View Full Version : this is a long shot anybody know about sanfrans kungfu in the late60s/early70s

03-13-2002, 06:34 PM
I'm looking for info on a Y.c.wong a teacher of a mantis style, could be southern but i doubt it. i have some techniques and his name is on the bio from the deceased teacher of what i practise.

also if you have knowledge of goldengate back then what do you know about the legend of HARRYWU-NG-YIM-MING.
One of you wrote to me a year ago, do you still post, the old threads are hard to find, if impossible, you gave me a chinese name of a old friend of harry's, please help if you see this, hehe..

03-13-2002, 09:13 PM

Registered: Jan 1970
any one lnow hybrid kajukenbo/hopga....HOP GA MASTER HARRY NG and his student "KAIDO
Does anyone know what technical EXCHANGE, transpired between HUNGA SIFU WONG FEI HUNG
I read hopga gave longfists and hungga tigerklaws.
anybody know????????
posted 04-09-01 07:31 PM From: THE LAND IN THIS STATE OUT YONDER I DWELL!!!
Registered: 04-08-01
Posts: 4
anyone know hopgar??????????????????????????????

"kaido" english nickname?????
Born 1948 july 13??? learned native style from his father in the philipines from age 13-20.
specialized in kajukenbo/hopgar...
learnt kajukenbo from adriano.d emperado in hawaii.
white crane/hopga from harry ng in san francisco.
?mantis with w.c.wong and burokukai from richard kim in san fran, as well as shorinryu from
latino gonzalez in the philipines.
two of his main students are Roy Buchanan and philip gelinas both from montreal canada..kaido
was killed in a nightclub in the early 80's????
he had two or three schools in montreal in the
70's.....any info
also harry ng chinese general during ww2? i think..all i know from a hop gar book is and i
quote "harry ng overstepped his boundarys in the
early 70's in san francisco......i am quite sure
he was a famous martial artist in the southern circles in the 30-40's??......

i am third generation after kaido? his kajukenbo/hopgar his a interesting hybrid with
a mantis flavor hopga frame and kajukenbo frame..
i only got two thru the first section of the second form, and learnt 13 of the 48 coordination drills wich hold the multiples of the applications in the 13??? forms........luckily
i got the text with 31 of the drills??and i have like 20 minutes of kaido and students demonstrating.

please help, i am no longer in contact with my
teacher, and kaidos organization is scattered
if you can think of links or anything much appreciative.....

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04-10-2001 02:50 AM


Registered: Jan 1970
Howdy Diego

I trained in Kajukenbo (Philip & costas)I learned a lot of stuff(Forms,self defense technique ....)
Maybe we can talk more about that my e mail...

send me a e mail

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04-11-2001 01:01 AM


Registered: Jan 1970
howdy steeeve look forward to your reply...

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04-11-2001 03:12 AM


Registered: Jan 1970
steeve did you get my e-mail...
b.c is i eh

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04-11-2001 10:00 AM

03-13-2002, 09:21 PM
This person named Steeeve might be the person you contacted .Look up his name under members maybe his email is there .

03-14-2002, 12:43 AM

do u mean Master Y.C. Wong from Sanfrancisco, he teaches Hung ga but i heard one of his older students knew S. Mantis. This is his website www.tigercrane.com he is a student of GM Lam Jo & they are both great M. artists.

03-14-2002, 12:47 AM
I know of WC Wong.... He teaches Hung Gar, Some northern weapons, Ba Gua, and Tai Chi... He has a website.... just do a search on "WC Wong Hung Gar"

03-14-2002, 01:07 AM
maybe , i know about W.C.Wong but thiers this old article in french and it says yc mantis sanfrancisco in the seventie's, then it lists the other styles.
but steeves teacher the main guy in my style thru short emial contact said the teacher im enquiring about didnt mention a ycwong and the article could be wrong, and that his teacher higly bigged up wcwong??!.

maybe its spm but i dont know looks more like sevenstar my techniques, do they use the hookingmantis grip hand and the heeladduction stance prevalent in 7star?.
thanks tho eh...

