View Full Version : KC Elbows..what would your strategy be....

03-13-2002, 08:30 AM
If you fought a sumo wrestler in the UFC?

What about a Thai-Boxer with super strong knees?
How would you fight Rickson or Royce Gracie?

Would you hit 'em fast & hit 'em hard?
Would you fight Mark Coleman on the ol Pride card?

Would you grapple in the Abu Dhabi??
Could you beat Sakurabu???

Would you fight Joe Lewis in a kickboxing match?
Fight the Dog Brothers without a scratch??

What about Emin B. in a Wing Tsun battle?
Would you fight or run & tattle??

With Bruce Lee would you go head to head?
Or would you run from the dead???

Could you beat Knifefighter or SifuAbel??
Appear on PPV on AT & T Cable???

Would you fight Ryu or his Bizarro??
Are you glad this all ends the day after Tomorrow????


03-13-2002, 09:19 AM

03-13-2002, 11:08 AM
I'd shoot them in the side of the head and eat their family.


KC Elbows
03-13-2002, 02:49 PM
I would do
the same as Ryu.:D

Chang Style Novice
03-13-2002, 03:07 PM
Slow day at work I see...

How would I fight a sumo champ?
Electrocute him with a broken lamp.

How would I fight a muay thai guy
Shout "Look out behind!" then poke his eye.

If Mark Coleman in Pride I faced,
I'd strangle him with my shoelace.

For Sakaburu in the Middle East,
I'd stomp his toes with baseball cleats.

Joe Lewis and the Brothers Canine
I'd catscratch then suplex behind.

A Wing Tsun legend would be no problem;
A tai chi press, then lock should stop him.

Against Bruce Lee I'd quake in fear
But he has left this mortal sphere.

KF and SA would be quite easily handled
They'd fight each other, I'd be unmangled

Ryu with period or without
Could kick my tush without a doubt.

(Dang temp agency said they'd call, but nooooo.)

03-13-2002, 03:21 PM
KC took the easy way out:( Bad KC,Bad.

Atleast CSN took up the slack.:D

I'm a little worried about Ryu.
Talking about capping people & eating them.
I thought I was the Bi..z..Badger.


03-13-2002, 03:42 PM
Ryu is mad.. he's mad I tell ya, MAD :eek: :eek: