View Full Version : Another Happy Day

KC Elbows
02-28-2002, 09:00 AM
Last night was the first time in a month or two that I was feeling well enough to take part in a regular workout/practice. Here's some of the high points:

-as some of our people have finally gotten experienced enough to start sparring, I had three sparring partners instead of just me and my teacher sparring. They did well, one is a real aggressor, it was a nice challenge. He'd get a few good licks in, then I'd close and throw him or take it to the ground. Then my teacher jumped in with me to show them how to deal with my shenanigans. We traded blows(him hitting my face and body, my face and body viciously attacking my hand-my tooth drew blood from his fist, a true kung fu moment:D ), then I went to take him down, but left my groin open. Got a shot to the groin followed by an elbow to the head, at which point we went to the ground and he turned into a crazy monkey boxer on me. Don't really know what all happened, he was somehow always behind me and I could hear the other students oohing and aahing with each technique he pulled, but I was so busy being bludgeoned that I couldn't tell what techniques were being used.

-He showed me the rest of the form I've been working on, which means, once I get the detail work done on this form, I move on to the more of the core internal form, and then spear is the only form left.

-He had one student, who is working on the form I've been working on, come to me for advice on the beginning of the form, explaining that I had made that section mine, and was a good person to talk to about it.

-I woke this morning hurting everywhere except the side that had been giving me chronic trouble the last two months.

My life would be perfect if I could just convince KFO to pay me by the letter.

02-28-2002, 09:08 AM
but I was so busy being bludgeoned

I love that word.

Waking up sore is really a great feeling. It lets you know you weren't being lazy the day before.

02-28-2002, 10:43 AM
Actually your wrong, this day has been a *****. I'm all ill and stuff,,, AGAIN

:D But happy for youuu!! :D