View Full Version : kung fu politics

KC Elbows
02-25-2002, 03:56 PM
I've noticed over time that a few major style's reps practice some heavy handed politics. It seems like there are constant challenges, followed by backpedalling because of differing levels within the system between the challenger and the challenged, plus an overemphasis on the infalibility of the teacher, and more.

It seems to me that this is really bad politics, that these sorts of things appear repulsive to the outsider and deter serious students from joining such schools.

Is this the general consensus, or do a lot of you guys feel such practices are in some way important to these arts?

02-25-2002, 05:18 PM
I think its the general concensus

02-25-2002, 05:18 PM
Wow you read my mind I was going to post something simliar about politics too:eek:

02-25-2002, 05:45 PM
I would venture that although very annoying its kinda natural.
MA familys particualy traditional ones are often set up almost like miniture govenments. Including rank, opposing 'partys' and they often include terms upon which one may speak to [challenge] a senior. This is just tradition, some like to hold on to it as its part of the system and how they where taught, some are fine to let it go.

Just like govenment when there are several 'powers' all trying to put forward there take on the current situation this will lead to mudslinging and insults amoungst the higher levels.
No its not fun to watch but i think it is natural in some ways.

What is a real shame is when private politics are forced into public and im sure we all know what im refering to here.
If people have read though the entire arguement they proberly know my position on this already.
Politics should be kept behind closed doors, it does nothing to 'advertise' the styles and more often than not if done publicly its a detriment to basicaly everyone involved.
No one LIKES to play this game but there are some who are forced...
If its part of your culture and the promices you have made you cannot sit back whilst another takes pot shots at your linage and teachers in public. Its a catch 22, no one wants to fight in public but sometimes its forced.
For many including myself if you publicly insult my linage or teachers im pretty much forced by moral to respond. If you insult me personaly i will just do my best to laugh it off.
Structured debate between various partys in martial arts is nothing but a bonus.
Public mudslinging of various practioners within the same system, thats simply a pain in the ass!