View Full Version : Styles in JKD

03-01-2002, 02:13 PM
Can anyone tell me the styles that JKD is based on?

03-02-2002, 03:04 PM
this is my perspective on Jeet Kune Do.
Bruce Lee use many Taoist ideas in his philosophies.
He was a street fighter, who studied in wing chun. (But was exposed to many other arts.) When he came to the United States, he needed someone to train with and against. In his early years (the Seattle years) he hand-picked fighters. Putting his wing chun against anyone. By experimentation,against skilled street fighters, he developed his own style of self-defense.

Now what is JKD? I do not known. I can only tell you what I have been exposed to. BUT what I have seen from Jeet Kune Do, IS that, Everyone who studies it has her own interpretation. So one perspective is a Filipino perspective, one is a grappling perspective, and another... (and we go on, and on, and on.)
good luck in your quest.
Sincerely C.A.G.

03-04-2002, 10:28 AM
Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do is made up primarily of Wing Chun Gung Fu, Fencing and Western Boxing. And there is also Bruce Lee's quite unique kicking style.

This would be the break down in my opinion, Structure, Trapping, Energy Sensitivity from Wing Chun. Footwork from Fencing and Body Mechanics and some punches from Boxing (Hooks, uppercuts, Shovel Hooks) althought some people say Wing Chun does contain these punches.


03-04-2002, 02:02 PM
I had heard that Bruce Lee trained with many masters of other martial arts and incorporated them into his final style. He even listed the arts at some time. I am curious about the actual styles he used in creating his. It is more than just Wing Chun.

03-05-2002, 02:58 AM
You heard wrong for the most part.

03-05-2002, 03:20 AM
There was an interview with Dan Inosanto, were he claimed JKD was made up of 26 arts, which Bruce Lee studied. But he gave a quote that was really confussing, cant remember it of hand but will post when i find it. It was something about a book report. I think he had books on that many arts.

But it is safe to say that JF/JKD is made up of Wing Chun, Boxing and Fencing. I know Bruce trained with Gene La Belle in Judo, but that was to learn how to counter the Judo throws.
