View Full Version : Gloved fighting

02-28-2002, 11:28 AM
Does anyone think that a WC person would be at a disadvantage in a gloved fight( boxing gloves ect.) becuse of a loss of sensitivity in their hands?
A drop in the bucket is only a drop till the bucket is full

02-28-2002, 11:50 AM
I've played with a few different types of gloves over the years. I don't love them (feels like your hands are walking around in a thick winter jacket (this from a Canuck who can't wait for spring ;) ). Boxing gloves can be heavy and take the fingers completely out, so they're my least fave. Karate/TKD tournament gloves I just find annoying. The JKD/Kenpo/Enter the Dragon Gloves gives your fingers some freedom but are also heavy. The MMA gloves, though I haven't yet spent any time with them, seem lighter and perhaps better (at least the BJJ people seem able to apply their locks with them).

If you use your hands a lot (especially if you're into "grab and stall") they may cause you more problems. If you stick with your whole bridge, you can probably retain some sensitivity (but, like anything else, it would take time to get used to working that way).

One benefit, if you're training/fighting with extreme contact is that they may help prevent you breaking your own hand (see very early UFC's and how many fighters dropped out when they broke the small bones of their hand on the thick skulls of their opponents).



02-28-2002, 12:28 PM
The Harbringer bag gloves make great WCK gloves, although you will need to get a seam ripper and take the bar out of the palm. You can do pretty much anything you would bare handed in these.

02-28-2002, 01:39 PM
IMO WC sensitivity involves the whole body and the point of contact is more often the forearms than the hands. Hand sensitivity alone is not the crucial issue.

IMO the disadvantages boxing gloves place on a WC person are that they take away the ability to use grabbing and hooking movements of the hand and wrist such as larp and huen, and reduce the ability to exploit small gaps. The extra weight of the gloves also reduces hand and response speed.

That is not to say you can't modify your game to be able to operate effectively with gloves on. IMO sparring with contact requires protective gear, so you have to make some compromises. At my school we use fingerless gloves with light padding for semi contact sparring, and minimum 10 oz boxing gloves for anything heavier. I personally don't care much for the fingerless gloves as they don't provide much padding (people still get black eyes, cuts, fingers in the eye, nail scratches and damaged hands even in "semi-contact" sparring), I'd rather work with no hand protection and be careful or with big gloves that actually protect both participants when contact is used.

02-28-2002, 01:47 PM
No gloves for me- they muffle potentially powerful
wing chun micro moves. I would rather take my chances with empty hands than any gloved hands.

Girl Power
02-28-2002, 09:37 PM
Chi sau with gloves = disadvantage and dumb

Fighting with gloves no big deal, just consider it training.

02-28-2002, 10:31 PM
"potentially powerful wing chun micro moves."
* hehehe thats a great line yuanfen:D
micro movement boxing, the next evolution:p

03-01-2002, 12:05 AM
micro movement boxing, the next evolution
No no Jon....its been here for a while- several hundred years as a matter of fact- wing chun that is....
(possibly part of short power in some other southern systems))

03-01-2002, 01:27 AM
Lets not forget we are refering to gloves here:D
Many styles of cma have 'inch' power as a major form of force production but wether this would be affected by light gloves? I know pleanty of Hsing Yi guys on this board who would disagree.
Your point being that you would not wish to fight in gloves i TOTALY understand. My skills lie in Bagua and Hung so gloves would limit the movement of my fingers and the sensititvity in my palms.
I was just having a shot at your statement becouse it sounded kind of cute:p
I was not knocking on the Wing Chun gates:)

03-01-2002, 08:18 AM
I know that you are being humorous. BUT-
IMHO need not defer to any other style in short power. But wing chun can get through tiny holes- some of which initially doesnt even look like a hole. With gloves you need a bigger hole to get to the other fella or ***hole. Then there is palm and other teeny weeny work... lots of palms in wc.

03-01-2002, 09:05 AM
that your sparring partners don't appreciate you not wearing some sort of glove. If I San Sao with other WC guys it's not so much a problem so I do tend to go barehanded but when I spar against my friends who do other arts the Harbringer gloves are the best compromise. The gloves are very well padded but you can knock someone out with them if your knuckles are well conditioned so you have to limit the power in your strikes.