View Full Version : Chicago Guys/Kali Seminar

Black Jack
03-13-2002, 03:54 PM
I am psyched!!!!

Just wanted to point out that their is going to be a Sayoc Kali group coming down to our neck of the woods for a blade seminar on April 13th.

The location is in Liberityville, the price I believe is $75, the time 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Sayoc family are some of they top dogs when it comes to real world blade combatives, it should be very interesting, I don't believe they come down to the midwest that often, if anyone is interested I can dig up the contact numbers, teachers and details.

I am going, anybody want to come?

03-13-2002, 06:04 PM
Could you send some Info my way.

Black Jack
03-13-2002, 06:48 PM
Hey Drone,

Here is the info and some links.

Sayoc Kali

April 13-Saturday
9am till 5pm
NorthShore Academy of Martial Arts
1421 Peterson Road, Liberityville, IL 60048
barefoot or grappling shoes

Teacher-Jeff Chung

Here is his website and the Sayoc Kali website-


I am looking forward to it, see ya

Black Jack
03-13-2002, 07:43 PM
What about you Royal or Water Dragon,

Chris McKinley
03-14-2002, 01:12 AM
I'm so jealous, you sorry *&%$@*........yet another reason why I need to move to Chicago. :)

Black Jack
03-14-2002, 01:32 PM
Don't worry Chris, I will be sure to tell you all about it:D

Oh, the off hand I wanted to pass off some info to you that I thought you might like, when you do your kali class/stick drills do you use the standard burnt rattan sticks?

If you wanted to add a different tactical feel to some of the drills you should try out what the burmese do, go buy some cut/crude bamboo stalks, the ones with the green skin look the coolest, and use them in your drills.

From the few times I have used them, I like them alot, they have a more outdoor like feel, a wider grip, which seems to lend itself to two hand power shots, and its just something different, a little spice, plus it does make you look kinda cool.

From a tactical perspective, training with the wider grip can be translated to different enviromental tools, big pipes, bats and so on.

Just wanted to share.

03-14-2002, 01:36 PM
I'm so jealous, you sorry *&%$@*........yet another reason why I need to move to Chicago.
Another reason for me to move back. Actually I may be in Naperville sometime later this year. I haven't been back in years.

Black Jack
03-14-2002, 01:39 PM

I love Naperville, have you been to Riverwalk? A great place to get chow and walk around with your girlfriend, or just walk the dogs.

03-14-2002, 01:43 PM
I grew up going to the riverwalk at night and swimming at centinial beach every day in the summer. I was back there in 97 and it had changed alot. I am sure I would barely recognize it now.

Black Jack
03-14-2002, 01:48 PM
It has changed a little, in the middle of the open park/where the giant grassy hill is, they have constructed a $10,000,000+ symbolic 4 story+ bell tower, as it is large it takes up a little space but not as much you may think, one of its perks is to hear the bell toll on every hour.

Very cool area, I bet it was great in the 40's and 50's when it was a prime crusing spot for kids in their muscle cars, from what I hear is that it was something out of American Graffiti.


03-14-2002, 01:55 PM
How dare they alter that hill. That was the best **** sledding hill in town. I spent many sub-zero nights riding that hill. ****ers.

It was a great cruising spot up until about 92-93 when they banned cruising. Too many fights and supposed "gang activity". I remember when the low-riders with neon lights was the big thing up there. It faded out right before I moved. Then I get down here and it was the hottest thing since sliced bread. Crazy rednecks are always late in the fads down here.

Hanging out at the riverwalk is actually what sparked my interest in N. Preying mantis. One year during the 'Last Fling' two mantis guys demonstrated a two man form (can't remember the name). It was the coolest **** thing I ever saw (I was like 14 then). Soon after I started Shaolin at Golden Mountain. Ahh memories :)