View Full Version : I have a chance to learn Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun should i learn it

03-05-2002, 09:00 PM
I have chance to learn Hung Fa Yi or Hung Suen Wing Chun and then later maybe learn Gu Lao Wing Chun do you think i should learn it ? This is at the Wing Chun Muesem in Dayton ,Ohio, under sifu Benny Meng can anybody tell more about these two systems?

03-06-2002, 05:02 AM
WRT Hung Fa Yi, try it out and see if you enjoy it. If you do, Benny's been doing it for several years now and his sifu, Garrett Gee holds frequent seminars, so you should be able to make good progress. If it proves not to be your cup of tea, I believe they offer Moy Yat/Yip Man classes as well you could try.

WRT Gulao, I've not heard of this being available at the museum. Right now, if you're really interested in Gulao, the only person actively teaching Gulao proper that I'm aware of is Henry Mui (privately) in Boston (there are a few others, including Kwan Jong-Yuen, Robert Chu, and members of the Fung family but they're not taking students or offering Gulao instruction at this time).

You may also want to check with Benny about Jee Shim Weng Chun. Andreas Hoffmann gives occaisional seminars at the museum and I think he may have a student in the area.



03-06-2002, 11:18 AM
Sifu meng told me when i went out to the Museum that they teach three styles of Wing Chun Yip Man wing chun,Hung Fa Yi wing Chun and Gu Lao Wing chun he said that you could learn Gu Lao wing chun after you completed Hung Fa Yi wing chun and that they start people out first in Hung Fa Yi wing chun if they become a member. He also mentioned Jee Shim Weng Chun too you said that there is a Jee Shim Weng Chun student in my area i wish i new who he was Jee Shim Weng Chun from what i have read is a great art. I am really into the San Sao or San Sik versions of wing chun i am drawn to them for some reason i like them. When i was out at the Museum i bought these three books in Chinese on the Pan Nam Weng Chun style they are neet .Thanks for the information

03-06-2002, 11:45 AM

They don't offer Yip Man system any more? I'd stick with Hung Fa Yi then, if the VTM is the place you want to go (always better to learn someone's speciality).

I'd be *real* careful about studying Gulao from anyone not on the list I gave you. Some people know a little Gulao, but the system proper was not taught to many in the old days and if you really want to learn it, learn it well (which takes some time).

You can contact Andreas Hoffmann sifu via http://www.wingchunkuen.com/chisim and ask him about detail in Dayton if you like.

You may also want to check http://www.wingchun.org (Wing Chun World) as they have a school directory and you might find other options.

The Pan Nam books are good, though the last one seemed to delve into Chan Yiu-Min Weng Chun more.



03-06-2002, 11:52 AM
If Mr. Ming is willing to teach you the entire system and not hold back or make you pay extra for "secret" forms, tests, etc., then go for it. I think it's more important that you like what you are doing as opposed to what branch or lineage it is. Do they have information about the Gulao WC on their website? I haven't seen it if so. I like the point system too.

03-06-2002, 12:51 PM
I will ask sifu Andreas Hoffmann about the Jee Shim Weng Chun in Dayton ,Ohio, I will tryout the Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun and see if i like it i have learnd that you can only learn so much from books and videos i need a teacher so i guess Hung Fa Yi is it there really is not much kung fu in Dayton . Thanks for the information

Jim Roselando
03-06-2002, 02:05 PM

To the best of my knowledge Dr. Leung Jan's Koo Lo village Pin Sun Wing Chun is only taught in the Boston area. My sifu, Mui Wai Hun, has only a handfull of public people still preserving what he called Turning style WC from the 3 or so years he taught back in the late 70's and a handfull of private disciples that run his private club in Medford, MA.. He is also available for one on one private lessons. Other than that there are Fung's that live in Boston (Fung Ming and Fung Chu) but they prefer to remain private. Check www.wingchunkuen.com for a listing of the PSWC system as preserved by the Dai Sihing of Koo Lo village Wong Wah Sam. If you have any other questions please feel free to e-mail me.


03-06-2002, 05:12 PM
Fire Hawk

Hung Fa Yi, Gu Lu, Jee Zim or YMWC, concerns may feel overwhelming, but they don't have to be. Once it's in place, prospects look clearer.

03-06-2002, 05:59 PM
Rolling hand sez- springtime--- no no...
its PT Barnum time- never a dull moment ...lots of noise and trolls come and go.... and new styles emerge-- a pinch of this and a pinch of that- is the cup half empty or half full? And sui on a mountain that he created heap by heap every day.

03-06-2002, 06:13 PM
Sui-fuw is on an upswing, so you might as well yield. What's holding you back? Springtime or Coffee break?

03-06-2002, 10:36 PM
LMFAO@ yuanfen

03-06-2002, 10:52 PM
Do you know Schulz Sifu in Ohio?

Check it out...

03-07-2002, 01:03 AM
I dont know Sifu Schulz in Ohio i looked at his website he is in the Cleveland Ohio area that is to far for me to travel. The wing chun Museum is about 15 minutes from my house so it is closer.I like Wing Chun and southern mantis but there is no southern mantis sifus were i live but i liked wing Chun before i liked southern mantis and i have come to the conclusion that you can only learn so much from a book or video and i want to learn a southern chinese art and since i like Wing Chun and it is here in my town where i live in Dayton ,Ohio, i might aswell learn Wing Chun i just dont know how much it will cost to take it at the Wing Chun Museum i need to learn from a sifu .

