View Full Version : I was harassed.

Tae Li
03-07-2002, 04:40 AM
ok, heres story for you...

A few mornings ago i was sleeping at my sisters place, and she lives quite a distance from my home, so because i know she is always late for work i agree that she can drop me off at her daughters school with her daughter and i will walk the rest of the way home which is about an hours walk. Its no problem for me.

So, i walk for about half an hour and then i decide to avoid traffic and prying eyes and cut through a really long track that i used to daily run on. Its 8am, bit foggy in Sydney, and there are no people about, only trees, the track and the long river that runs beside the track.

I walk with my usual fast pace and pass maybe two people, say hi, and keep walking.

I have about twenty mintues left of the track and then 15minutes out on the road towards home.

I see a guy dressed in a white sleevless top and really short shorts on a bike riding in my direction. As he passes he slows down to say hi, i reply hi quitely and keep going.

30seconds or so later i turn around and find him right behind me again. He starts talking to me. He says that i shouldnt go in the direction that i am heading because the council workers are spraying chemicals, and suggests another path for me. I say, its ok, chemicals dont bother me and keep going. He stays riding right beside me, and at this point there a more trees and a really steep turn where no one can see you. He asks me what nationality i am and i tell him i was born and raised in australia. he tells me he greek. I say nothing. He keeps talking. He then asks me what is my hurry, i casually look at him and hold his stare and tell him i have a busy day. He tells me, whats wrong? dont you like me? dont you like my wog face? I ignore him and keep walking. get what he does.

He rides ahead of me, stops his bike a few metres ahead to block my path and gets of his bike. He leans over his bike pretending to inspect it. First thought that hits my head "Houston we have a problem". I think ok Tae Li, five years of training, sure he is big, but you can take him on, get over and done with, dump him in the river and make the story ironic, take off with his bike...hehehe

He looks up and pulls his short shorts right up his crotch. He was starting to **** me off, i mean he was ruining my morning walk. Still noone was in sight. I walk and quickly run through some self defence tactics in my head, but instead i look hi straight in th eye and hold his stare forvere as if sending him a private message to say "dont try anything buddy, your messing with the wrong girl", and get this, he actaully doesnt grab me and try to drag me into the trees and do whatever it is he had on his mind. He understood my stare very well. I keep going and the he gets back on his bike and says again, why dont you like me? am i ugly he says?

i say, no no, its not that, its just my bf wouldnt be too happy about it. he says what nationality is your bf? i tell him Chinese. Then he says (he had alot of nerve!) IS HE BIG DOWNSTAIRS? i look at him and say very bluntly youll have to ask him yourself.

Finally we see some poeple and he rides off when he sees them as well.

I walk home.

All i can say is that this guy who was big in build had intention to comit an unlawful act that morning. I was only, it was foggy, too many tress and noone around, his foul harrassing language only meant he was only after one thing.

Tae Li.

03-07-2002, 04:47 AM
That guy sounds like bad trouble waiting to happen!

I mean any 'man' who wears short shorts is obviously a problem:eek:
He sounds pretty nuckin futs, still im writing down his pick up lines... They just may work:p :cool: :rolleyes:

03-07-2002, 04:49 AM
Well handled!
I can't say that I would have contained myself as well as you did. I would have probably done something stupid and got my ass whooped (and probly more :()

Tae Li
03-07-2002, 05:03 AM
lol! he just really p!ssed mr off you know? I mean who the h3ll does he think he is trying tonpick on a female walking all alone.

Sometimes i wish that he did try something, i would love to make an example out of him and teach all those scumbags who think rape is a good thing by kicking his dirty arse in!

what a ba5tard! he really really really p!ssed me off.

Thinking he has power cos he has a bike and cos he's a male with external genitals. arsehole.

03-07-2002, 05:12 AM
naah dont think he was gonna do anything to ya.. Where I live, that kind of thing is considered a pick-up line :rolleyes:

U acted good, with a clear head.

Tae Li
03-07-2002, 05:27 AM
he is still an annoying punk.

03-07-2002, 05:47 AM
I was just trying to get to know you! No, really that is bad.

03-07-2002, 06:18 AM

It's not because he's male, per se, it's because he's not a very nice person.

03-07-2002, 07:03 AM
actually, ya can blame it all on being a male.. anyway :rolleyes:
I'm not saying that I'm like that, but many here seem to fall for that kind. Dunno why Heeh Heh

Former castleva
03-07-2002, 07:10 AM
Good to hear you´re ok.
I think you did the right thing,when I first saw your post I thought this is going to be a dirty encounter,but I was wrong.
You do have a good kung-fu.

03-07-2002, 07:34 AM
Now you know how Jet feels!

