View Full Version : "Wing Chun pushups?"

03-11-2002, 12:54 PM
I just read about these on another board. Pushups with your elbows tucked in as close to your sides a you can. This doesn't really follow the WC punching motion, though. Anyone ever taught to do these?


03-11-2002, 01:43 PM
the way i see it is whiel they arent the exact motion of the punch, they definately work the muscles involved in the punch (the ones in the shoulders/arms - not the rest of your body)

we also do them on our knuckles, which can help condition them a bit (if your a beginner)


03-11-2002, 01:52 PM
I'm not sure about the specific place you're talking about. But when we do pushups in our club, we do it on our knuckles. This not only trains the knuckles to toughen up a bit, but also helps train your wrists to maintain good structural support/passthrough.


03-11-2002, 06:24 PM
Do pushups with your elbows tucked in as close to your sides as you can. When pushing your body up, clap once, before returning your hands to the floor. This kind of pushup can develop short range explosive power.

03-11-2002, 09:13 PM
I dont know about Wing Chun Push Ups, but we have Wing Tsun Sit Ups. We sit at about a 45 degree angle, and do chain punches and chain kicks. Hard as freaking hell on your abs.


basically, the _ is your butt and the \ is your back.

lotus kick
03-11-2002, 09:51 PM
when the arms are tuged in, you are working the musels on you arms only instead of you chest when you have the arm spread out. There is no such thing as wing chun push ups. body builders have been doing those push ups for a long time before kung fu was ever introduced.

You guys can't name every movment a wing chun movement, why do you guy have "wing chun walking, or wing chun typing, or wing chun drinking?"

03-11-2002, 10:00 PM
How about "Wing Chun Peeing"!!!

It uses the straight line...it has economy of motion...and it originates from the centreline!!! you can even use your ygkym!!!:D :D :D

03-11-2002, 10:04 PM
Wingman, lemme be sure I got this right. Your elbows should practically be touching your ribs when you do it and your hands should be 6-8 inches apart? Not your average push up where the hands are about 12 inches apart. Then you do the clap.

03-11-2002, 10:28 PM
You're a funny guy.

This conclusively proves WC was *NOT* invented by Ng Mui and YWC, were that the case - Wing Chun peeing would only be feasible for males.

If you're into pushups, try this partner drill -

partner holds you up - handstand pushups to failure
your feet on partner's shoulders - pushups to failure
wheelbarrow position - pushups to failure
normal pushups - to failure

You can also reverse the order.

03-11-2002, 10:37 PM
don't let jasbourne hear that or she'll be "p!$$ed"

btw...killer pushup workout:eek:

03-11-2002, 10:59 PM
Wingman, lemme be sure I got this right. Your elbows should practically be touching your ribs when you do it and your hands should be 6-8 inches apart? Not your average push up where the hands are about 12 inches apart. Then you do the clap.

PHILBERT, sorry if my description is not so clear. How about this one?

After pushing your body up, your hands leave the ground in order to do the clap. Then as your body falls downward, immediately put your hands back to the ground in order to support your body. You have to do this quickly otherwise you will hit your body or face to the ground. That's why I said that this kind of pushup develops short explosive power.

Give it a try.

03-11-2002, 11:48 PM
Wingman, I got the clapping part, I just wanted to be sure my hands were supposed to be in the right place on the ground. When I have my hands on the ground, my elbows have to be touching my ribs, and my hands are about 8 inches apart rather than the normal 12 inches in a push up.

Mr Punch
03-12-2002, 01:00 AM
If you put your hands straight under your nipples, thumb to thumb (for palm strike practice, or you can use your fists...), with your elbows close in, and do the explosive push-up already mentioned (when you lift your hands off the ground and clap, before returning them to the same position) it trains the right muscles, as opposed to up under the shoulders like a normal push-up.

Some people say this hand position can be damaging to your wrists, so if you have trouble you can angle your fingertips to 45 deg and put your thumb tips together so you make a diamond shape.

TBH, I only use these when I'm really training hard. They are bloody difficult to do and land softly enough to not put too much strain on your wrists.

Mr Punch
03-12-2002, 01:06 AM
In fact, I don't know about you Wingman, but I used to regularly eat floor when I started these :D !

03-12-2002, 01:43 AM
:D :D :D @ Mat. I agree with you, Mat. These pushups are difficult. We do these pushups as warm-up exercises. We use to do 10 pushups. However not all of us can do 10. It is not uncommon for someone to "eat the floor" if he pushes himself too hard.

Practice hard. But don't overdo it :D :D :D