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02-20-2002, 10:21 PM
We suck eh? Wheres sweden now Kristoffer?
Who's next?? ;)

Mister Hansome
02-20-2002, 10:49 PM
Who is still in the tournament? CANADA!!!
Who beat Finland? CANADA!!!
Who sucks now? You can answer that one!!!

People doubted Canada, but early in the game Canada lacked teamwork and flow. Sweden beat Canada? Big Deal. Canada Beat Germany? Big Deal. Canada Tied Czech? Big Deal, this was when Canada wan't hyped up and wasn't organized.

If you watched todays game you will know what the truth is.
CANADA+OLYPICS=GOLD MEDAL. Canada now has flow, and now has power, speed and teamwork. If you saw the skill and the sacrifice it was an great game. Pronger knew he would have been driven into the boards and get a big blow and need a couple dozen stitches but he sacrificed for the team. Foot must have blocked 5 shots. CANADA=SKILL!!! Everyone in the tournament has skill so when i said that Canada has skill it doesn't mean that only Canada has skill, it just that that must have been the BEST performance in hockey so far.


02-20-2002, 11:01 PM
ya, what that guy said!!!

02-20-2002, 11:04 PM

02-21-2002, 12:36 AM
This is a scandal! How the f*ck could well paid Swedes lose to those semi professional in Belarus. We had Sundin, Näslund, Salo, Lidstrom, Alfie, etc. The guys thought they could just put their skates out on the ice and we would be in the semi final facing Canada or Finland. I'm so f*cking disapointed... I feel like thrashing my cubicle at work and punch out every single guy that makes the mistake of mentioning this fiasco.


Four years to the next olympics... REVENGE....


02-21-2002, 02:22 AM
I would imagine that kristoffer is hiding in a cave with osama, seeing how his team lost to BELARUS. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
*takes a breath*
Ok I'm done.
Guess I wasn't...What was I laughing at again? Oh yeah, bela-

02-21-2002, 05:59 AM
Finland vs Canada was a good game with a lot of drive. Canada was just pretty unpenetrable. And Pronger .. well, I think he was retaliated on by Selänne after that one player (can't recall his name -- it's a weird one) was harassing Selänne (you rarely see Selänne ****ed off or giving out much tackles). It was very much NHL type hockey. The referee didn't give many penalties in the third period even though maybe he should have.

But a good one for Canada. That team is so deep in talent and skill that it's almosy unbelievable. I'm hoping for a Russia vs Canada final, to see some excellen hockey.

Oh ****. But I had a bad feeling about this from the start. Something about the Finnish squad just wasn't right. Oh well, there's always the World Cup coming up ..

02-21-2002, 06:02 AM
Hockey is brass anyway.

black and blue
02-21-2002, 06:14 AM
Darn Canadians, silly flag, silly sayings, thank f*uck we, the superior Brits, beat you in the curling-thingy-with-brushes.

It's abooot time, anyways, eh?, that you guys lost a hockey game. So... so Finland will have revenge, oh yes!


One day the Brits will put a 'real' hockey team together and take the world by storm... just as soon as we figure out how to take the game off the grass.


02-21-2002, 06:20 AM
Man, Pronger took a beating in that game. Great game, though---I thought Finland was going to tie it up with the pressure they put on in the last 10 minutes.

I'm still holding a grudge against Team Canada for leaving Joe Thornton off the roster, though :(

Rolling Elbow
02-21-2002, 11:07 AM
Finland played great, we played just that much better...the last 10 minutes belonged to Finland but man, Jovanoski and Pronger really made the defensive difference. Who says we can't play? American's a little over too confident? The media really should watch what it says..preliminary rounds mean jack...it is the elimination rounds that make the difference!

Sweden was clearly the better team out there against Belarus...maybe they were tired, maybe too over confident. I don't buy the laid back attitude, they looked like they were trying. It just didn't work out and to me, it means very little..Sweden has a freakin incredible team, to lose was a fluke. I think maybe Belarus adopted quickly to the "torpedo" line up and they played a strong game defensively...s&*t happens, Swedes still kick ass in hockey.....(Alfredsson please play like that in ottawa....Sundin, please repeat performance in TO). It is the &*^%$## czechs that have the attitude...them and TEAM USA lol...sorry guys, that is how it is. USA wants to match the toughness, Czechs think we can't skate....and the russians? Well.., we'll set em straight!!!!

I love Hockey banter.....realistically though...Czechs, Swedes, Finns, USA,CAnada, russia...they all have potential to win at any given time. Watch for Slovakia in the near future as well. Its great for hockey, i love knowing we have to really play to win!

SanShou Guru
02-21-2002, 11:27 AM
Lets see;

US 6 FIN 0

US 2 RUS 2

US 8 BLR 1

Elimination So Far:
US 5 GER 0

US scored 21 let in 3
CAN scored 10 let in 11

You guys are as lucky as the Australian Short track skater that won the gold by being so far behind he avoided the crash. No wonder Gretzky was ****ed. I would hope for a RUS victory then a bus crash if you are going to win this one. I'm hoping for a US CAN final. That would be sweet. Like a NHL allstar game that really means something.

Of course the US and CAN go in women's hockey tonight. Now that is a going to be a close game.

(sorry I try not to talk smack but it could not resist).

02-21-2002, 01:57 PM
the daily probe (dailyprobe.com) reported this week that canadians were "ootraged" at the way things have been handled, especially with the figure skating.


norther practitioner
02-21-2002, 02:29 PM
Yeah, I would love to see US v Can. in the finals......
on a side note, the US has a chance to catch Germany in the overall medal standings

Mister Hansome
02-21-2002, 05:11 PM
What are you saying? Are you saying Canada's hockey team won through luck? Did you even watch that game? If you didn't watch that game then you know NOTHING about skill. It was close and the score lead wasn't nice, but the skill was INCREDIBLE. Your probably just those number geeks who only knows how to look at numbers and see the statistics. You know what, most statistics are wrong, and the rest are just inconclusive. You can't determine if Canada will win or not through their past games, you should do that on how they are doing NOW. You judge, judging isn't the smartest thing to do, that's why lawyers and judges have no friends.

Mister Hansome
02-21-2002, 05:15 PM
And i think that that USA vs. Russia game will be HISTORICAL. But i hope that america can win. Why? So they can face Canada in the final and it can be an all north american rival game. BUT, it would also be nice if it was Canada vs. Russia at the end too, an old rivalry started during the cold war. Sweet either way, this is embedded into Olympic HISTORY.

(all in good sport)

02-21-2002, 08:28 PM
Candadian WOmen won Gold and so are the MEN!!!!!!!!!

02-21-2002, 08:59 PM
Yeah sanshou, you can't possibly rely on numbers after that horrible sweed vs belarus upset.

02-22-2002, 05:28 AM
jeeezus.. :( I can't ****ing beleive what happened.. Salo tryed to head butt the puck, good job man :rolleyes:

weeeell,, U'm kiiiinda over it now.. Almost.. not.. sorta, anyway,

After the game I went totaly berserk. Beat the crap otta my brother, kicked his pal.. Kicked my tv (it's broken now god ****it). Punched my computer so that It was damaged.. Punched my door.. Throwed a 8 kg weight in the wall so that it cracked.. Ripped a shirt and cursing like a madman ....... :D But Im over it now.. yup

02-22-2002, 05:30 AM
u should see my room.. :D

02-23-2002, 03:59 AM
Normaly I would call you a jack@ss with no self control, but I think I'd do the exact same thing. I'd probably take it a step further and send wayne gretzky a letter addressed from Mrs. Anne Thrax. :D
I couldn't help but feel nervous that we'd do the same thing in this afternoon's game, but we didn't choke and won the game 7-1 :D
Hey, did anyone watch the USA woman's team whinning about losing? They were all pouting and crying at the medal cerimony! Poor babies :rolleyes:

Now to address another Olympic travesty, did anyone watch curling? We didn't win a single gold! Our women, who were undefeated all the way up to the semi's lost to the freakin UK. Then our men lost to a team whom they absolutely dominated in the round robin, simply because the last rock feather-touched the norway's guard. Curling is the real game of inches.