View Full Version : The nastiest

03-06-2002, 11:49 AM
What is the nastiest thing anyone has ever done to you in a REAL fight.

Mine would have to be having my face slammed repetitively into a sidewalk by a high school wrestler.

Ray Pina
03-06-2002, 11:56 AM
Some jerk pulled out a pointed screwdriver. Still have small enter/exit wound. We were young, sixth grade. Playground fight. Most likely over a bad call in stickball or basketball if you can believe.

Another time the toughest kid I knew at the time wanted to fight me because I would not give him my gatorade. It was one of those hot sumer days and I do not drink ice tea, don't ask why, I just don't. So after watching them share a gallon all day I wasn't sharing my 12oz gatorade. My friends stepped between us before it happened. I was glad. Though a small phillipinoi, this kid was tough.

03-06-2002, 12:48 PM

back in the days of unlocked bikes at elementary school bike racks, this guy attacked me... I guess I was 10. I pushed him into the bike racks and threw bikes at him until the teacher pulled me off...

Ummm... a kid I played baseball with took a couple of swings at me with a baseball bat. I kicked him in the face with my cleats and busted his lip all up.

I got in an altercation with another kid and he used his skateboard to suddenly stop my bike while I was riding it. I wound up doing an interesting flip over the handlebars, somehow managed to not get hurt and proceeded to beat the crap out of him after breaking his skateboard in two pieces.

Funny, I hit puberty and somehow got a lot softer :)

03-06-2002, 12:51 PM
did your head do a tiny bouncing number off of the front tire? That happened to me too.

03-06-2002, 12:52 PM
Nastiest thing? Hmmm.

Maybe the time I was trying to break up a fight in St. Louis about 4 years ago and got sucker punched from behind so hard that my teeth punctured through the side of my cheek, still have the scar inside my mouth.
Or maybe the flying headbutt that his friend gave me immediately afterwards. Yep, I was seeing some stars that day, luckly stayed on my feet and held out long enough to escape any worse damage.

Actually, I think the nastiest thing ever was the time I was in a brawl about 8 years ago (that I didnt start, just protecting a friend) down in Newport on St. Patty's day, I was monkey-drunk, and as I was being arrested by a swarm of police officers who were on top of me trying to get an armbar to put the cuffs on me, and being drunk, I foolishly resisted arrest, and this one short ****y young cop started stomping on the top of my head repeatedly smashing my face into the street until i was a bloody mess. I still have little scars on my nose and forehead from that beating. I admit I was wrong, but I really didnt deserve that kind of stomping, and I had the next 2 days in the slammer to think about my mistake....jeez, I think I just had a flashback, I was trying to forget about that incedent! :( :eek: ;)
Ahhh to be young and foolish....

Tae Li
03-06-2002, 12:54 PM
errrr, actaully i think Ive always been the mast one... are you kidding? I aint letting no one kick MY ass!!

Tae Li;)

Tae Li
03-06-2002, 12:55 PM
correction.... "nasty one"

03-06-2002, 01:07 PM
Kinda, yeah. I remember that.

03-06-2002, 03:44 PM
Age 16, playing football in the snow with a few friends, four cars pull up and unload about 15 people, some guy calls me out sayin that I had ran his car off the road. (not me though) so being young he and I start fighting, he throws a punch, I catch it, he throws another, I catch it. I'm not worried, I've just got my orange belt in American Kenpo. I unleash seven swords the guy falls, his friend (who a few years later ended up on death row) unloads on my head with a manriki gusari wraped around his fist. Dont remember much else,,except a strong desire to go get my chucks and then a hospital.

MonkeySlap Too
03-06-2002, 04:47 PM
A guy jumped a friend of mine at a party. I tackled him and tried to apply a sleeper choke, as I did that, he proceeded to try and gouge my eye out.

I ended up breaking free, and as we re-engaged I..., well let's just say his knee remembers me everytime it rains.

03-06-2002, 05:30 PM
hmmm, well, someone attempted to sit on me. lol. nahh, the nasty person is my brother, we don't want to actually hurt each other, but he takes it further than me, and i end up with a elbow indent in my chest. nastiest thing i ever did was introduce someones head to concreate about 8 times.

Tae Li
03-06-2002, 06:55 PM
ResectmanKind, iwas wondering and you dont have to answer cos its a personal question, but what religion are you?

Tae Li;)

03-06-2002, 07:06 PM
Had done:
Been punched in the back of my head as i was walking away from a fight in high school, also had someone take a running jump kick. The guy who punched landed the punch and hurt both his hand and my head. The guy who kicked i heard as he was running and pulled him out of the air. He landed on his head and let me see first hand why jump kicks are not very effective on the street.

Ive never hurt anyone badly personaly thank god but here are a couple of stupid incedents if that counts.
Elbowed a guys fist as he was punching and nearly broke several of his fingers.
When i was 14 i saw another kid punch a young girl (under 12) in the face and i was so angry i walked up picked him off the ground and simply threw him over a fence and then walked off. He is the same kid who then took the running jump kick as i was leaving.

I have a friend who was walking though the city with a group of mates, the next thing he knows he is on ground bleeding from the back of the head. Turns out he was hit in the head with a hammer by a bunch of young guys for NO reason at all! They didnt take anything and they didnt follow up once he hit the ground. They just planted him and ran strait off!

03-06-2002, 07:33 PM
nastiest thing i ever did was introduce someones head to concreate about 8 times.
You didn't happen to live in Illinois about 10 years ago did you!

