View Full Version : Two children wordhip the buddha combined with...

3D Man
03-01-2002, 09:12 AM
Two children wordhip the buddha to knee on stomach to armbar. I was taking class the other day, and my teacher showed us this really sweet combination of Shaolin Chin Na and BJJ. If you don't get the knee on stomach you have their back and start working for the choke.

Has anyone else seen teachers begin to fuse the best of the CMAs with BJJ?

I think I have the best school. Two instructors. One with a seven years and a brown belt in BJJ from Renzo and 8 years muay thai. The other with a blue belt in BJJ, a black belt in Judo, and six with years with Dr. Jwing-Ming Yang studying Chin Na. You can train seven days a week for 1 to 4 hours if your body can take it.

And they are willing to throw down with anyone.

Water Dragon
03-01-2002, 09:16 AM
If you're doing 2 Children Worship Buddha w/ your left leg and arm on the inside, drive your left leg back into a front stance as you bow down. You'll also torque to the right just a little. Now you can tiake it directly into an arm bar as well :D

3D Man
03-01-2002, 09:22 AM
Yeah, the knee on stomach isn't really necessary...you can flow right into the armbar. I think he was showing it both ways. One for the street. Knee on stomach is a very mobile position and excellent for striking. It gives you a chance to attack and keep track of your environment at the same time. The armbar was more for a sport BJJ tourney or a one on one situation.

Water Dragon
03-01-2002, 09:26 AM
Yes, this is true. Try the variation above next time your in class. It's a throw called Shoulder-Jack Break from Shuai Chiao. It's real fun when you figure out how to reap the leg(s) with it.

I've found that I'm more or less un-take-down-able when we start BJJ standing due to my Shuai Chiao and Taijiquan experience.

I think you'll get some really cool stuff combining Yang Jwing-Ming's methods with BJJ. Keep us posted as you start to see this stuff coming together. Myself, I find this type of stuff intriguing.

3D Man
03-01-2002, 09:32 AM
But I have to say my instructors take me down at will, and a couple of the other blue belts are pretty solid too. A lot of them were top notch wrestlers in high school. Not to mention the guys are huge. Out of the 140 or so students, we have at least 20 guys that are over 200lbs and strong.

Water Dragon
03-01-2002, 09:47 AM
Think about yielding into a sprawl. The most common comment I hear is that the wrestlers feel like I have the sprawl before they shoot. I don't think I do, but it stops them from commiting to a good take down so why not? :)

3D Man
03-01-2002, 10:08 AM
It's the wrestlers that take the their strength, balance and quickness to make the judo throws work really well that still give me fits.

I've been there over a year. I've started to submit blue belts using finesse. I'm probably a month to a year away from my blue. We'll see how I progess and how I compare outside the school at competitions.

I already use a large number of wrist locks from the guard and side control. I know a couple from the turtle as well as a when someone has your back.

Our wrestler's arm drag looks a lot like roll back.

These guys are going to have their own style if they keep working together.

Brazilian Muaychina

Water Dragon
03-01-2002, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by 3D Man
It's the wrestlers that take the their strength, balance and quickness to make the judo throws work really well that still give me fits.

I don't think I could handle that level of competition either. Sounds like an environment that can make you extremely good very quickly. Now I'm jealous :(

Former castleva
03-01-2002, 10:57 AM
"Two children worship the buddha" is a pretty fancy technique,looks good...though...when you complete it,you do almost have a position of discomfort as bad for you as for your opponent,I donīt know if it could be used for breaking/dislocating etc.

03-01-2002, 11:05 AM
I've been using "stand-up grappling & submission wrestling" (Tai Chi Fast Wrestling) as a teaching tool with my Tai Chi guys for more than 5 years, and after a while Chin-na starts to become formless in terms of "this" or "that" - Less of a technicentric approach and more of a feel for what we call tightness and pressure. Ever ground-grapple with your eyes closed?

We just call Two Children Worship "anchor and roll-back"

Arm Wraps Dragon's Neck is a reverse chancery. Quasimodo is just pull-down from in the guard. Framing is the same thing as ward-off. Stacking against an armlock or traingle is the same as Press. Double-hands Push Mountain is underhooks. Force the Bow is full-nelson. Carry an Ox-head is a standing crucifix. Wrap the Python's Neck is a basic over-hook.

Once you get past all the labels and their arts of supposed origin, all that's left is pressure.

It's all Tai Chi... :p