View Full Version : What the hells the difference between Gung fu and Kung fu

03-01-2002, 02:48 PM
Is one more leathal than the other.Is one from a different part of china.

Or are they both the same kind of Ballet.

03-01-2002, 02:48 PM
Only the first letter is different.

Water Dragon
03-01-2002, 02:51 PM
But Gong Fu Now that's a whole 'nuther spelling.

03-01-2002, 03:54 PM
Proper pinying spelling for the word kung fu would be gong fu, but people tend to write it differently. They all mean the same thing; achievement through hard work or whatever interpretation you want to make of it.

I think that they should make a standardised spelling system for Cantonese too. However there is a semi-standardised system, Yale, but Cantonese pronounciations are very often written as one would pronounce it with their own language.

Chang Style Novice
03-01-2002, 04:28 PM
The difference is HIJ

03-01-2002, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by Tinman

Or are they both the same kind of Ballet.


03-01-2002, 07:27 PM
Tinman, why make fun of kung fu when you take karate? I would understand if you were a kickboxer or a BJJ guy, then your opinion could just be credited to ignorance. Tell me, did you take the short bus to school?

03-01-2002, 07:40 PM
Kung Fu is the art of sissy girl slap boxing commenly seen in any primary school being performed by girls under the age of 10.
Gung Fu is a nasty killing art where you can explode a persons heart with a nothing but a twitch of your eye!

They are both worlds appart so please never confuse the two.

Kung fu: Sissy patty cake boxing
Gung Fu: Killing with your eyesight

They are not ballet but they are considered sister arts. Ballet is infact a deadly combat system its just that not many know the true practical applications.

Now if you dont mind im going to go play patty cake patty cake 123 with a friend of mine :)

03-01-2002, 09:25 PM
Of course tinman.

they are both ballet.
Worthless in combat.
Detached from the real meaning of fighting
No where near as hard as GOJURYU KARATE
Don't break boards.
just some silly people waving their hands around

03-01-2002, 09:36 PM
Was that enough boost to your ego ?

Or do I have to start singing praises about the uniform and the hairstyle too ? And lets not forget the shining teeth

Acutally, now that this topic is drawn up, I am certain that there is plenty of Tinmans, and Coppermans, and Aluminiummans out there. How do you respond to them ? Once, in my youth, I would argue with them until time ends. I have considered "proving" to them. But the result is that if I win, they will never be convinced. They would just blame it on the fact that "they" are not good enough and that I will never beat their master or something like that. And if I lose......well, you know.

I find that it much more energy and time efficient to just say "yes, you are right". Sing them a couple of praise and give them a big smile. Cause when I come to think about it, I must have been through that stage before somewhere along the path. I am sure we all have just went we started out. It is not their fault that they have not grown out of it yet. So I would just let time change them. I am certainly in no rush to.

How about you guys ?

03-01-2002, 11:30 PM
i think it may have been cody, but i'm not sure, who made the following paraphrased statement:

winning an argument on the internet is like winning at the special olympics: sure, you won, but you're still a retard.

harsh, yes, but the point holds true. if you and i argue, and you win, you've done what? out-argued some not who goes by an obviously (although it'd be a mistake) phallic nickname (i shave my head and have a sixpack -- both are rubable:)), and you've done nothing else.

i'd probably not be convinced, and you're still stuck with the huge victory of verbally out-jousting someone on a kung fu discussion board.

i don't think you need me to remind you that a trophy is NOT in order.

03-02-2002, 03:42 AM
One is spelt with a 'G', one is spelt with a 'K'. Other then that the same thing... bloody he*ll, who's the newbie?:rolleyes:

Yung Apprentice
03-02-2002, 06:29 AM
Great, now we have a Karate Troll? I thought Karate taught about respect? Well at least at those true Karate schools, and not at those mcdojos. Didn't Kung Fu influence most asian martial arts? Didn't Karate used to be known as China Hand, before they changed it to Empty Hand? Tinman, you are just practicing a watered down version of Kung Fu, which is why you are the Tinman and not the IronMan! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! YOU ARE MY INFERIOR!!!!!!

Note- this does not mean to attack or degrade any TRUE karate practioner, for I respect true karate, and those who practice and hold it's values.