Just kidding. I have never understood bucketheads like that. It is easy to tell if someone isn't interested. You could have been in a really bad situation. Personally if I would have seen it I would have pounded him. I guess it is because about a month ago my wife was driving on the highway in the Tahoe. She looked over to the left and there was a guy in a corvette pacing her while stroking himself(yeah he was actually doing the five-knuckle chuckle while driving) and smiling. What kind of crap is that? That stuff really chaps my ass. Now I am irritated just thinking about that.

03-07-2002, 08:04 AM
Although, I should hasten to add that I've never heard of a woman coming on quite like that.... :)

03-07-2002, 08:24 AM
Good job handling the situation, that death stare is priceless for detering trouble, creeps generally are looking for 'victims' and you definately didnt play that meek role.

Maybe start carrying a weapon (knife, mace?) and a cell phone on your walks if you don't already. Not that you wouldnt have kicked his butt, although superior firepower always helps. There are a lot of @ssholes & crazies out there, monsters are real...

03-07-2002, 08:27 AM
A good whoppin..ahem..walking stick is a good idea too. My mother-in-law walks with a 3 ft long, 1.5 inch diameter wood stick. Looks very inconspicuous but could do some damage if the need arose.

03-07-2002, 08:46 AM
"who does he think he is"

He knows exactly who he is - an insecure @sshole with domination fantasies.

You did the right thing, you engaged him as little as possible and got yourself out of there. Consider learning how to use a cane as a weapon and taking one with you on your walks. Consider a good quality tazer.

I've done a lot of study around the issue of rape versus other assault, and that guy is right on the fasttrack for one of the most common patterns, the "power reassurance" rapist. Remember that rape is assault with sex as the weapon. The purpose is to degrade the victim and reinforce the attackers esteem.

If this place is one of your usual walking places, you will most likely run into him again. He is an opportunist, so try to minimize his opportunities to harm you. Be aware, be safe.

03-07-2002, 08:54 AM
Glad you're ok Tae Li. Coulda been nasty...

Those guys have given good advice :0


03-07-2002, 08:54 AM
Hey Tae Li, glad to hear things are okay.
(First off, not all Greeks are such perverts...and Water Dragon, if you start with the Greek jokes, I swear to God! LOL)

anyway getting back to the issue at hand. It sounds like you had the right kind of mindset and confidence to back off a potential predator. People say he probably wasn't going to do anything, but "probably" isn't something I'd like to take chances with. You did great in that situation, however be careful of letting people get too close to you while talking. Since he was on his bike it might make it harder for him to do anything, but still there's a very real danger when someone invades your space. You've got to be ready to throw the first strike and keep on punching. But it sounds like you were ready anyway :)
You have a very clear head, and your understanding of what he was trying to do while "fixing his bike" was great street smarts.
A lot of women might not even pay attention to it. Awareness is the thing that gives you the advantage in any situation.
Anyway, go over the scenario and try to figure out what you did right, what you did wrong, etc. Analyze the real world experience so that you can use it if there ever (God forbid) is another experience similar.

:) Really happy to hear you're all right, and sounds like you've got some killer instinct in you too! :D
Good job.

P.S. Jet Li still sucks. :D


03-07-2002, 09:47 AM
Find yourself a lawyer and tell him that story real slow in a sensuous voice. He'll probably get a hard on and take the case.

Seriously, though, glad you're okay. I thought Sydney was one of the few relatively safe places left in the world? What's with you Aussies, anyway?

Former castleva
03-07-2002, 10:56 AM
Just began thinking about this in a different way.
Wanted to make sure that you don´t have to carry that kind of stuff on your own shoulders alone.
I know that getting attacked may cause internal injury and if you feel even mild discomfort I guess that talking to your relatives,friends and such would not hurt.

03-07-2002, 04:04 PM
Tae Li - what part of Sydney were you in? Glad to hear you came out of that OK.

Budokan - Sydney is still relatively safe, but getting worse by the day. Really depends on what part of Sydney you are in.

03-07-2002, 04:08 PM
yeah good to know you're ok. Bucketheads :D :p

Tae Li
03-07-2002, 06:26 PM

All this advise is simply fanastic! thnks ill take ALL of it into consideration!

well the only thing that is on my mind about the whole thing is whatif he approaches other girls, the are not going to know what to do. Im quite lucky, my skill was an advantage.

But these days when i do walk, i guess its just femael instinct, i tend to analyse anythin and everything around me. The training ive had gives me confidence, but simply being female makes me think alot more about a istuation like this.

im telling you, he GOT OF his bike and pulled his shorts up higher as if trying to give himself an orgasm or somthing...i dont know.. all i know is tha when he rods ahead of me and got off his bike pretending to lean over it, warning signs went flash flash in my head. and it wasnt just that, it was the PLACE he dedided to get off, it was completely discarded from life, a really steep turn of tress and trees only, where he could have grabbed me (if he wanted to or if that was his intention) and dragged me into the bush.

anyways im ok, thanks for asking, but i swear to God, if a guy ever did try to pull a stunt like that on me again, with every power, every skill, everything that i have im gonna make sure he regrets that day for the rest of his life... if he lives tha is.

