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View Full Version : found this...thought it was really interesting...but it's VERY controversial...JKD

03-11-2002, 01:34 AM
NOTE: Following are excerpts from a letter written by Paula Inosanto to Curtis F. Wong, Publisher of Inside Kung Fu and Inside Karate. The letter is well over 5 pages long and deals with articles, commentary and letters concerning Guro Dan, Jun Fan Gung Fu and JKD Concepts. I (Mike Krivka) have condensed the letter, to highlight some important passages, and have made notations to clarify information or to identify certain individuals...

Dan has been involved in the martial arts for over 40 years, the last 20 have been devoted largely to carrying on the arts of Jun Fan Gung Fu and Jeet Kune Do Concepts, as mandated by his Sifu Bruce Lee. As I am sure you will agree Dan's skill, reputation and credentials in the martial arts are above reproach.

[In reference to a recent article in Inside Kung Fu ...] I have included an excerpt from Si Gung [Grandfather or your teachers instructor...] Lee's notes, "The Martial Way", from his original "Tao of Jeet Kune Do". Please note that the excerpt on Pentjak Silat is in Si Gung Lee's own handwriting. This passage on Pentjak Silat clearly shows that he did in fact investigate the art, as he did every art that he came across. To quote someone such as Fran Joseph [A student of Jerry Poteet ...] on what Si Gung Lee would, or would not have investigated or studied is completely irresponsible.

Perhaps I should explain how the Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute was run. Dan taught 90% of all the classes, with the remaining 10% of the classes being taught by Si Gung Lee himself. At the time the institute was founded in 1967, Dan had already been Si Gung Lee's constant training partner, student and close friend for three years. In addition he was already a certified instructor in Si Gung Lee's three arts: The Tao of Chinese Martial Arts, Jun Fan Gung Fu and Jeet Kune Do. When the school opened Dan invited his Kenpo students (Jerry Poteet, Pete Jacobs, Daniel Lee, Steve Golden, Larry Hartsell, etc ...) to train under him at the Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute.

[In reference to Jerry Poteet's training with Si Gung Lee ...] ... Jerry Poteet's actual training time during the Chinatown era was less than ten months, and his attendance was not consistent during that time. In fact, the vast majority of Jerry's training in the arts took place after Si Gung Lee's death, when Dan accelerated Jerry's training schedule to help him "catch up".

After the death of Si Gung Lee, several of Dan's students were promoted to the status of "Instructor". It was Dan, not Si Gung Lee, who promoted Jerry Poteet, Daniel Lee, Ted Wong, Richard Bustillo, Larry Hartsell, Steve Golden, etc to "Instructor" rank.

[In reference to the many JKD "experts" being published in Inside Kung Fu and Inside Karate ...]

As for Dr. Jerry Beasley [A professor at Radford University in Virginia ...], he is neither qualified nor certified, and has apparently proclaimed himself an authority on a subject which he knows close to nothing. Dr. Beasley is not a trained practitioner in the arts of Si Gung Lee. To the best of our knowledge, he attended less than a handful of seminars, during which time he would merely observe and take notes. He is an "armchair" Jun Fan / JKD fraud. He misrepresents the facts and misleads the public. It is a shame the press lends space to promoting this type of individual. [Not to mention the fact that he is currently teaching a class in Kali at Radford University ... another art which he is not qualified or certified to teach.]

Gary Dill [A student of the late James Lee, who was not certified by Sifu James Lee to teach Jun Fan Gung Fu or JKD ...] is yet another example of someone trying to "cash-in" on the late Si Gung Lee's name, and who, like the others, is without the proper credentials or qualifications

Lamar Davis [An extremely prolific student of Gary Dills ...] is another unqualified and uncertified individual who like Dr. Beasley, is merely capitalizing on the name of Si Gung Lee.

Contrary to what is often stated in articles appearing in your magazines Dan teaches the Original Jeet Kune Do. He is truly the only individual that knows the roots, techniques, principles and concepts of the arts developed and taught by Si Gung Lee. Dan however, will always recognize Taky Kimura as his senior and fellow instructor, along with the late James Lee.

Dan continues to train a core group of lineage instructor in the arts of Si Gung Lee, not only here in Los Angeles, but in various locations around the world. Dan has done what Si Gung Lee desired of him: to continue exploring the concepts and ideas of the martial arts as developed and taught by Si Gung Lee. What Dan has not done is sold out. He has not commercialized, mass-marketed, prostituted or capitalized on Si Gung Lee, the man or the martial artist. Dan has never charged the instructors under him in Jun Fan or JKD for private lessons and he has never charged anyone to join an association or society. Dan has never "sold" instructorships.

Dan has kept the art, philosophy, teachings and techniques of Si Gung Lee alive, true to form (and integrity), as well as protected and preserved for the future. There is no one alive today, with the exception of Si Bak Taky Kimura, who can stand in judgment of the job that Dan has done.

03-11-2002, 01:37 AM
I hope I don't **** anyone off by posting that. Since this forum is associated with Inside Kung Fu and all...

just thought it was interesting.

ah.... maybe I should delete it? You tell me.


wushu chik
03-11-2002, 01:47 AM
Just keep it, if they dont' want it up, they will take it down.