03-07-2002, 11:16 AM
You're at a dramatic crossroads. Don't worry. You're up to the task.

03-07-2002, 03:39 PM
Hello Firehawk,
As a active member of the VTM I think I would be better suited to answer the questions you have at hand. I find it difficult to approach a question of such a personal nature in a open forum such as this one. Choosing a system and a Sifu is a long term and very personal relationship. I kind of think of it as if to ask people on a open forum a question like Should I marry this girl? You will find that unless these people really know you and that girl these answers could be only based on a glimps of the true picture. So then accuracy then comes into question.

Let me clear a few things up. The VTM offers the YM system as well as the HFY system. Both classes are very comprehensive. The VTM in the future has future plans to work with Sifu Andreas Hoffman on offering Chi sim wing chun as well. The VTM has hosted many siminars and activities with numorous (to many to name) representatives of the most popular and some of the least popular styles of WCK. We have a "straight from the horses mouth approach." You will find that the VTM offers a very clear view of each lineage in the words of the reprenative of that lenage not what someone thinks a particular lineage is. In the case of Gou lau, Henry Mui of Boston sounds like the way to go. there are very few people that teach this system with out the influence of thier own oppinions and influences of other leneages.

However I would strongly recomend the HFY personally. I have found that it is based on the idea of maximum efficiency. This meaning that the there is a best way to approach every thing. It's kinda funny to me that alot of WCK people say that "there is not best way to do WCK." however they go on to say that in some case this is better then that. The funny thing is that common since will tell you that if there is a better then logic will dictate that there is a best. So one would have to ask "the best according to what?" The HFY answer it the best according to Time,Space and, energy according to the Human body. So this is where a paradigm shift occurs. These are things that words cannot explain this is where the Sifu student relationship and comunication has to happen. I find that in many cases those that take issue with this approach in most cases they simply do not have this type of experience with the information. In fact I see them actually try to fit this information into thier own box. Once that occurs the flow of information stops and they seem to never really see it. So as a informed member of HFY and the VTM. I think you should take this oppertunity to see it for yourself and approach it with a open mind. I hope you take Sifu Meng up on learning HFY a new face is always welcome. You will find that there is no ego problems with in the VTM. We all realize that this art is much larger then just any one person and it deserves that respect.

Chango (saat geng sau)

03-07-2002, 04:36 PM
I plain on going to the Museum and taking Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun as soon as my health is better . Sifu Meng was very nice and kind when i met him at the Museum . I had major reconstructive Bowl surgery three years ago and i am still recovering from it my doctors say i need to be more physically active than what i am now so taking Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun would make me more active.Do you live in the Dayton ,Ohio area .Sifu Meng said that there will be a book out on Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun . Thanks for the information

03-07-2002, 09:51 PM
I do live in Dayton the Northridge area. I have been with Sifu Meng for more then 15 years now. I train at the VTM 6 days a week now. Wow that really sounds like a very serious surgery. I will be looking forward to you coming in. I think you will really enjoy VTM's format and the deep insights that HFY has to offer on life as well as martial science. There are plans of up coming publications on the VTM's research and HFY!

03-07-2002, 10:24 PM
I live in the Morain ,West Carrollton , area near Kettering and Miamisburg, Morain actualy .The surgery i had destroyed my martial arts learning for a long time my confidence in my ability to do martial arts is at a all time low i hope Sifu Meng can help me regain my confidence back my real name is Robert .You have been with Sifu Meng for 15 years and train six days a week wow.I have alot of problems with my bowl since i had the surgery the doctors are trying to get me regulated to where i am not full of stole all the time in other words mysometimes i go four or five days without a bowl movement other times i have diarria all the time.But i will look forward to learning Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun i am going to look at my book Complete Wing Chun alot in the section that is on Hung Fa Yi so i can get a better understanding of Hung Fa Yi i have read it many times but this time i will read it alot more .I hope to meet you sometime when i get to start taking Hung Fa Yi .I still have not got to go through the Museum yet looking forward to that.Agian Thanks for the Information

03-07-2002, 10:44 PM
You might find the section in the book Complete wing chun to be a bit small. the aurthors (hello Rene) had a bit of a format to stick to as to not to allow any one lineage to dominate the book. I really enjoy that book. However I think if you want a bigger view of HFY and even Chi Sim you should visit the VTM'S web site here it is check it out I think you will find it informative.

That sound like a really hard health issue to deal with. I hope to see your health pick up. In the VTM we do not ask you to go beyond you physical abilities so you will find that you can kinda keep a eye on yourself as to if you are over doing it or not! I really look forward to you coming in!

here is that address


Roy D. Anthony
03-07-2002, 11:36 PM
Hey Chango...Nice to see you online.:)

03-07-2002, 11:49 PM
When you see chango's bad@ss fists of fury comin' at ya You'll definitly be $h!tt!ng yourself!!! HAHAHA:D

03-08-2002, 08:35 AM
Hi Chango,

Nice to see you here. Yes, we had a strict template to stick to for Complete Wing Chun (it was part of Tuttle's Complete line (Tai Chi, Aikido, etc.). The VTM site does provide good info. Of course, I'm also partial to http://www.wingchunkuen.com 8)

Hope all's going well with you and yours (and you're still a lucky son of a gun your family lets you train so much 8) )
