View Full Version : Sifu or Money Pimp?

03-01-2002, 12:08 PM
How do you guys feel about some Sifu's out there that get so caught up on making money off students until it becomes very unprofessional?

kungfu cowboy
03-01-2002, 01:00 PM
I have no problem with instuctors making money, but not when greed is the motivation. Actually, I don't care too much if greed is the motivation, as long as the prices are reasonable and the instruction is good.;)

03-01-2002, 01:10 PM
I used to get really annoyed about this type of thing, but really it's not worth worring about. I just stick to what i do and worry about how my WC coming along.... its better to think about getting better than to think about some other people who love money. If you're at a school which does this and you dont like it, just leave!

It's better to focus your energy into going forwards rather than dwelling on uncontrolable factors.

03-01-2002, 02:35 PM
By definition almost, you need to make money to be professional.

Teaching for a living allows the teacher to concentrate on his art and its tuition full time, which can be of enormous benefit to the students through increased knowledge, experience and competence. The idea that some seem to have that making a living out of WC is somehow immoral is IMHO a foolish one.

The student/purchaser has to consider whether value for money is being delivered. If not, he/she should consider going elsewhere.

03-02-2002, 10:55 AM
You have asked a loaded question. If they "get caught up on making money off students until it becomes very unprofessional." How can anyone agree to that?

If money making becomes the main objective as opposed to training students, providing guidance and imparting knowledge to them, then there is a real problem. There are many McDojo's out there already. We don't need anymore, and certainly not a Wing Chun variant on the theme.

However, I have no problem paying for services rendered. I know that I get a lot more than I pay for, and I'm hopeful that my sifu can make some money and get other more valuable rewards for his efforts.



03-02-2002, 06:31 PM
i think it becomes too much when your sifu would not even think of teaching you if it were not for the money. otherwise if he is making money in order to facilitate teaching others then it is alright.

03-03-2002, 08:48 AM
My kwoon is a little hole-in-the-wall in a corner of a dinky little minimall. You would never know it exists, theres no big sign, nothing. They're lucky they have a standard listing in the phonebook. Amazing place. People are there for serious wing chun, nothing more or less.