03-11-2002, 04:18 AM
I give ya a thumb up Ryu.. If they delete it they are power wh0ares. :D

03-11-2002, 04:28 AM
OK i got my spot staked out early...
Im camping here with popcorn and cola, im going to just sit back and enjoy the fireworks:D

This letter should be proof that JKD can now be considered a true Chinese martial art.
Its compleately rife with politics just like the rest of em:(

03-11-2002, 06:57 AM
Ryu, the forum is associated with Kung Fu Qigong Magazine, not Inside Kung Fu.
You see, IKF is rival in the market with KFQM.

03-11-2002, 07:28 AM
You should post it in the JKD forum. I know Sifu Davis pops in from time to time. I'm sure he'll have some...insightful comments.

03-11-2002, 08:36 AM
Who was the selling of instructorships aimed at?

Let the games begin!!!!
Scott Hamilton

03-11-2002, 01:08 PM
Thanks Ryu.

KFO isent a IKF site, but Lamar Davis runs Hardcore JKD, I think.

Cant wait to see his response.

03-11-2002, 01:13 PM
I don't think I'm on his favorite person's list anyway... :(
But the post isn't supposed to be geared at flaming anyone, just thought it was pretty harsh.


03-11-2002, 01:48 PM
ryu: don't worry about it. it's an opinion stated by someone who's kinda in the know with dan inosanto (just kinda ;)). the opinions are a heck of a lot more valid than a lot of people on this board. so leave it, and if gene and such think it's best left off, let them make said decision.

03-11-2002, 02:03 PM
Ryu, you and Lamar now have something in common, neither of you does JKD! :D

Really though, what do we now call things, Hardcore JKD becomes Hardcore Classical Mess? JKD Concepts becomes Art Formally Known as JKD Concept?
C'mon guys let's help our brothers that thought they did JKD but don't come up with a new name for what they do.

03-11-2002, 02:08 PM
Post it at the hardcoreJKD forum and watch Ron Prather's head explode. Should be good for a laugh.
Gotta admit, can't stand the politics of JKD sometimes. Ironic that there is so much ire involved in it when it seems that one of the founder's primary goals was to free people from MA politics. kind of sad

03-11-2002, 02:34 PM
I have never studied JKD specifically, but I have read many articles by "intructors" of this art. To me, Ryu's post makes perfect sense.

03-11-2002, 03:10 PM
Duck and cover!!!

I just posted it to the JKD forum.

Don't worry Ryu I gave you full credit.:D

03-11-2002, 04:24 PM
"Duck and Cover" Oh man, Rogue you dated yourself with that one!:D Wait a minute. I think I just did the same thing!

03-11-2002, 05:03 PM
Nice thing about dating myself is....:eek: did I almost write what I think I was going to write?

03-11-2002, 05:10 PM
Well on the positive side you can buy the flowers and chocolates that you like!:D :p

03-11-2002, 09:06 PM
And I don't have to worry about those awkward silences during dinner. :D

Man do I miss hiding under my a-bomb proof desk.

03-11-2002, 11:32 PM
No flames. Whats the deal? :(

OK OK...ahem...

Ryu, you miserable trash talking rat fink, how could you post such irresponsible nonsense?!?!?
I hereby formally challenge you to a bloody knuckles BATTLE TO THE DEATH, but I know you won't show!?!?! (just like your good friend Ral*k!?!?!?!)
And, thats because you are evil and foul-smelling and your lineage is WEAK!?!?!?!

Just trying to inject a little controversy.

Keepin' the dream alive.

:o :D ;)

03-12-2002, 08:56 AM
Remember that joke Civil Defense Poster? It went something like, ( In case of a nuclear attack, stay away from all windows and glass. get in a doorway or under a desk. sit on the floor and put your head between your legs. Kiss your arse goodbye!)
Oh my God, I just remembered the sirens on the telephone poles. Those suckers were loud! I guess some folks are having some problems related to living in fear. I don't remember living in fear, just being annoyed!:D :( My cage did get rattled on a day in Nov. of 63 when EVERY ADULT I ENCOUNTERED ALL DAY LONG WAS CRYING. Frankly I'm surprised it wasn't quite that way on 9/11.:(

03-12-2002, 10:13 AM
well, mike krivka is one of dan inosanto's students. so, regardless of whether i agree or disagree, it's a fairly predictable objection on his part.

that said, i don't think i've ever read of guro inosanto disparaging these people.

eh. whatever. politics make my head hurt.

stuart b.

03-12-2002, 11:41 AM
I remember those sirens going off everyday at noon. As kids we always knew when to head home to lunch.

I think it was easy for most people to grasp Kennedy being shot, but the WTC attack was totally out of their experience.

03-12-2002, 12:18 PM
Ted Wong was certified instructor by Bruce Lee himself. I don't remember whether it was June Fan or JKD. I have seen a reprint of his certificate, signed by Lee. Ted also has not tried to capatilize on Lee's name, in fact he's kept a low profile. It was probably just an oversight by the author.


03-12-2002, 12:50 PM
I enjoy reading things that are honestly (bluntly?) stated. At least as they see them. And I've never seen an article by Inosanto criticizing anyone elses JKD. Same goes For Ted Wong. If anyone ever says anything critical about someone he quietly walks away. Which is something we all need to remember no matter what art we study, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

fa_jing, thanks for the clarification. I thought that was the case.