (5 replies)
  133. Using Soft to Overcome Hard (3 replies)
  134. Fierce Tiger Descends Mountain 猛虎下山 (1 replies)
  135. White Crane Eye Attacks (4 replies)
  136. Bas Rutten demonstrating a Choy Lee Fut Sow Choy technique!!!! (40 replies)
  137. Passing of Bak Mei sifu Kwong Man Fong (4 replies)
  138. Choy Lee Fut-- something for everyone? (4 replies)
  139. what style is this? (25 replies)
  140. Hung Kuen doc/interview iwth Wong Chung Man Sifu (0 replies)
  141. 2014 Huang Feihong 1st World’s Cup International Hung Kuen Competition, Xiqiao, China (0 replies)
  142. Atlanta Kung Fu and Sanda Center? (3 replies)
  143. Is anyone familiar with this lineage of Bak Mei? (1 replies)
  144. Butterfly Sword (2 replies)
  145. "Wings of Tradition" Blog ... All Things white Crane! (0 replies)
  146. Hung Gar & Choy Li Fut (5 replies)
  147. BadAss DragonForm (14 replies)
  148. Choy Lei Fut KOs Muay Thai Champ (8 replies)
  149. The audio version of "book of five rings" (0 replies)
  150. Cheung Hung Sing: Founder of Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu (171 replies)
  151. Masters of Choy Lee Fut (31 replies)
  152. Vietmanese Tiger Kung Fu (2 replies)
  153. Recently discovered boxer rebellion reveals a new picture of chan ngau sing (86 replies)
  154. Original Choy Lay Fut ? (3 replies)
  155. The original forerunners of Chinese Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) (6 replies)
  156. Choy Lee Fut dominates WING CHUN (0 replies)
  157. 2014全港國術擂台邀請賽 (2014 choy lee fut invitational) matches (0 replies)
  158. Chop Socky Kung Fu ? (1 replies)
  159. VIDEO: Short bio's of Masters of Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu (2 replies)
  160. Jook Lum SPM Harmonious Spring drill (1 replies)
  161. Hung Jia Form (3 replies)
  162. Fut Gar (13 replies)
  163. Latest Project (2 replies)
  164. Animation of Historical events involving the Fut San Hung Sing Kwoon in the past (0 replies)
  165. Cheung Hung Sing gets BUSTED (1 replies)
  166. Quentin Fong Northern White Crane (3 replies)
  167. The Bapai Mountain of Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut and Hung Fut history (1 replies)
  168. Who sent Cheung Yim to the city of Fut San? (0 replies)
  169. help with Australasian Fighting Arts Article Scan SPM (3 replies)
  170. RIP master Tsui Kwong Yuen..... (1 replies)
  171. Hung sing word play (0 replies)
  172. hung Gar takedowns (0 replies)
  173. Any Houston-based SPM Folks Out There? (0 replies)
  174. Pak Mei Tiger Fork Book By Ng Yiu For Sale (0 replies)
  175. tiger crane complete set with 76 (11 replies)
  176. My first attempt at mini documtary.... Cheung Yim and the "Hung Sing" (洪勝 / 鴻勝) name (5 replies)
  177. Choy Lee Fut does not own the Hung Sing name (5 replies)
  178. Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut IS a Hung "(洪)" Family fighting method (13 replies)
  179. From Victory to the Hung 洪勝 to Great Victory 鸿勝 (104 replies)
  180. Drunken master vs Pankration (7 replies)
  181. GETHIN David Williams (0 replies)
  182. Chan Tai San students want to clear the record.... (17 replies)
  183. "The Way Forward" .... Open for discussion: (0 replies)
  184. Could fujian white crane sifu help? (11 replies)
  185. Body Feel (3 replies)
  186. More applications vids from TenTigers (2 replies)
  187. Emie Kung Fu (0 replies)
  188. Emei White Dragon Boxing (0 replies)
  189. Does this Emei Kung Fu work or is it a Joke ? (5 replies)
