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02-26-2002, 04:41 PM
What sort of drills or ideals are used in Wing Chun to develop speed?

02-26-2002, 06:10 PM
How do they train for speed in your Black Tiger style?

02-26-2002, 07:07 PM
Picture a rock at the end of a rope.

02-26-2002, 07:10 PM

02-26-2002, 11:19 PM
Iv'e never realy given much thought to my speed. IMO speed (in WC) come from relaxation, timeing and distance control (ie not moveing back, keeping elbows forward, and things like that.)

all of these are trained in Chi Sau.

02-27-2002, 01:27 AM
one day in my kwoon, we had a water leak from the ceiling in one of our rooms. as it leaked into the bucket, one of my sihings challenged me to punch and chamber before the water could reach my hand. i thought it would be easy (the ceiling is about 8 ft tall), but to my surprise, it was quite difficult @ first. it's difficult because u have to rely on ur eyes to send the message to ur brain, then ur brain to send the command to ur arm. the tell tale of failure is, of course, the water hitting ur arm. after i got used to it. i doubled up my punch. if ur fast enough, u can build up ur speed to multiple punches. i think to somehow simulate this is a good drill because the results would be obvious. jus my 2 cents. good luck!

02-27-2002, 08:41 PM
Good for you Count!!! (ever see count of montecristo);)

02-27-2002, 09:41 PM
do more punches :)


02-28-2002, 01:01 AM
and then punch some more.

02-28-2002, 12:14 PM
the secret to increasing punching speed.....hhhmm I don't know but my theory is it's all about relaxing between moves not to the point of your hands drop to your sides, but try to punch fast with a tense arm continuosly...hard and chances are you will burn out very quick. Do the same but relax drop the shoulders and lots of practice...

03-01-2002, 12:19 AM
be more cocnerend that your doing the right motion of the punch correctly..... if you got that down, then you'll understand that speed isn't that important in wing chun, but timing plays a greater roll

for example, you can run as fast as you want towards a door, but if its shut, you'll still crash into it. but if you use good timing and it opens at the right time and you go through, that's what counts...

03-10-2002, 07:47 PM
Every time you brush your teeth do 1,000 punches. This not only increases initial punching speed, but your aerobic punching aswell. Over time both will increase, because you are training your ATP-PC system, Lactic Acid and Aerobic systems of fitness. Just make sure the first lot are as fast as you can and after about 30 seconds when your ATP-PC system is 70% recovered, do it again. Then if 1,000 isn't enough for you, make it 2,000, 20,000, 100,000 whatever.

"the stronger you are, the stronger your opponent, I can't even defeat water" -Tai Chi Master

03-10-2002, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by zuxingpogi
Every time you brush your teeth do 1,000 punches.

So that's 1,000 punches per week, right?



03-12-2002, 04:53 AM
A good dentist says that you should brush your teeth 3 times per day. But for the purpose of training I think we should all do it more.
"there are always movements, even in stillness"-Tai Chi Master

Mr Punch
03-12-2002, 05:15 AM
Does all this mean you're only exercising one hand, or are you really pushing your coordination by standing on one leg at the same time and brushing your teeth with your foot?!

Man, some of you forum guys are hard as nails!!

03-12-2002, 07:19 AM
Okay if I thought it was going to be analysed that much, let me re-phrase what I said. You should do 1,000 punches just before or after you brush your teeth, therefore you don't forget to do them every day. Then if that becomes too easy for you progress and do more, I actually find myself that I set a standard limit because generally there is a time factor around the periods when you brush your teeth.
"nails have a limitation to their toughness, the human body does not"

Alpha Dog
03-12-2002, 07:26 AM
from what I have learned, focus on speed and you never learn control. if you learn control and can "own" your opponent, you can pummel him at your leisure.

03-12-2002, 08:14 AM
I think that both speed and technique control training are important when training in Wing Chun. When actually fighting, control of your technique and your opponent is vital, however speed is an additional bonus when say you have your opponents arm pinned, and you are on their blindside pummeling him/her with fast and furious attacks. Also technique's become faster when control becomes more natural. I find that after long periods of time your techniques seem slow but are actually going very fast for your opponent (this comes as your technique reaction becomes better and eventually almost to the point of second nature) , however if your movements are to fast for you to control and accurately percieve + take control of the situation, then slow yourself down, and keep training. Speed and control at the same time are one of many benefits from constant practice in martial arts training.
Speed however should never replace good technique it is simply a creature comfort that comes with time and practice. I don't see anything wrong with punching speed training however.

03-12-2002, 01:50 PM
When punching, please no forget moving and control the torso. Fast punches and other technique, like tan sau, bong sau, lap sau, kwan sau, jit sau, gan da, fuk sau, wu sau, biu sau. Many technique become very fast.

Alpha Dog
03-12-2002, 04:34 PM
in a fight. I've been told that you should always assume your opponent is better than you are -- in a fight, then, I'll go for the fast option first everytime.

training, however, is different. there I go for control. it's hard for me, because I instinctively want to go for the quick smackdown. To me, that says I am not master of my art, that my fear still controls me -- even in a controlled environment like Chi Sao. time and time again, partners with better CONTROL have demo'd me, not with lightning speed but by denying me an escape route.

when training, don't you think it's best to train what you're weakest at?

03-12-2002, 06:13 PM
I think that is the purpose of training the left side first in the Sil Lim Tao, to train what you are weakest at first. This is because majority of the worlds popualtion are right handed.