Tae Li



Tae Li
03-07-2002, 06:28 PM
pardon the spelling, but i type too fast to realsise ive made LOTS of errors, but hey its readible.;)

03-07-2002, 07:17 PM
Tae Li,
Glad to hear that you're OK. I have to say that I was very impressed with the way you handled yourself in that situation and I'm glad that you were rewarded by not having to come to blows with that guy. Idiots like that make me wish that all girls had some sort of martial arts or self defence training or even a good awareness of the situation and how best to handle it. Though I hope to god that they never have to use it

JoeDoe just echoing your sentiments, Sydney is a great place but there are bad parts to every city and bad people obviously don't confine themselves to those places either.

03-07-2002, 07:20 PM
Tae Li, if Jet Li was in your situation he would have fallen into a fetal position and cried :D :D hehehe (don't kill me, LOL, I'm just kidding :) )

That's the mindset you should have. If anyone wants to grab you and drag you anywhere your instinct should be to do everything available to maim the guy and get away in one piece. So many women will try to "talk their way out" or "reason with him" .... very bad option a lot of times. Keep up the fighting spirit, however NEVER underestimate your opponent either. It can also be dangerous to think you can simply beat up a would be rapist and make him regret the day... be confident, but always be cautious and real too. :) This guy sounds like someone you scared the bejesus out of and could have taken out though. (be careful going back to that place again though...)

Take care,

03-07-2002, 07:30 PM
Me and Tae Li both live in the same part of Sydney, its not a particualy nice place, its OK if your a guy but i would hate to be a female in this suburb.
The men around here do not exactly repect women and the youth are prown to gangs. This is obviously a poor mix and to top this off we also have a heavy mix of races between middle easten and asian which also adds to a melting pot effect.
On the good side our suburb is very culturaly diverse and gives some great oppotunitiys.

Have to say Tae Li you really did do the right thing, i know that you proberly wish you had taught him a lesson but its always better to be on the safe side.
Still it proberly would have been a good idea to report it to the police, even anonmously now. If he has harrased other women you may be able to give some form of discription and a place where he frequents.

Anyway hope uni and training are going well and ill give you a call soon ( been heaps slack lately im sorry ) and we can go for a train or something. Would still be great to introduse to you my internals teacher, he is an ammazing man :)

03-07-2002, 07:37 PM
Tae, to be honest, the situation sounded pretty harmless to me :p
Maybe I just live in a rougher area, but I wouldn't take something like that very seriously. Sounds like you reacted pretty well though, considering you interpreted him for a potential predator. It would of been cool if you threw him around a bit :D

03-07-2002, 08:00 PM
Anyway, well handled. I hate people like that. This guy seems like an insecure loser. You should have kicked his ass and taken his money. Probably was some comic book store owner.

One time my mom and I went fishing by a lake and some freak was using the same tactic. Get little red riding hood off the path and rape her. Anyway, my mom played it cool and did what you did and then took off when more people were by. This guy had tiny jogging shorts and a hard on sticking out. I was too little to understand, I just though he had to pee. Kinda wish I could teleport back there and kick the living **** out of him and leave him in the shady part of the lake to die. Or do like Sonnie Chiba in streetfighter to the rapist/pimp. In the movie he graphically tears his balls off, and then you see him holding bloody chicken meat. hahha.

03-07-2002, 08:08 PM
Oh and for all you saying that it was harmless and pretty tame. Shave your body and go to prison. Had she acted like prey, she would have been raped, or worse. He was looking for weakness, and because of her warrior spirit, he knew better. Her intention and underlying ability made her the healthy of the herd, even alone at a weird time of day.

Calling them sexual preditors is too glorifying, the are the omega males of the omega males. Taeli, get your boyfriend to kick the **** out of him. Do it together, make a date of it.

Hell, walk again with your boyfriend in that hidden alley and walk that way. Disfigure him together. If will strengthen your relationship. And there is nothing better than "we just killed someone together" sex. Better than "make up" sex I hear.

note. The last part was a joke, kill him at your own discresion.. there is a bit of god in everyone yada yada yada, I'm not responsible. Ok, that should do it.

03-07-2002, 08:11 PM
Tae Li,

If I'd been in your shoes I would have taken it just as seriously ... even if the guy meant no harm it would still creep me out.

I had a similar thing happen when I lived in Atlanta ... not in the best area of town. I used to go jogging outside my apartment complex there, and this creepy old guy started following me around in his car. Just within earshot, so he could say suggestive things without yelling. I told him to take off, but he didn't stop. I wore my army t-shirt while jogging, and he still showed up. I came toward him with a stick once, he just laughed and drove off and was back the next day. I called the cops and they were no help because the guy hadn't "done anything."

