View Full Version : Couple of good things on this highlight clip

02-24-2002, 05:39 AM
The following SHOULD be the address for the Royce Gracie Highlight clip at Sherdog.


Now, the purpose of this clip isn't to watch Royce doing his thing, I just wanted to point out a couple of things that were shown spectacularly well in two of his fights. You don't have to like the event or the opponents, or Royce to catch the meaning, so calm down!!! :D

Royce vs Miniko Ichihara, at 1:03 into the clip. Royce follows the kick in for the take down, and achieves side mount. On the way down, Royce ensures that his face is turned away and tucked in tight to the side of Ichihara's body. That's good because Ichihara starts unloading elbows to the back of Royce's head. If he had landed with his face the other way....

I realize that turning your head seems like common sense, but there are so many little details like that that we all screw up day in and day out... I thought it was one of those "devil's in the details," kind of things that can be the difference between winning and losing.

The next is at 1:43 into the clip Royce vs. Pat Smith. Now, Pat Smith was always listed as TKD, but I've seen a couple of his fights and he seems to like to use knees a lot on the inside. What I liked about this was that once the clinch was obtained, Royce kept his hips in tight to jam Pat Smith up completely. Just a really good application of the principle of shutting down space... it's another one of those devil's in the details bits.

Like I said--don't have to like him, the opponents, the event, or the style, but I think we can all appreciate the small things he did right (per his personal combat style) that really made a difference.

02-24-2002, 09:37 PM
I like the simplicity of ROYCE attack...the truth is he was a pioneer who help introduce grappling in the martial art fold once again.