  190. Gong Sau: Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut vs Judo-Kick boxer (10 replies)
  191. Video of Emei Crippled Kung fu (0 replies)
  192. Interestring notes (16 replies)
  193. Draggon Kung Fu from Fukien Province China (2 replies)
  194. Hung Kuen Lung Ying (2 replies)
  195. At the bottom of this Website it says that this is a picture of Wong Fei (2 replies)
  196. Choy Lee Fut Documentary (1 replies)
  197. Street CLF videos. (7 replies)
  198. Bak Mei Fundamentals Techniques from old man (0 replies)
  199. Li Ga Gao Southern Mantis and Pak Mei Sister Art (5 replies)
  200. What are the "9 poison hands" of Hung Ga? (6 replies)
  201. Connect to attack: Choose angle (When & Which Angle?) (17 replies)
  202. Uploaded a video of Chiu Wai Sifu (5 replies)
  203. Does Choy Li Fut place more emphasis on the cross leg/scissor stance than Hung Ga? (5 replies)
  204. Preview of Forthcoming DVD Sup Jee Kuen (0 replies)
  205. Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut Gum Sam Branch Dat Mo Kuen (2 replies)
  206. eLion Dance - a parody by NYHG (2 replies)
  207. Bak Mei in Texas (3 replies)
  208. A sampling of skills as taught by Grandmaster Salvatera and presented by Troy Dunwood (0 replies)
  209. Long Arm Drill? (2 replies)
  210. Choy Lay fut Interviews (6 replies)
  211. Name this Hung Gar Form? (4 replies)
  212. bak mei video (18 replies)
  213. Need someone who can help me (10 replies)
  214. World Choy Lee Fat Invitational (0 replies)
  215. World Choy Lee Fut Invitational Tournament 2013: 59 yr old Fighter (0 replies)
  216. How is this technique supposed to be used???? (33 replies)
  217. Chee Kim Thong and Liu Wu Song of Wuzuquan's monkey lineage in Taiwan (2 replies)
  218. Yee's Hung Ga- Ng Long Baat Gwa Gwun Origins (0 replies)
  219. Congrats to my student (24 replies)
  220. White Crane Kung Fu in Oz (5 replies)
  221. Master Lin Yuan Dun in Action (23 replies)
  222. Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut (24 replies)
  223. Bridging Theories of Southern CMA (8 replies)
  224. Comparison of Hung Gar's Iron Wire Form Across Different Lineages (7 replies)
  225. Bak Hok/Hap Gar/Long/Short (15 replies)
  226. White Crane Gongfu Web Site (8 replies)
  227. R.I.P. Chan Hak Fu, 1918-1913 (8 replies)
  228. "New" Hung Kuen Book. (9 replies)
  229. Bruce lee and choy lee fut (15 replies)
  230. Just in case you haven't been told... (2 replies)
  231. Does anyone know which white crane style this is? (2 replies)
  232. white crane stepping chart (20 replies)
  233. Interesting White Crane Clip (7 replies)
  234. SPM in D.C. (0 replies)
  235. Lee Koon Hung's Fu Mei Daan Dou (27 replies)
  236. Seattle Kung Fu Club 50th Anniversary Celebration - Grandmaster John S.S. Leong (1 replies)
  237. CLF in Pittsburgh, PA (1 replies)
  238. RIP Great Master Lau Kar Leung (23 replies)
  239. CLF same as Lama/Hop Ga/Ba Hok (17 replies)
  240. The Flying Dragon Tiger Gate System (5 replies)
  241. Weapons in Jook Lum SPM? (15 replies)
  242. 5 aminals 5 emelents (4 replies)
  243. Some Footage (5 replies)
  244. Forms of Hung Fut? 10 animals? (34 replies)
  245. Check it out: Hung Gar Iron Wire Set short movie. (10 replies)
  246. Hong Jia Nei Gong (洪家內功) (6 replies)
  247. Yee Hung Gar "Jumping the Shark" (5 replies)
  248. Choy Lay Fut - Lao Sing Choy? (14 replies)
  249. uhhhhhhhh NO!!!!!!!! (44 replies)
  250. Mok Ga Kuen (0 replies)