03-02-2002, 07:35 AM
Actualy rubthebuddha, it was Couch who said that. He's the guy who was trying to tell us that Temple Kung Fu is legit.

03-02-2002, 07:43 AM
"You are just practicing a watered down version of kung fu"

I'm practicing a,perfected over time version of kung fu called Karate.A version that is more effective.A version that is direct and to the point.

The only way kung fu can keep up with Karate is to come out with it's own direct and effective version called San Shou.

By the time your ready to strike after waving your hands all around like ballet.I already got 5 direct strikes on you.
and yes I love and respect my art.

My school has cardio kick boxing but I don't see what that has to do with anything.

03-02-2002, 07:44 AM
Tempeh Kung Fu IS legit, you philistine!

I personally like it with a little hotsauce on the side for dipping, but that's just my Latin upbringing. :D

03-02-2002, 07:56 AM
Wow, I've never been called a philistine before :D
Tinman, I doubt you have anything to base your statements on
Is it just me, or is his writing style a lot like ralek's? Since ralek was finaly revealed for the fraud he is, maybe he's moved on to a new persona.

Jeff Liboiron
03-02-2002, 01:26 PM
i beat up a gojuryu guy this week. we joined the same karate class like a year ago, he always kicked my ass in sparring, so i was like F*uck karate, i'm doing gung fu. So i've been training 5 months, he's been training for 2 years, and i whooped him.

I mean, i respect karate lots, and it's true practitioners, so don't get me wrong.

Why do you come on a kung fu forum to put down kung fu? go beat off with your karate friends you f*ucking troll.

Jeff Liboiron
03-02-2002, 01:30 PM
Guy's like tind*ick who talk **** about how their art is the best, and don't respect other arts, are always the people that make the worst martial artists, if we can call these people martial artists. Tind*ick, you should just quit and take up knitting.

03-02-2002, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Tinman
"You are just practicing a watered down version of kung fu"

I'm practicing a,perfected over time version of kung fu called Karate.A version that is more effective.A version that is direct and to the point.


You are pathetic. It is a shame when people have to resort to such numbskullery just to cover their lack of skill. You probably coundn't fight your way out of a wet paper house.

"Uh Uh I can get five on you before you get one on me."

Loogeys don't count. I hope you cacn back that up.

"Uh Uh Uh The simplistic block punch step routine I do in 100% of the forms I do is enough"

If your fighting a know nothing, maybe.

"Uh Uh uh uh I'm secretly intimidated by kung fu so I have to make like I'm superior."

You're doing a bang up job.

"Uh uH uh uh uh uh There are no direct strikes in kung fu"

Hey, I want some of what you're smoking.

"uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh"

Don't be so ready to believe your teachers propaganda.

If my kung fu is ballet then your katare is square dancing.

Note: The above is directed to the very stupid individual makeing claims above not to karate in general. Real karate practitioners know better than to disrespect other arts. REAL karate practitioners know that as humans we all do pretty much the same stuff.

03-02-2002, 04:40 PM
holy shnikes. i actually agree with sifu abel. (especially that part about square dancing. no disrespect to karate, but only to the renob who brought this crap up).

i guess that makes up for me even quoting someone who would defend temple kung fu.

i apologize for the transgression. it's wholly inappropriate for the present, albeit interim, of the international coalition for the mockery of temple kung fu. :o

03-02-2002, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Tinman
By the time your ready to strike after waving your hands all around like ballet.I already got 5 direct strikes on you.
and yes I love and respect my art.

You obviously haven't seen my 'pirouette of death'!

03-02-2002, 08:52 PM
Shhhh!!! The pirouette of death is a closed door secret!!

03-02-2002, 08:57 PM
You might wave your hands around and overexagerate moves in FORMS to make the application easier. When a gong fu practicioner prepares for a fight im sure as he wont no flail his arms unless hes a god**** *******. And let me ask you something? If the japanese where passed knowledge of chinese martial arts and they improved on them, think of how much the arts improved by themselves by the original masters who concieved the art and refined it alread for years. I practiced kenpo karate for 3 years before taking up Hung gar and i have noticed the only difference between karate and kung fu are usually superficial. They both keep you healthy and they both teach you how to fight its just a choice of which you like to practice and i get much more out of practincing Chinese gong fu.

03-02-2002, 09:05 PM
I am sorry master *kow tow* - For my punishmentI will go practice 100 patty-cake palms with Jon.

