View Full Version : Well so much for getting to study Wing Chun

03-07-2002, 01:42 PM
Remember a few weeks ago I said that there was a Wing Chun school about 15 minutes, if not less, from my house and I was going to start training there? Well apparantly the instructor of the school quit or something and never bothered to tell anyone because I've been there several times since then, on nights the school was SUPPOSED to be open and the lights were off. Everything was still inside, the Mook Yan Jong, clock, punching bags, pictures, everything. I've called him several times, e-mailed him and even e-mailed his instructor and got no response. There was no sign on the door saying class was canceled or anything.

On a side note, I found a Hung Gar school last night and went to take a visit. Nice place, the instructor was a student of Philip Ng (who also happens to teach in my area, but about an hour away). Classes are the same price as the Wing Chun classes and even the same days a week. So I guess I gotta go with Hung Gar. The school is about 15 minutes away too. Oh, well. Maybe I will eventually get to join the school (within 2 weeks hopefully, gotta pay off some stuff first).

I can look on the plus side and say at least I didn't join the Wing Chun school only to find out it is a fraud school like Temple Kung Fu or something.

03-07-2002, 07:00 PM
Hey that's not bad. Hung ga is cool stuff go for it.:cool:

03-07-2002, 07:26 PM
Sometimes these things happen for a reason.
Try Hung Gar for a while - if you like it - GREAT!
If not something else is sure to find you.

03-07-2002, 07:37 PM
There are several schools in my area, some a good distance drive, some as far as an hour.

I found 2 mantis schools (7Star and 8Step), the latter being outrageous, like $60 a month to train 3 times a week when I could only go once since the other 2 were Friday and Sunday when I worked.

There were several Wing Chun schools, 3 of which are the same organization and after this guy just poof, disappeared, I wont bother with the other 2. The other Wing Chun school was taught by the same guy who teaches 7Star and Tai Chi. I know the guy is good, I've heard numerous praises about him. But he was about a half hour away, and I had no idea how to get to his place even with directions.

Found 2 or 3 Shaolin schools, 1 hour away each. One of them cost about $70 a month, 4 times a week, 2 sessions I can't make it too (Friday/Saturday). Plus he makes you PURCHASE YOUR OWN WEAPONS FOR TRAINING. I aint about to fork up an additional $100 for twin hook swords, $150 for Kwan Do and so on to so forth.

Lots of Tai Chi schools, probably health more than fighting. John Painter is also in my area, but I've heard strange things about him.

Then there is another Hung Gar school about 1 hour away, Sifu Phillip Ng. Same rates (a little more) as this guy, his student. But I'd stick with the student. He's been teaching in the area for 9 years, plus I don't have to purchase anything other than a shirt and pants. He provides weapons for training and despite the fact that classes are an hour and a half, he lets people stay longer. Seems pretty good. I'll give it a shot.

I told a friend of mine and her initial reaction? Laughter at the name and then says "Hung Gar? Why wait?"

03-07-2002, 08:08 PM
So, Philbert.

Give us all a running Hung Gar training commentary, will ya?


03-07-2002, 08:20 PM

I would still aim to own my own Gear & Weapons.

For me Weapons are like Motorbikes, they adjust to you and somebody elses will feel different.

Other point is that if you don't have your own Gear you will struggle to do practice at home or similar.

Just an Opinion.

03-07-2002, 08:29 PM
Well, I dont know yet (never done weapon training before) but say I start to learn the broadsword. Would I be able to do similar techniques with a training katana? I got a rubber and plastic one for training in Japanese arts, mainly to spar with my friend for fun.

The first weapon you learn there is the 6 and a half pole (I think, it looks to be about 7 feet long). Could I cheat and use something smaller at home? I got a pole, about 5 feet long. From what I witnessed, the hands dont go beyond 5 feet.

Anyway, I will check into that, seeing about weapons. The only weapons I KNOW I own that I will learn are butterfly swords. I dunno if I will be getting a whole lot, mom would kill me if she found them and it gets harder and harder to hide large weapons. She approves of rubber weapons, katana, bo, 3 section staff. But blades, well she'd get pretty ****ed.

03-07-2002, 08:33 PM
Chinese broadsword and Japanese Katana differ significantly. You will be able to transfer some knowledge - such as how the weapon becomes an extension of your body. However, the techniques are different. You only have to look at footage of each art form to get a better idea.

red_fists is absolutely correct! If you can get your own weapons, do it. Nothing is better than being able to train at home when you want to. This will improve your martial arts immensely.

03-07-2002, 08:38 PM

You could always go for wooden training Weapons.

I know even though I am required to use a Sharpened Jian for Kwoon training, I can't do so in the park (**** cops).
So I will get a wooden Jjian for park training.
Best is that you don't mix weapons from different styles.
Basic pole movement techniques can be learned with a short one. But you will need the proper length for Combat, accuracy drills and so on.

We learn our forms using a half length staff and switch over to the full length one when we got the Form remembered.

Some Kwoon like mine require you to buy their Goods as they are often special made/customised.

All our Gear got Kwoon Logo and name on them, plus, everybody gets to train with the same equipment.

BTW, most Online shops do sell sharpened and unsharpened Weapons, so shop around a bit.Hope this helps a bit.

C. Martin
03-07-2002, 09:12 PM

The Mantis, Wing Chun Instructor you speak of is Steve Cottrell. You are CRAZY if you don't go and study with him. I've been in this for over fourteen years, and he easily rates as one of the finest combative CMA instructors in the world. He's a treasure chest of knowledge and experience (by that I mean training wise and real life application.) Do it right the first time, go and see him. Get directions again, it's actually pretty easy after the first time you go. I used to drive 30 minutes, three times a week to train, and wish I was still there to do it. At least go and meet him, watch a class, or try one before you make up your mind. As for Graham Wheeton, I'll inquire as to his whereabouts with some WT guys here. Maybe there was an emergency that night or something.

Take Care.

03-07-2002, 10:31 PM
lemme know where you're coming from, I used to drive from Dallas till I moved out here. About an hour each way.

03-07-2002, 10:51 PM
red_fists, yeah as I was getting ready for bed (and then changed my mind and got back online) it dawned on my I could buy wooden swords. Only thing is I can't practice at a park, they are considered "clubs" which are illegal in my state.

C. Martin, I tried Anthony Davis a few times, even left a message on his machine about the disappearance and e-mailed him and another person. Also, I've heard nothing but great stuff about Steve. Maybe I will go out there, give it a shot and see.

OdderMensch, I live right off Cooper Street in Arlington. Just a few miles from the Parks Mall. I could walk there if I wanted to. IF being the key word.

03-07-2002, 11:34 PM
1) get on 30 west, stay on 30 west

2) you will pass downtown FW, continue past the green oaks exit.

3)the exit after green oaks is 183 take it and drive the loop around to your right (i forget right now if thats north or south but its the second way to get on 183 (i'll find out and edit this message later)

4) 183 becomes alte mere, take it past the car dealership, past the race trac and then turn right at the light (HW 80)

5) get to the left hand lane and go to the (i think) third turn in. You will turn just before a jiffy lube.

go straight and turn into the prking lot on the left hand side of the street. It's the first place, the one with the foiled windows and "Authentic Kung Fu" printed on the window.

WC classs are monday and wendsday starting at seven.
7* is tue/thurs same time.

will that work?

03-08-2002, 12:17 AM
I also got some off the map part of yahoo.com