03-14-2002, 01:27 AM
This page was developed and is maintained by Sifu Chris Arnold of the Hong Lung Mun and the Institute Of Chinese Boxing.
Enjoy you visit and feel free to contact me about the page.
Chu Gar South Mantis Kung Fu

Red Dragon's Door

Southern Praying Mantis Sifu Sammy Wong

The Red Dragon's Door was founded by Sifu Manuel Rodrigues of Ventura, California. The name was an horonary title given to him for his accomplishments in traditional martial arts competitions. The name was bestowed in the form of a name chop literaly stating, "Red Dragon has no peers." Sifu Rodrigues is the senior student of Sammy Wong, reknown Chu Gar Tong Long master, a private student of Jack Moy, a Bak Mei master, a student of Henry Poo Yee, the Grandmaster of Jook Lum Tong Long, & a student of Dr. Wu, a Shuai Chiao master.

The Palm Springs / Cathedral City branch of Sifu Rodrigues's school the Hong Lung Mun or Red Dragon's Door is also called the Institute Of Chinese Boxing and is run by Sifu Rodrigues's senior student Chris Arnold. Here, Sifu Arnold teaches the Chu Gar & Chow Gar systems of Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu and the Yang Style of Tai Chi Chuan, under Master Rodriguez.

What Is Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu?

Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu is a practical martial art for modern Self Defense. The arms are held out in front of the body ( similar to a praying mantis ) to protect the chest and abdominal cavities from attack. The movements are smooth and circular, designed to use the opponent’s force against himself. In this way the physically weaker can defend themselves against the stronger. Southern Mantis fighting techniques are simple, efficient, and extremely effective. Some of these include simultaneous defense and counter attack, short power and multiple power strikes. It is an aggressive in-close fighting system meant to completely dominate it's opponent by "swallowing them up and spitting them out." The system is a truly complete martial art boasting many sub-systems such as ground boxing, aerial boxing, chin na, drunken boxing, etc... It is also heralded as one the most powerful kung fu systems attacking all thirty-six vital points and is intended for use in war like conditions, seeking to end the fight as quickly as possible.

Three basic methods for generating power exist and from there seventy-six total variations of power generation can be developed. These powers in Chinese Kung fu are called "Genk" under the Hakka pronounciation or "Jing" in Mandarin. The idea of power in Chinese Kung Fu is disimilar to the idea of power that a Western athlete typically thinks. Ging comes in many forms and also varies in usage from system to system and can become quite complicated.

What Is Tai Chi Chuan?

Tai Chi Chuan translates as “Supreme Ultimate Fist.” It is a rarely understood form of Chinese Martial Art. Renowned for its health benefits, Tai Chi Chuan has spread throughout the world as a health creating exercise. It is recognized by the medical community as being helpful for reducing stress, and has been used in therapy programs for patient’s with Chronic Illnesses. But you don’t have to be ill to benefit from Tai Chi Chuan! We believe that the full benefits of this art can only be experienced if taught with a full understanding of how to use it as a "martial art". That is why we teach you the complete art of Tai Chi Chuan.

About the Institute Of Chinese Boxing.

The Institue Of Chinese Boxing offers training in martial arts. This training improves endurance, strength, muscle tone, coordination, and flexibility. It also builds lean muscle and burns fat.

Training in Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu & Tai Chi Chuan will build self confidence, discipline, physical strength, flexibility, and the ability to defend yourself and loved ones.

The Institute Of Chinese Boxing is a martial arts academy dedicated to the concept of Wu Lin Kwoon - School of Martial Virtue. We believe that by training in authentic martial arts both Traditional and Modern, you can improve your mind, body and spirit; the only three things you can truly own.These are the benefits that make martial arts training much more than a pastime - it makes it an art for a lifetime.

Sifu Chris Arnold
Institute Of Chinese Boxing
Styles Taught: Southern Mantis Kung Fu,Tai Chi Chuan.
E-mail Address: chrisdog2@juno.com

Try the link from Google http://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&oe=ISO-8859-1&scoring=r&q=Sammy+Wong+Chu+Gar+Southern+Mantis&btnG=Google+Search

03-14-2002, 03:11 PM
thier's only two picture's tho
so i can't really tell on basic technique, i'll check it out