Yung Apprentice
03-03-2002, 05:44 AM
I always thought Gung Fu is how it's spelled, and Kung Fu is how it's pronounced.

03-03-2002, 07:24 AM
You must now practice "Precious Child plays Patty cake" with Jon until one of you needs a Perrier.

Felipe Bido
03-03-2002, 07:51 AM
"By the time your ready to strike after waving your hands all around like ballet.I already got 5 direct strikes on you".

:) By the time you scream KIAI!! like a little girl I'll have your mouth stuffed with a few Beng Quans...

Please, learn something about the thing you want to criticize before you start doing it...you don't even know the difference between Kung Fu and Gung Fu...how are you supposed to know anything else?

Naughty, naughty troll

03-03-2002, 08:58 AM
Jas is latino?!??! :eek: :eek: :eek: :o :p :p :p

Chang Style Novice
03-03-2002, 10:28 AM
Jas is a woman, Sharky, which makes her LatinA, not LatinO.

That's if you don't want to p!ss her off, of course. If you do, she's a spic, regardless of gender.

Just like me - I prefer "Red Sea Pedestrian," but if you wanna get me mad, call me a Kike.

03-03-2002, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by Tinman
I'm practicing a,perfected over time version of kung fu called Karate.A version that is more effective.A version that is direct and to the point.

Excuse me but haven't you ever heard of wing chun or hsing yi?

03-03-2002, 10:54 AM
Northernmantis, Mr Tinman here isn't worth replying. True that his post could be hilarious, at times. But it really isn't worth burning the 0.0001 calories to move your fingers and give him a reply.

03-03-2002, 11:02 AM
Spic is good.

Can i call her lolita?

Tae Li
03-03-2002, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by jon
Kung Fu is the art of sissy girl slap boxing commenly seen in any primary school being performed by girls under the age of 10.
Gung Fu is a nasty killing art where you can explode a persons heart with a nothing but a twitch of your eye!

They are both worlds appart so please never confuse the two.

Kung fu: Sissy patty cake boxing
Gung Fu: Killing with your eyesight

They are not ballet but they are considered sister arts. Ballet is infact a deadly combat system its just that not many know the true practical applications.

Now if you dont mind im going to go play patty cake patty cake 123 with a friend of mine :)

Jon you are absoluely hilarious!!!!!!

tae li;)

03-03-2002, 11:57 AM
Come on guys!
This topic has come up in the past. I cannot believe that no one has explain it probably. In a nutshell, kungfu, Gung Fu,and gongfu are all the same thing except for how is pronounced. Remember China is a very large country. It has more than one language (Mandarin, Cantonese, as well as other dialects of each.) and top and off going from Chinese to English is not an exact science.
I have two admit that some of your commentaries are rather entertaining, and there's no way to find out who is serious and who is not.
Please keep in mind, that there are those people who are sincerely trying to understand concepts and ideas that different from their own.
I try to respect everyone's opinion, I believe that the only DUMB question, is the one that wasn't asked.
After all Gung Fu is more than just art, it means personalized excellence, (it means reaching a high level of skilled, in whatever you do. The mind, body and soul, have reached a state of grace. Which some call enlightenment.) C.A.G.

03-03-2002, 07:16 PM

Im always one of the first people to stick my hand up and offer real information on chinese martial arts to anyone who is interested. I often have conversations with people both online and in real life where im explaining what i do.
I treat both situations like this...
If there really interested and are willing to properly debate the merits (or lack of) of Chinese martial arts using logic and reason ill be the first to help.
If they have obviously already made up there mind that its rubbish that i practice and there only reasons for questioning me are to try and confirm there own stupid prejudice... I just let them think what ever makes them happy.

I have NO problem if people particualy other martial artists dont understand my style. This just means THEY dont understand it, they dont need to - only i do. Infact im quite happy to think that most people dont understand what i do.
Far as im concerned the less people like Tinman who are learning chinese martial arts the better!
Dont confuse not helping with not wanting to be trolled.

Tae Li
hehe thanks, im glad at least you appreciate my sence of humour

Prepare for sissy slap fist!

03-03-2002, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by jon

[as] Far as im concerned the less people like Tinman learning chinese martial arts the better!

Thats a big AMEN!!!