View Full Version : Hung Gar: what is "mo-ying gerk"...??

05-04-2001, 03:42 AM
I know "mo-ying gerk", or shadowless/invisible kicks are techniques of Hung Gar but I don't know what kind of kicks they're suppose to be.

A wing chun guy told me that "mo-ying gerk" can also be used to describe what wing chun kicks are suppose to be--which is quick, fast, low and below the waist kicks. Hence the connotation, invisible kicks. Is this "mo-ying gerk"? Or do Hung Gar do it differently?

Art T<HR Width="95%">"You fight like you train." --Motto, USN Fighter Weapon School (TOPGUN)

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05-04-2001, 09:58 AM
Was a proficent practiciner of Hung Gar.
He is a Bai Mei Sifu.
He teaches this "invisible kick"
I think it is a staple of any good southern system.

WT translation-Fast cutting bong-gerk with little or no shoulder drop combined with an upper gate
hand attack.

"One hand lies,one hand(or foot) tells the truth"
YQ Wong ;)

mo di kuen
05-04-2001, 04:39 PM
Mo-ying geuk(gerk) does mean "no-shadow kick" and refers to the kicks in Hung Gar and other styles which distract the opponents vision with the
hand(s) before kicking. Actually the great Wong Fei-Hung popularized this phrase, albeit not personally, but opponents said that he kicked so fast that his leg did not make a shadow on the ground. They just did not know that he had merely distracted them and was not literally that fast.

05-05-2001, 05:48 AM
Welcome to the forum neighbor!!
Well said.
Choy Lai Fut in Florence,thats interesting. :cool:

05-05-2001, 09:41 AM
I guess the kicks are faster than the eyes! If I remember correctly, I read in wing chun, or at least in Leung Ting's wing tsun, you can kick and strike at the same time.

mo di kuen,
If my Cantonese is any good, does your name="no-enemy fist"?

Art T<HR Width="97%">"You fight like you train." --Motto, USN Fighter Weapon School (TOPGUN)

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05-06-2001, 12:12 AM
Leung Ting's wing tsun, you can kick and strike at the same time

mo di kuen
05-06-2001, 08:59 PM
Art T

If I were using those characters as a reference yes you could say "no-enemy fist" but I am using two different characters to create the name "martial-truth fist".

"Boys fight, Men kill." - Doc-Fai Wong

05-07-2001, 02:51 AM
Mo-Ying Geurk is not so much a technique as it is a concept. It refers to a formless kick, meaning one that is felt before it is seen. This means deceptive, either by using fakes, feints, shielding techniques, or being able to kick from unusual angles, and or distances-in a nutshell.

05-07-2001, 09:07 AM
Ahhhh, the deadly WT all-the-weight-on-the-kicking-leg no shadow kick strike combination.

Shudder. I may not be able to sleep tonight.....

Turiyan, Brahmin caste, Ordos clan

The REAL taichi:

unclaimed effort
06-02-2001, 04:58 AM
Mo-ying gerk is basically the concept that wong fei hung was able to repeatedly kick fast enough so that it does not cast a shadow. :)

If two tigers fight, the result will be one injured tiger.

Stillness in stillness is not real stillness. Stillness in motion is real stillness.