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View Full Version : My Recent Hip Hop/Kung Fu Experience

Justa Man
03-13-2002, 01:35 PM
so i was at that cannibal ox, masterminds, c rays walz, scienz of life show last night. place was packed. couldn't get anywhere near the bar for water and i was thirsty as hell. had a few drinks. cats near me are smokin blunts. mouth dry. sweating. can't move.

all of a sudden i start to feel quesy. my vision starts going spotty. i'm like, "oh ****". i can't move. we are packed in like sardines. my vision is growing blacker by the minute, so i take a knee right there. no biggie. thing is, i can't get back up without my vision going black.

so i was down there for a while. i'm talking 20 minutes. i'd love to get outside for some fresh air, but can't get to the door without risking passing out on my way there. my body was covered in sweat. i mean, it was coming off in buckets. ok, so i'm thinking, no real big deal. i'm overheating from the elements and lack of water and my body is sweating to keep me cool. i got to admit, sitting down on the floor of that club, the air was so much cooler and fresher. hot air and smoke both rise right. :) i'm surprised more people don't take knees more often!

here's where the kung fu part comes in. this kid comes along, leans over to me and says, "you know, you are taking up a ridiculous amount of space". i said, "yes, i'm sorry" eventhough i was taking up the same amount of space as if i was standing. well, ok maybe a little more, but come the fu(k on man. so this guy stands basically right over me. his a$$ is, no doubt, 5 inches from my face as he's watching the show (scienz of life was on at this time). i thought to myself, "this mother fu(k", took 3 deep breaths and rose up ready to put my knuckles into the back of his big dumb head.

i was standing, and i was still shaky, and my vision was spotty, but my newfound anger at this ballsy kid just put all those other feelings on the back burner. thing is, i was about 5 inches taller than this kid, and i could just tell by looking at his frame and aura that he would be little match for an angry martial artist. i'm also thinking that since i was sitting, he didn't know how much bigger i was than he and therefore was more bold in his actions than he might have been. not all people care about size and all, but on the average, the non martial artist may.

i tapped him on the shoulder. he turns. i get close and say, "i'm sorry for taking up SO MUCH room, but i wasn't feeling well", but not in an apologetic tone, more like a "wtf is your beef" tone. he looked at me and said, "yea, i'm sorry too. i guess i shouldn't have been so rude". and that's it. i turned around, had my wits back, made it outside. recouped. drank mad water. and made it back in to watch cannibal ox rip the show (although i was a bit disappointed in their live performance and a bit weak by the whole ordeal).

point of the story....i could have really hurt that kid, but saw it wouldn't have been right. i contolled my anger, but not by stifling it, rather by coming to a new understanding of the situation in an instant, and thereby feeling no more anger towards him. i also learned when one's focus is completely and wholly changed to something else, how little that old thing you were focused on has pull or importance. as soon as he insulted me by standing right on top of me, i no longer dwelled on my sweating, weak body, but on how i was gonna be hurting someone real soon, and my body and constiution changed instantly. i'm happy about these 2 things and i feel they are manifestations of my training. i give thanks to the kung fu gods! :D

btw, masterminds stole the show. and they only came on second.

03-13-2002, 01:57 PM
Great story. I especially enjoyed the point about how when you change your state of mind from one thing to the next, how the old thing seems much less important than it had.

In the "Dao of Meditation" by Jou, Tsung-Hwu he mentions that it is easy for someone to change something physical that they do, but to change a sad emotion to a happy one, or an angry emotion to a calm one takes much more self-control. I remember when I first began to fathom this concept, I would be in a situation where my emotions would get on a rise, perhaps I was really angry and I would recall those words about being able to change my state of mind. So I would will myself to change my state of mind just to see if I could do it and 90% of the time I was successful if I really wanted to make the change. Fun stuff.

Fun story.

Justa Man
03-13-2002, 02:12 PM
tks nexus.
you can make the change if, like you say, you really want to. i meet many people who are negative people and bad things are always happening to them. it's all their world seems to be about. when i suggest some things they can do to change their thinking, i learn that they really don't want to change afterall. it's strange but some people, whether they know it or not, anjoy a negative mindframe. enjoy strife. enjoy struggle. enjoy fighting.

03-13-2002, 02:25 PM
aren't live shows the best… packed like sardines, broads rubbin there azz up on you when they try to get by, bluntz blazin in the air, the crowd getting hype and you almost lose your shoes… gotta luv it…

but the one thing I hate is the dudes in front of you when you try to get close to the stage and they don't wanna let u thru but they aren't tryin to get up front…

03-13-2002, 07:19 PM
good to hear u didn't rip tha kid in half....

so yo the show was ahhite? I've never seen Cannibal Ox live, always wondered how they'd manage to get all those lyrics in on a live show, they just spit spit spit over their beats, kinda like EL-P from Company Flow does...didn't EL-P produce some of the beats for Cannibal? I meant to go last night man, but got caught up with, shall we say, some female interests...:D

yo the next show like that comes around, post it dunn, maybe me & some of my crew can meet up wit ya.:cool:

Justa Man
03-14-2002, 07:56 AM
no doubt abstract i will. the show was aight, that's it. cannibal was nice, and they got off all their lyrics, but i've seen tighter can ox shows. yea, el-p does some or all of their beats, but they don't drop as many lyrics per bar as el-p. el-p overdoes it on that end. but no doubt i'll let you know about the next one.
suntzu, i love when cats ain't trying to let you pass, but they ain't moving either. i was pretty far up in the crowd, so even tryin to go to the back was a hassle to some heads.