View Full Version : Mystified by the Dao?

Daniel Madar
02-23-2002, 07:45 AM
I just wanted to share this. I particularly enjoyed the explanation of the difference between daoist philosophy vs religion.

Lotsa Dao (http://www.eng.taoism.org.hk/)

02-23-2002, 12:10 PM
I just want to share one of my favorite mantras..

Worship nothing.. yet, maintain a sacred reverence for ALL things..

If i were forced to choose a single philosophy to live by, it would be Taoist .. (they just make "natural" sense..).. not to be confused with religious Taoism..

02-24-2002, 04:45 AM
Very nice!

Ray Pina
02-25-2002, 08:05 AM
We are all in the Doa -- religion just tries to explain it, name it.

My favorite Koan (actaully Buddhist):

A man was asked why he doesn't read the scriptures. His reply:

"See the moon over there," he said pointing.


"Well, you see, my finger points to the moon, but it is not the moon. The scriptures point to the truth, but they are not the truth.

"Just as you do not need my finger to see the moon, you do not need the scirptures to see the truth."

AMEN! I love that. ( I notice the contradiction of the amen too).