Former castleva
03-07-2002, 01:27 AM
I´ve never been in serious fights,I remember my fight at sixth or fifth-grade though:had some headlocks and another of us ended up throwing rocks...
EmptyCup-you´re lucky to not have got any sand to your eyes! :)

Tae Li
03-07-2002, 04:09 AM
When i was in 6th class, one of the 'bad' boys in my class was told bu another 'bad' boy that i had swore at his mother...good God, i did even know who she was for me to swear at her, plus i was in YEAR 6 and my ma taught me to never have swear words pass my lips cos it was not decent for a lady.....:rolleyes:

anyways he approaches me in the playground when all the students have been taken back to class and our class is left standing scattered all over the place waitng for our teacher.

so he approaches me and forces me to admit that i swore to his mother. I said that swearing in general disgusted me and i would never do such a thing... plus what in the world did i have against him anyway??

so, he doesnt give in and he SHOVES me! so, me being the tough girl i am, shoved him back.. hard... then EVERYONE gathers to watch this girl beat up one of the tough boys in the class. POOR thing he was badly bruised by me and you wouldnt have found a scratch on me.

He aplogised the next day. Aint respect just great?

moral of the story? dont resort to violence immediately, find the truth then do the justice.

Tae Li;)

03-07-2002, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by Former castleva
EmptyCup-you´re lucky to not have got any sand to your eyes! :)

That reminds me of something nasty but not fight-related that happened to me. I noticed something scratching the inside of my eyelid for a few days, my old man had a look and saw a dark spec in my eye. I went to an opometrist who looked at it through a big magnifying glass and told me I had somehow got a piece of metal lodged in my eye. That day at the eye and ear hospital an opthalmologist picked the piece of metal out of the surface of my eye with a long needle. He then had a look and informed me that as it had been lodged in there for nearly a week there was a lot of rust residue left embedded in my eye. So he pulls out this miniature drill and starts drilling the surface of my eye and drilling away the rust residue. And to top it all off they turned my eyelid inside out (which I had never been able to do despite numerous attempts in primary school) to put some cream on all the scratches made by the piece of metal.

My favourite school fight happened in grade six when I had only been doing kung fu fr a year and had just started at a new school. Some guy thought I stole something from him so he started attacking me. He couldn't throw a punch for sh1t so I tried to reson with him while he tried to pound (or rsther slap) away at me. I soon realised reasoning with him was useless s I chucked a fu-jow at him as a feint and to push him away - then I landded a sweet sow chui on the side of his face. He fell down and his whole body twisted from the force/direction of the punch. I thought he was knocked out for a while but he sat up after a few secs - leaning on his hands, looking confused, looked around and started crying his eyes out. His father was a chiropractor and I later found out from his friend that he spent 2 hours (undoubtedly an exaggeration) putting discs back in place in his spine - I felt kind of guilty but proud at the same time :).

03-07-2002, 04:38 AM
Tae Li
Darn girl you are cool :)
I wouldnt wanna mess with your kicks either:p

Your storys were cool to:)

The Whyzyrd
03-07-2002, 05:50 AM
A few lifetimes ago - me and this guy were fighting over...um...ya' know I don't even remember. Anyway - we go to the ground (I had never studied anything at this point) and while we are scrapping he gets a box cutter in his hands and puts a nice long scar (well - slice at the time) across my thigh. Didn't even know I was cut 'till after my buddies jumped in and I saw all the blood - a whole lot of blood.

33 stitches sting a bit.

Former castleva
03-07-2002, 07:29 AM
Anton.You survived,that´s good,I would not feel so proud after hitting someone though,but that´s the level that many of us go trough as kids (I did too)
Still speaking about eyes reminds me of a creepy accident that happened to my grandather.
He was walking in the forest while suddenly a bee (or a bumble bee) flew and hit him straight to the eye!
:( Ouch! He did not notice anything critical until he started to have a terrible itching in his eye at evening.He went to a doctor´s and as the doctor took a look,he noticed that there were WORMS living on his eye,that precious bee left them in his eye somehow!

03-07-2002, 07:34 AM
Had my face kicked in while handcuffed on the ground.

03-07-2002, 11:48 PM
Former castleva

Yeah everyone goes through that stage of their ma development - usually lasts until they get their ass whooped for the first time :).
Your eye-related story is way nastier than mine - worms living in someones eye eeeek :eek:

The Whyzyrd
Dayam - hate it when people pull out weapons unexpectedly.

Sounds pretty brutal - did you lodge a complaint?

03-07-2002, 11:59 PM
No I didn't. lol. I feel really bad about it now, but when I was young I was like a bomb.

03-08-2002, 01:35 AM
Hmmm One of the nastiest thing ever done to me. Someone tried to make me kiss my own ear while being dragged through the mud.

One of the nastiest things I have done. I almost turned this guy into a woman. He needed sugery to correct his err gender!:cool:

But this is just one of MANY stories. I still plead the fifth!!!:cool:

tsunami surfer
03-08-2002, 01:38 AM
Shot in the back. thank god for body armor.

03-08-2002, 07:53 AM
Anton- I had a savy lawyer who supeanaed the mug shots taken the next day. They were pretty gruesome. The best deal he could work out was to have the 17 bogus felony charges against me dismissed. Twenty four years later now you can hardly tell. The scars are very faint and my nose is only a little crooked. Got a quarter dollar size scar on my left shoulder where the shoulder blade came through the skin and a very sardonic sense of humor. Think Rodney King got off light. My case was seven on one with batons and went on for a solid 25 minutes. I looked a lot worse than him.
:D "Can't we all just get along?"-Rodney King
"Can't we all just sing a song?"-Toney Macc

03-08-2002, 08:44 AM
well, the worst thing i ever hear about was from a friend who watched a girl fight in high school. I think it was in some ally or something, and one girl ended up raking the other girls face across razor wire:eek: . I can't believe no one tried to help her, what a bunch of asaswholes:( .