View Full Version : Resolution

KC Elbows
03-11-2002, 09:20 AM
Been thinking for a while now
and decided to compete sanshou
in 2003, before I'm to old
and I've been working on techniques
and increasing my workout
gradually in the time
so as not to burn out
so as soon as the doctors give me the green light
I'll be back to training the way that I fight
and see how I fare.
Just thought that I'd share.

03-11-2002, 10:03 AM
Thanks for sharing,
but is anyone caring?

Man, that really sucked.


03-11-2002, 10:22 AM
Train Hard
Gain the muscle
Good luck KC
win your tussle


03-11-2002, 10:25 AM
Well that one made me feel a little better.


KC Elbows
03-11-2002, 10:27 AM
Thank you Badger
for your positive affirmation
JWT, do you work in
public relations?
You'd do quite well
I really suspect
'cause always you are
so politically correct.

03-11-2002, 10:27 AM
Hey!! Dont be cruel man.;)


03-11-2002, 01:53 PM
be careful kay-cee
and know all the rules
cause most san shou bosses
are elbow-hatin' fools

with all of that said
i wish you your fill
and lots of satisfaction
in rearrangin' some grill :D

KC Elbows
03-11-2002, 03:26 PM
to all you practitioners of traditional wushu
are there still meets where one fights in kuoshu(sp.?)

Justa Man
03-11-2002, 09:53 PM
great man. go for it. may i suggest renting 'best of the best' for the inspiration. julia roberts' brother is such an actor!

kungfu cowboy
03-11-2002, 10:14 PM
Is there a Nipsy Russell thing going on here?

03-12-2002, 07:49 AM
Just curious about your Kuoshu (Guoshu) reference. Guoshu was the term used to describe martial arts in China from the formation of the republic c.1912 to 1928 I think. I wonder if the split between the Kuo Min Tang and the Communists in 1927 had anything to do with the reversion to the term Wushu?

Anyway, good luck. I'm too worried about getting injured again to have the nads to train for a fight. I always wonder how good I would be if I had never had the wind taken out of my sails by that leg fracture in the tournament?

Go for it for all of us over 30. Kick butt!

KC Elbows
03-12-2002, 08:31 AM
Is there not
a form of competition
under the name of kuoshu
that allows elbows
and such maledictions?

Thanks for the support
y'all have a nice day
and for right now
I'm outta things to say.

Justa Man
03-12-2002, 12:20 PM
kc...you remind me of heathcliff's friend, wordsworth, in the cartoon. do you rock roller skates often?