View Full Version : How important is lineage?

03-11-2002, 09:34 PM
What are your thoughts on lineage?

Is it that important?

On one hand I am a traditionalist - I like to know where my art form came from. On the other - I wonder if it is all that important as long as I am being taught a worthwhile style by a qualified instructor.

03-11-2002, 09:38 PM
Know what I Mean....:) :(

03-11-2002, 09:42 PM
How important is what car you drive?

03-11-2002, 09:44 PM
What i want to know is if anyone will care about linage in another 500 years.
Seriously if our arts are to survive we need to actualy maintain a standard ourselfs not simply rely on the skills of our ancestors.
In several hundred years Yang Chen Fu or Wong Fai Hung will be just another legend. My hope is that someone else with comparable skill steps up to the plate and the cycle begins a new.

My sifus have excerlent skill and linage...
Whilst i will always be happy to tell people my linage, when i teach i will harp that my skills come from them, not someone five hundred years ago.

03-11-2002, 10:06 PM
If you want to learn a particular style, then i can see it as being important in that your actually learning what they say their teaching.

But if you just want to learn to fight, or to protect yourself, or martial arts concepts, then i wouldn't view it as important.

03-11-2002, 10:33 PM
I think Jon answered the question the best.

But in the end:
"Lineage is only as important as you desire it to be."

Lineage can serve as an indicator about your teacher, but it is not a guarantee. for skill, knowledge, understanding and ability to transmit those.

On the other hand there are many Students that solely rely on a good lineage to learn good skill, but fail to realise that it is the student who learns and not the teacher who teachers that is important.

Sorry, if I am cryptic.