View Full Version : The Morning After: What Hurts Worst?

KC Elbows
02-28-2002, 10:38 AM
First time sparring for a while because of illness. Can you tell me where I hurt the worst?

Post your answer as well. The first winner gets one of two prizes. Either:

1) I will keep all posts at ten words and under for two full weeks. Or...

2) I will personally support the winner in any thread concerning conservative politics, even if they are one of those **** conservative fascists, for the span of a full month.

Remember, either of these things could kill me.

Take your best shot.

02-28-2002, 10:44 AM
I believe the best way to end world-hunger is to kill off all the hungry people.

After sparring, usually my arms hurt, since Ill take blows to them. If someone continues to nail me in the ribs, they usually hurt too.

KC Elbows
02-28-2002, 10:47 AM
So, what was your vote?

If ya don't post your vote, ya don't win.

02-28-2002, 10:50 AM
I voted "your twice elbowed head"..Only because you didn't list your "bleeding heart";)


KC Elbows
02-28-2002, 10:55 AM
I think I know which prize Badger is going for.

Not giving the answer yet. :p

02-28-2002, 11:13 AM
If I win, can I trade my prize for cash??


KC Elbows
02-28-2002, 11:18 AM
I'm sure you could get the members bidding for your choice. You could make a killing by:

-hitting the conservatives for their dollars so that they can watch the liberal say things like "I'm sick of these welfare mothers" and "Affirmative action has destroyed this country".

-Hit the rest for the opportunity for a break from big blocks of text and the endless use of forward slashes/quotes/etceteras, etc.

02-28-2002, 11:24 AM
What about you have to rhyme like that thread we had awhile back.
Everything you say has to sound like a Dr.Seuss book...what do you think??


Chris McKinley
02-28-2002, 11:25 AM
I'm guessing that what hurt the worst was that the answer to your question, "Can't we all just get along?", was NO.

Either that, or the fact that he got you in the clinch, discreetly tongued your ear, and then didn't call again.


02-28-2002, 11:25 AM
I voted for the back of your leg...just because it's usually something I didn't notice at the time that hurts me the next day.

If I win...well, just check out my signature. :D

02-28-2002, 11:27 AM
Oh, I voted for the ribs, but i didnt read your post first, so I was voting in some sort of weird 3rd person, or combined me/you/cosmic fashion. I dunno. I sniff rubber cement at work sometimes.

Chris McKinley
02-28-2002, 11:29 AM

If he wants some inspiration, he should check out: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6271/spoofjok.html

KC Elbows
02-28-2002, 11:37 AM
OK, we'll add rhyming for two weeks to the choice of prizes.

02-28-2002, 12:11 PM
I'd have to say ribs. When your...mmmm ribs....when your ribs are sore (for me anything in the midsection) almost everything you do will remind you they are sore. Even checking your blind spot while driving can be annoying. Getting up from a chair or out of bed too. That's when it becomes obvious just how much you use your abs/ribs.

02-28-2002, 12:25 PM
I voted that your violently ridge-handed groin hurt the most.

I'd much rather take the other shots described (well, the elbows to the head is a close 2nd) than a violent groin shot, a cracked rib is child's play compared to a ruptured nut. Enough said. Can I have my prize now? (a month long kc flame war against the conservo-nazi's right?)

If it was a good shot, then you could be out of action w/ your wife for awhile and thats gonna hurt the most by far!

02-28-2002, 12:33 PM
What hurts the worst is that I find out that the woman I thought I loved was just using me for sperm. Now she and her dyke lover will raise my child and I don't have any rights because she will write that she didn't know who the father is.

I talked to my Lawyer, I can do nothing, some lesbian stole my BABY. If a man steals a baby, he goes to prison, why is this legal. This is what hurts the most.

please note...that was fiction, but wouldn't make a good lifetime movie?

02-28-2002, 12:42 PM
you have seen To Wong Fu far too much. Maybe somthing like Boogie Nights would straighten you out a bit.

KC Elbows
02-28-2002, 12:54 PM
OK, here's where we stand:

IF it is my head, Badger wins.

IF it is the leg, Rad wins

IF it is ribs, the cosmic collective known as Yenhoi wins.

IF it is my groin, Mutant wins.

The area of my body that hurts most IS...

Drum roll please....


Hang on guys. I've gotta go to a meeting.

This should only take a couple hours.


Yung Apprentice
02-28-2002, 12:56 PM
And here I thought SSSSSSStaccccccey wassssssss a H0m0 sssssssssssexual!:D

Yung Apprentice
02-28-2002, 12:59 PM
Just Jokin' Stacey! :p

02-28-2002, 01:09 PM
that site was hilarious.. and whack

02-28-2002, 01:26 PM
I don't know about you, but I don't particularly like people hitting me in the mommy-daddy button. That's what steel cups are good for, :D If somebody hits that, they learn real quick not to hit you there again, haha.

02-28-2002, 01:34 PM
I had to vote for your "violently ridge handed groin".

I bet that was probably every guy's first reaction too (how can you not cringe at any violence in the groin area :eek: )

KC Elbows
02-28-2002, 02:58 PM
And the winner is:


Yes, I feel like I just got off of a week long tequila bender.

Close second is Rad, with the mystery leg hit.

Yenhoi made an excellent guess with the ribs, but, luckily for me, they are just a dull throb compared to my leg and head.

And once again, Mutant Warrior is bringing up the rear with the groin.:D

Thank you for participating. The runners up will receive a check for 3 dollars from a checking account I closed eight years ago.

Badger, what prize do you wish to claim?

02-28-2002, 03:19 PM
you dirty bastad :eek:

ah man, voting for the groin shot left me wide open for that one, should have seen that coming, doh!!! :(

02-28-2002, 04:00 PM
My prize: What about the rhyming thing. Dr.Seuss,Winnie the Pooh,Classic Rock, Hard Rock & Heavy Metal tunes.
Everytime you post rhyme for 2 weeks.:D


02-28-2002, 04:02 PM




02-28-2002, 04:11 PM
Alright, this is my last post on this thread, everything I type just gets worse for me...

Bahahaha, you guys are crazy :D

KC Elbows
03-01-2002, 10:53 AM
Badger has won
and he was assured
those two blows to my head
were hell to endure

Rad was the leg man
and his guess wasn't bad
he'd have had me say Clinton
was positively sad
but win he did not
and this conservative don't dig
that he can't win a contest
that he cannot rig. :p

Now Yenhoi said ribs
at least he thinks it was him
but the ribs were OK,
so he just did not win

Now mutant if he'd won
what prize would he ask?
Its difficult, the question
of who's groin? and who's ass?
But badger was victor,
and I'm willing bet
that two weeks of rhymes
are a prize he'll regret.

The first day, like prison,
The second like hell
The third and fourth
he'll wish he could run from the smell.
The fifth day he'll feel like he's almost halfway.
By day six he'll cry from each rhyme that I say.
Day seven he'll cut off his hand to distract
his suffering mind from my Seussian act.
Day seven-eight-nine he will vomit indeed
but stinkier spew will be from my PC.
Day ten will just be day seven again.
Day 11 he'll beg for his mother and then
Day twelve and thirteen behind him
he'll feel ten friggin feet tall
But day 14: Behold!
The Worst Rhyme of Them All!

03-01-2002, 11:46 AM
