View Full Version : Does a grappling art make a effective striker

02-28-2002, 06:57 PM
I the middle of getting my a$$ tossed 20 ft in the air and landing on a cement floor.. I had a weird thought (dont ask me why).. On any grappling art you must learn to fall effectively... dont care if it is Shuai Chiao, BJJ, Judo, or whatever... By falling, a person toughens up his/her body right.. To the point where it doesn't really hurt (that much;) ) .. Does this allow you to absorb or take a punch or kick easier? I also do full contact and found out after a number of years of Shuai Chiao.. the punches and kicks dont hurt THAT much now.. reflecting on my past TaeKwonDoe experience.. granted I have had my share of KO's also

What do yall think??? Does grappling effect striking??

02-28-2002, 08:09 PM
I don't think that falling practice raises your threshold of pain, rather you become more skilled at "engaging the ground" and minimising the trauma that comes from falling, thus you get hurt or winded less often.

I don't think it necessarily translates to absorbing punches or other strikes, other than both require you to relax and move with the force so as to dissipate it evenly.

Luke Beston posted on the Underground once his "theory" that BJJ had the best strikers because other NHB strikers were too scared of the BJJ'ers takedowns to be able to commit to their strikes, but only the real gullible took that post seriously.

02-28-2002, 09:35 PM
Learning how to grapple doesn't help u develop pain tolerance against strikes...only against submission takes and takedowns.

03-01-2002, 05:49 AM
My experience is that grappling makes your body that much more compact and strong. Especially the mid-section of the body gets really strong. With this I mean that when I'm doing WC and I get close to my WC brothers, e.g. getting an arm around their body, they now they are f0cked. I simple overpower them if I am not throwing their a$$. The problem is getting close enough... ;)

I'm definitley a stronger, more durable and tougher opponent now then b.g.(before grappling), more versitile and this makes me a better striker!

03-01-2002, 08:04 AM
So I think what yall are saying is that the general physical aspect of wrestling helps develope the muscles and body structure to HELP withstand the trauma of a strike?

Hmm makes sense to me

Repulsive Monkey
03-01-2002, 08:18 AM
the answer is probably a resounding NO!!! There is no correlation between landing on your back and damaging your spine to say Iron shirt conditioning. I think you'll find the methodology is different.

03-01-2002, 08:18 AM
Sure why not?

I remember my very first day of wrestling ever. I hurt so bad in places I didn't know I had things that could hurt, that I had to roll over, and get out of bed by sliding my feet down to the floor, belly down on the bed. We won't get into what picking up my backpack took :)

So I think that the sheer level of physical conditioning probably helps.

03-01-2002, 08:24 AM
Knowing how to grapple will help your standup by: teaching you to defend against takedowns,knowing how to escape bad positions so you can get back on your feet,etc.

Look at V.Silva: A BJJ purplebelt but mostly a Muay Thai Destruction Machine.


03-01-2002, 08:33 AM
In regards to falling on your back and damaging your spine... I think the art of falling "correctly" should be enforced.. granted each art has their own way of falling

03-01-2002, 09:22 AM
I think falling and rolling definatley toughens you up, but I don't think that it makes you a more effective striker.


Water Dragon
03-01-2002, 09:55 AM
I've noticed that grappling has totally changed the way I approach striking. Combinations are no longer important to me. Striking is now a way into the throw. I also really don't care if I hit you or not anymore, as long as it gets me close enough to... well, you know ;)

03-01-2002, 11:14 AM
yeah WD that about sums up my philsophy bout entry and attack.. I have forgone the effort to purely try to knock someone out... he$$ let gravity take care of it..:D