View Full Version : A whole lotta talent in one ring

Mr. Nemo
02-23-2002, 12:46 PM
Cut and paste, the html buttons don't seem to be working:

EDITED: It is now a link.


Left to right: Carlos Newton, Heath Herring, Ken Shamrock, Alex Steibling (I think), Enson Inoue, Kiyoshi Tamura, "Obake" Catalfo, some announcer guy, Vanderlei Silva (I can't see who that is behind him), "Minotauro" Nogeuira, Wallid Ismael, Don Frye, Daijiro Matsui, Igor Vovchanchyn, "Pele" Landi.

I don't see Rodrigo Gracie in the picture, or Tom Erikson. Erikson might be the guy behind Silva, but he looks too short. All these guys are fighting in the upcoming Pride card, to air on sunday. It's one of the best fighter lineups MMA has even seen.

02-23-2002, 12:52 PM
Pretty sure taht Erickson behind Silva, picture is taken at an upwards angle so the guys behind prolly look smaller.

ALso notice Ken Shamrock still seems upset from the scruffle the two of them got itno.

AND DONT POST PRIDE RESULTS HERE !! :) Not until after sunday at least, gonna try and get it on mpg on monday and watch pride for the first time without knowing the results.

Yung Apprentice
02-23-2002, 01:37 PM
I would like to see it too. But I never see the advertisements like I do the UFC matches. How would I go about looking into this? Also is there a pride website?

02-23-2002, 01:58 PM
The brazilians will win all fights

02-23-2002, 02:20 PM
well Yung it will be shown "Live" for the first time ever (live means 18 hour tape delay, normally it's 2-4 weeks delay). It's always live in Japan of cours but this is the first live one in USA, should be on cable and stuff.

i think www.pridefc.com has some info on the PPV (i cant get it though so .. :) )

Mr. Nemo
02-23-2002, 02:23 PM
Silva and Nogueira will win their fights, Pele will probably win his, but I think Steibling will beat Wallid.

Pride's website is www.pridefc.com

Qeysus, where can you get pride on mpeg?

02-23-2002, 03:20 PM
Usually get it from someone on irc that has an fserver going, on dalnet. Takes forever to download though (and the queues are a *****).

But i got pride 1,2,3,4,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 and hopefully 19 soon on mpg, i also got Inoke Bom Ba Ye (just got it), the machado DVD, a bas rutten instructional, Choke (rickson gracie), all the sherdog videos, ultimate brazil and a handful of clips and full fights from misc events.

I watch it all regularly too :) Just rewatched Pride 15 the other day, if you do watch Pride tomorrow, follow closely how the announcer pronounces Wallid Ismail (if he does it the same way as against Shungo Oyama).

Mr. Nemo
02-23-2002, 04:24 PM
Going by the fact that Heath Herring is "Heeth Heelingsan!" to the japanese, I'd guess that Wallid is probably "Wareeeeed Ismaiiiiiieeellll!"

Where is this place on dalnet?

02-23-2002, 07:37 PM
join #ultimate-fighting

Mr. Nemo
02-27-2002, 08:16 PM
I tried joining that room, but I was the only one there...are you sure it's on dalnet?

02-28-2002, 03:01 PM
Ahh no it's not dalnet it's efnet (forgot to say that). I'm finishing downloading the Frye VS Shamrock match, seen all the others. GREAT Pride, i was surprised at the announcing though, they pronounced tha names pretty right this time, maybe the pronounced it wrong unpurpose to make it sound japanese, so now when it's in USA as well they pronounce it right.

You can use the server irc.homelien.no if no other server lets you in.

Btw sorry it took so long to reply, i saw this post up and i didnt know the results, was afraid you were posting results, now i know them all so i checked the thread :)

02-28-2002, 03:35 PM
ok i just read my post i accidently said dalnet, i meant efnet, just use the irc.homelien.no server it lets everyone in. Sorry'bout that.