View Full Version : Size gains

02-27-2002, 06:00 AM
I guess i am quite strong for only 11 stone. But at the moment i want my muscles to be bigger. I want size gains to be my focus for a while. How should this affect the number of reps, sets, wieght, and resting time between sets?

At the moment i go heavy for only 8 reps or below. I am trying to take in lots of calories and protein but for the love of god i am so sick of tuna, and i can't afford 5 meals a day, tbh. I try to take in as much as possible but i rarely have the time to do so!

So to recap - i want size with less focus on strength or indurance at the moment.


Arhat of Fury
02-27-2002, 10:03 AM
Personally, I would stay with the reps you are at using 75% of your 1RM and make sure you are taking in more calories (proteins carbs&fats) than you were last month. The key to gaining size is consistency of eating this amount of food/calories everyday. It has to be done everyday, even one day will throw off your gains, maybe not by much but it will stunt your progress.

Take between 45 seconds and 1:30 rest, but dont let your pump go down, The idea is to exhaust the muscle thru tearing it. You dont need to kill yourself trying to lift the most weight you are able to.



Ford Prefect
02-27-2002, 10:46 AM
For pure size gains, the tried and true 3 sets of 12 reps will do you fine. Just do the big three 2-3 times/week. I agree with the short rest times though.

02-27-2002, 01:47 PM
You've read my rantings before. Eat eat eat!!!


btw, how much is one stone? i always forget. what is it, 14lbs?

02-27-2002, 02:23 PM
eating is most important as iron said...rep range of 8-10 is optimal, and yes a stone is 14 pounds.

02-27-2002, 04:29 PM
Thanks guys.