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Martial Joe
02-27-2002, 10:35 PM
How often do you train? What do you do when you train?

I want a few people imparticular to answer the questions...



whippinghand~Try and write more then a sentence...

Sandman2[Wing Chun]



And for everyone else...try and add to this thread...

Martial Joe
02-27-2002, 10:45 PM
Id like Rolling Hand to reply also...I just want people who have a good amount of experience to reply.

02-28-2002, 08:01 AM
Hi Joe,

I must admit to not training as often or as consistently as I should or would like to. In terms of formal classes; I try to get to New York once a week. However, I sometimes find life gets in the way. My goal and plan is to attend one class a week in New York during the week. I also wish to train at least one other day a month on the weekend. In some cases this has worked out and in others I find it being a couple of weeks before I can get up there. I also teach class in the Trenton area a couple fo times a month.

On a daily basis I do try to train every day with the exception of Sunday. Basically, I get up in the morning and spend about 20-30 minutes working on my footwork. This involves stepping forward, stance shifting and even one legged stance work. I try to break it down into 2 or 3 minute rounds and work off of that. After this I will do the forms. I find that I am spending most of my time on SNT and trying to refine my use of energy during this form as well as play with some stance adjustments. After this I usually take a shower and go to work.

After work when I come home I usually work out with my son on the sticks for about 45 minutes to an hour. This is done about three to four days a week in addition to the Wing Chun. He is not ready for Wing Chun yet. Sometimes, my 5 year old daughter will join in :p . After this I will go to the basement and work on the dummy for a while and then go through all three emptyhand forms at least once. I also throw a few punches and sometimes a kick or two. A couple of times a week I will play with the pole for an hour or so.

So every day I try to spend at least a half an hour on footwork, do all three empty hand forms and play the dummy. All in all I probably only spend about an hour and a half to two hours on training consistently each day. More often than not it is closer to the hour and a half. I have found a family and work to interfere more often than I'd like, although there are benefits ;) . I recently bought my wife a karate gi and she now wants to train with me so perhaps I will be stepping up my training.

Oh, in addition to the Wing Chun I have also started running recently and lifting again, light of course. I have an injury at the moment so I am taking a short break. Next week I anticipate starting up again.



02-28-2002, 08:46 AM

Presently I train WCK in a small group twice a week for roughly 2 hrs, and do a little training every day on my own (mostly horse and aligment related stuff, though I've been getting back into dummy work as well).

I used to train more heavily 5 or 6 days a week, but for the last few years I've been working full time, and for the last couple of years, I've had to take time to rehab a string of injuries, which has cut in (although all around I feel the better for it).

In the groups, we usually do some light warmup, maybe some cardio, then the Sun Hei Gwai Yuen (Qigong). After that, we pick a subject and drill it (whatever seemed to be a problem the time before usually). Interspersed with that, we go over forms individually, one by one, and correct them (or go over new sections for those still learning them), first as drills, then as Chi Sao and/or San Sao.

Of course, at work, during the day, I'll get all geek and do a SLT when no one's around, or walk the halls with arrow steps or angle steps 8)

Dave - it ain't just the time, but what's put into it, and what you do with your mind even when your body is stuck behind a desk 8)



02-28-2002, 11:12 AM
Hi Rene,

You are quite right the quality of the time you spend is far more important than the quantity. ;) I also agree that the mind is a wonderful resource and can be used to learn and refine even when the body is at rest. Although in my case the mind tends to wander and the body may get too much rest :D I have even picked up a little additional mass, unfortunately it has centered around my middle :( but, there is hope I have recently been able to lose just over ten pounds :) . Perhaps it was Zopas article which inspired me :p Or was it all the younger guys passing me by? :confused:



02-28-2002, 02:46 PM
I will let all my "sihings" listed first reply first. I might learn from them. Paraphrase from Le Bon's work on crowd behavior...
"there goes the mob, I am - l I better follow them".

02-28-2002, 03:56 PM
I train 3 times a week, not nearly as much as others do. They are 2 hrs sessions. When i go to class i start out by practicing SNT for about 40 minutes, then CK (pivoting excersise etc..) and form for maybe 20 minutes. I try and get back to the stage where i left off last class basically.

I also keep talking to a minimum, by that i mean i only talk about WC...and not just gossip or joke around. I figure that advancing in WC comes from the times you are putting in 100% - the 'Breakthroughs' - concentration, (so i think i can learn as fast as i can by not being distracted through wasting time)

After my forms practice, i make sure i have the proper 'feeling', im sure you know what im talking about others here. (when its working correctly, proper body mechanics, relaxation, focus, linking etc....) If it's not there i analyse why its not there and try to solve it. (is my back straight?, is force geting stuck anwhere? - how do i let it through... are my mussles tense?? etc...)

Next i move on to chi sau for the rest of the lesson with different people and try and maintain my structure while outside pressure attemts to colapse and break through. Also work on the same things essentialy learnt in the forms, but also moving and having to react to outside forces.

Then sifu will call me over and see what im doing and fix it. Work on things like SNT,CK and chi sau etc.. and some classes end in sparing with the senior sutdents, this is where I usually get my a$s handed to me on a plate, thrown across the room etc... :)

And i think thats about it. Oh, i also am obsessed with kung fu, as in every day i am reading about it, or thinking about... u know, try and put the pieces of the Wc puzzle togeter. (and i also spend too much time on this forum!) :D

The End!

02-28-2002, 09:10 PM
Always training, always learning.

02-28-2002, 09:15 PM
never training but thanks to KFO always learn;)

black and blue
03-01-2002, 03:07 AM
I'm such a beginner I need to train often.

So... I go to three, sometimes four, lessons a week - have two one-hour private lessons a month (just started these), and most Sundays get together with a few students for one of our 'private workshops' :)

Sunday is two hours of playing with the things we have trouble dealing with, and getting as much sensitivity drills into our allocated time.

Try and do SNT everyday, several times. Practise it in the dark as well - an excellent way of making yourself feel dizzy.

In all I spend about £100 a month on WC (training fees, travel, hire of a location on Sundays, private lessons etc). WC eats up my time and money, but what the hell... I need to do this if I'm ever going to challenge that Whipping Hand chap ;)

03-01-2002, 01:04 PM
What have you been up to Martial Joe?