Couple weeks later a friend of mine gave me a dog. The first day I went jogging with him, the creep shows up. He takes one look at the dog and speeds off. I never saw him again.

So the moral of the story would be ... get a dog. And carry a stick. Can't be too careful. :)

03-07-2002, 08:43 PM
Shut the f*ck up stacy, you're just bitter from all those times I called you an internet transvestite.
I never said she should act like prey. You're such an idiot. Either way, you have no idea what would have happened, so don't pretend like you do.

03-07-2002, 08:48 PM
Since we all know Stacey is a guy, the thought of him having "makeup sex" with another guy is downright repulsive. I'm also willing to bet Stacey doesn't "drive" during these bouts, either.

03-07-2002, 08:49 PM
Hi Tae Li.

Glad to hear that you are ok.

May I suggest carrying a Yawara or similar weapon.

Very nice, easy concealed and can be learned in a very short time.

And if used well, more effective than mace.

If you want a few more tips on legal but unorthodox and highly effective self defense weapons drop me a pm.

03-07-2002, 09:17 PM
kungfuguy- Everyone but Ryu and Prana have called me a transvestite. I don't think you were the only one who said her situation wasn't that bad. I didn't mention you in the post.

Believe it or not, I had to read you name again before I posted. I have no memory of what you may have called me. There are like 2,000 members that come and go, sometimes someone catches my attention and I remember them, usually I don't care too much. If someone is a taoist priest or a sifu I give them shise to see how enlightened they are. Rich mooney-not Prana-yes Ryu-yes Gary-yes.

Besides, take it in context. I'm a former internet transvestite who doesn't take the holographic illusion of daily life as anything more than a vitrual bootcamp via suffering. Don't sweat the small stuff. least of all internet small stuff.

Peace out. Stacey.

I would suggest against a kubotan. I think your brain is far more valuable. That or mace. Or a stun gun.

03-07-2002, 10:01 PM
well, i agree that him doing this is in no way innocent. people that cannot control their animals side need help, and when do what they do, should be dealt with by great force

tsunami surfer
03-08-2002, 01:10 AM
Tae Li excelent job in handling yourself. You should have called the police to make a report. ANYTIME cops fill out paperwork someone important somewhere will see it. Even if a cop says there is nothing he can do still make a report. Lots of crap like this goes on constantly and the only way to stop it is thru ammassing information on an area or a person. Make that cop earn those tax dollars and file a report.

Tae Li
03-08-2002, 03:02 AM
Thanks guys! all your words are very precious to me. Will keep them ALL in mind for any future situations(God forbid).

Tae Li;)

03-08-2002, 03:15 AM
"ANYTIME cops fill out paperwork someone important somewhere will see it."

Excellent comment. Consider this: serial rapists work their "comfort zones", that is, areas they feel safe and powerful in. Also, someone bold enough to approach you in the way he did most certainly has successfully used the tactic many times before. In other words, this was not his first try. Police generally catch these vermin because someone somewhere files a report and gives a description. I bet anything if you gave the cops a description of this clown they could tie it to unsolved attacks in that neighborhood, maybe get them one step closer to nailing this freak.

Tae Li
03-08-2002, 03:40 AM
i will, i will. No worries.


03-08-2002, 04:00 AM
Did you also take to heart what I said about Jet Li? :D
That part's the MOST important. :D


Tae Li
03-08-2002, 04:08 AM
no way buddy! Jet Li is my life!!!!

plus you HAVE yo go to my thread and check out the pic of him with Nina.... I swear i look like her!!! ok, not completely...maybe a little bit???

lol, trust me, you want to see these pics and the words that go with them! funny stuff.

plus then you have to post something!! go! go! go!lol

tae li;)

03-08-2002, 04:10 AM
I'm going I'm going! Yes Ma'am! :confused:


Tae Li
03-08-2002, 04:15 AM
Thank you Ryuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

but i prefer Ken!

lol, kidding.

Tae Li;)

03-08-2002, 04:32 AM
:( awwwhuh! Ken??? Damm him he always gets attention from women.

Oh yeah well there's plenty of girls who like me! There's um...
no..no she didn't like me, she liked Ken. Well okay, but there's that one girl who..... :confused: nope. Nope she liked Ken too..
Well....that one girl with the thing...she .... nope. She also liked Ken...

:mad: Well my MOM thinks I'm cool!

LOL, all right gotta get to bed. Later guys.


03-08-2002, 12:39 PM
You just can't beat the long blond hair. Believe me, I've tried :(

Stacy, that's understandable. After all, you've been insulted hundreds of times throughout all your nicknames and personalities here on KFO. I wonder why :rolleyes: