View Full Version : OT: Interesting ?

02-25-2002, 06:41 PM

How can this appalling neglect persist in the face of a discovery of such unparalleled magnitude? At the risk of accusations of paranoia, one might conclude that a real conspiracy of managed information dominates America’s well-springs of public knowledge. Frank Joseph - “Ancient American”


Estimates for an age are 4,500 years old. Hausdorf mentions the diaries of two Australian traders who, in 1912, met an old Buddhist monk who told them these pyramids are mentioned in the 5,000 year old records of his monastery as being "very old."

Hausdorf reports: There are over 100 pyramids, made of clay, that have become nearly stone hard over the centuries. Many are damaged by erosion or farming. One pyramid is as large as the Pyramid of the Sun of Teotihuacan in Mexico (which is as large as the Great Pyramid of Giza). Most are flat topped, some have small temples on top. There is a stone pyramid in Shandong, about 50 feet tall. Some incorporate the golden proportion.


Of course, there will be two schools of thought here, ones who believe, and the others ones who dont believe.

For non believers
Where did these images come from ? Photochopped ?
Or if you believe that they do exists but are built by humans in this lifetime, when and why, what for ?

For believers
Why does the press seem to cover it up ? Why arent you guys going nuts over these discoveries ?


I hope this brings good discussions as opposed to bad ones. At the least, I wanted to share some things that I thought was very interesting.

Thanks peeps :)

02-25-2002, 07:12 PM
Hi, prana --

I've read about the Japanese pyramids before (can't remember the name of the book -- it included ancient sites in China). They also got a nod on TV, I think either Discovery or Travel Channel, one of those "weird places" specials.

I don't know about a conspiracy to cover up these findings -- at least, not an American one. Sometimes science gets sidetracked by 1) lack of government/private funding and/or 2) producers looking for ratings, not hard science. Also, scientists seem very cautious these days about sounding sensationalistic.

For example, archaeologists spent 10 years excavating a Civil War site near my mom's home; only a few people even knew they were working there. They wanted to keep souvenir collectors away and preserve the site's integrity, also funding was an issue.

(BTW, I was able to visit the site before it opened to the public; there were some powerful energies there, but they seem to have dissipated since the crowds started visiting. A little hard to describe -- I'm not a "believer" as you say, but just felt something.)


02-25-2002, 07:13 PM
oh, my god, they found sedimentary rock formations under the sea!!!!!!


I am not impressed, especially by that las energy grid site. They have hexigon shaped rock formation in Ireland. The ancients said that giants made them, scientists know its a natural formation.

Sequoia tree fall apart in what look to be boards, it doesn't mean that finding "boards" in the forest is from human hands.

lines occur in nature, blocking occurs in nature. Cracked rocks in the pacific circle of fire isn't an amazing revalation either. Waves of underground earthquake can break rock uniformly.

If it is what does it tell us? That we know nothing of Human History, thats fine, that Ice man in the alps did that for me, he had a bronze axe a thousand years before the bronze age.

That everything that is was before? I read that in Ecclesiastes. There is nothing new under the Sun.

02-25-2002, 09:14 PM
I had never heard of the japanese thing or tibetan. I heard very little of the chinese ones.

I find it funny, and i mean "funny" in a bad way...

I do feel that someone, whoever that may be, is hidding something.
Who knows how much we could learn from such discoveries?
And now think who wouldnt want you to know? Who would like to keep it to himself/herself and never let you know?

I think there might be lot new under the sun.

02-25-2002, 09:39 PM
prana, the scientific community decided in the 1800's that Columbus discovered America and that was that. You have to remember this is America here, the mainstream hears about what a few people want them to know about and believe in. Most mainstream Americans decended from Europeans who thought they were God's gift to the world, literally. This was the conquerers attitude and it persists yet today, so anything that would say someone did it better or greater than the Europeans is still derided by many who were educated and built thier reputations on a Eurocentric worldview. Researchers are not able to find solid evidence for a lot of things it's an accumulation over time that changes opinion. So if you are at the beginning of a discovery and you say something unpopular you might have trouble finding funding or a job in your field for the next 50 years. Because dogma says something else and your opinion doesn't mean a whole lot if the majority of other researchers openly deride you.

02-25-2002, 10:06 PM
Yes Robbie... education is a giant conspiracy designed to indoctrinate you into the way the world is... your purpose in life will be not to upset the status quo by questioning established doctrine, so that the illuminati can continue to rule.

To learn more about this evil ploy, try the following website:

Illuminati information page (http://www.geocities.com/mzaneg/any2.html)

02-25-2002, 10:10 PM
"education is a giant conspiracy designed to indoctrinate you into the way the world is"
but what if I don't what to be indoctrinated into the way the world is 'from their point of view':p

02-25-2002, 10:16 PM
Then the illuminati will have you quietly removed.

Felipe Bido
02-25-2002, 10:36 PM
The archaeologist Graham Han**** has made interesting research in the japanese site, as well as other places. In his site (http://www.grahamhan****.com) you can check more pictures.

Felipe Bido
02-25-2002, 10:37 PM
Ah, the censors!

That's Hanc0ck