View Full Version : finally learned there is no progression without rest . .. life f#$%&*g sucks.

03-14-2002, 06:22 PM
i never would have believed it. in fact, i'll credit iron fist with knowing much more than myself about lifting and such, but i'd always argue with him that overtraining was an excuse not to work as hard as you can. i knew you needed a little rest, but i always thought the recommended amount was for pu$$ys.

last week i went to the keys and miami with my family. i didn't have the facilities to lift nor the time to train. i dreaded my first night back figuring i'd be rusty as hell. to my suprise, when i was reunited with my punching bag i was hitting harder than when i left. not allot harder, but a little bit. plus, my ratio of "that's what i'm talkin about" hits to "ehh" hits increased dramatically. i also noticed i was faster mainly due to the fact that i was much more relaxed with my movements. i just wasn't expecting much or making a big deal of it, and every strike felt solid.

i went into my weight room with the same attitude and figured i'd just have to have a couple crappy lifting sessions before getting back on track. instead i was pushing more wieght for more reps. i really couldnt fu cking belive it. i had to look back at my lifting journal a couple times to be sure i was right. i felt fu cking great. i wasn't even exhausted at the end of the session.

i was plataued in both lifting and training and kept trying to push myself harder to break it. i never would have imagined i would have started making good progress again after not doing **** for a week. i really felt great about the fact that i was progressing again and looked forward to lifting and going to class. i wasn't just going downstairs because i'd feel guilty for not doing it, but because i was really enjoyiong it again.

and now i have a fu cking hernia. go figure. life sucks.

03-14-2002, 06:33 PM
Sorry to hear about the hernia. You OK? How long will it be before you are 100% again?

03-14-2002, 06:57 PM
Jesus, man, Rest! Of course you rest!
I have a habit of overtraining too. It's not pu$$y to rest, it's listening to your body.
I hope you feel better, GDA. We were wondering where you were.
Get better soon okay?


03-14-2002, 08:20 PM
hehehe all true atheletes learn that lesson at least once :)

03-14-2002, 08:45 PM
i'll be alright .. . i caught it immediatley i think. it didn't hurt, but i could see it when i got out of the shower.

dr. said i'll be fine two weeks after the surgery. just bad timing for this to happen. right before the vacation i wouldn't have minded at all.

anyway, does anyone know what's cool to do while you have a hernia? is it ok to do things like bench presses and concentration curls? pushups? i tried to ask the dr. but i don't think he really knew for sure. he just said that some people don't even bother getting the surgery and it gets worse. he wasn't really able to give me a straight answer about any of my questions on continuing training. i figure kung fu is out becuase of the low stances in my style, but i dunno. i tried calling sifu but had to leave a message with his son.

also what kind of rest is optimimal? i always feel guilty on the days i don't work out so i don't want to sit around more than is needed. my guess is that with lifting the rule of thumb is your cool if it's been at least a day and your not sore. stomach can be done every day (wait . .. maybe that's why i'm in this position now). stretching can be done every day. where im most confused is with training/cardio/bagwork, chigung (the exercises that make you cry for the pain in your legs). i used to think these things could be done every day, but after seeing so much improvement after taking some time off im not so sure.

at least now i'll be able to drink beer and hang out here a bit while im healing.

03-14-2002, 08:55 PM
never looked into it, thought it was oldpersons disease, is it just a consistent cramp, give me some CAUTION.

03-14-2002, 09:07 PM
diego .. . basically your insides start falling out. it's when you rip the stomach or groin enough that your inards leak out of your new hole. that's what i meant when i said i was able to see it. i got out of the shower and walked over to the toilet to take a p!ss and noticed that the right side of my groin was puffed out way ****her than the left. to be honest i was actually hoping for a hernia when i saw it because of the previous lymphoma scare i had. i definately notice it, it's uncomforatble sometimes, but it doesnt really hurt. mine's not bad though because i noticed it right away. some people live with them for years while their intestines get sucked in and out of an unatural hole. it doesn't actually get really painful until it becomes strangulated. to the best of my knowlege this is when you get poop stuck in the part of the intestine that is hanging out. i guess you really know it at that point.

03-14-2002, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
i never would have believed it. in fact, i'll credit iron fist with knowing much more than myself about lifting and such,

I was going to give you a big "I told you so," until:

and now i have a fu cking hernia. go figure. life sucks.

Dude, that blows. I hope you get better soon. Did you know that metal helps cure hernias? It's true. Go download some more Children of Bodom or let Nightwish's soothing vocals help heal you :)


03-14-2002, 09:12 PM
Yeah! Another Children Of Bodom fan! Unbelievable!

(Sorry, just felt the urge to chime in there. Solidarity, you know!)

03-14-2002, 09:14 PM
plain old rest.... have a hot bath.

You want to do exercise, how about you visualise yourself doing exercise in the hot tub. More benefits than most people belief and your motor neurons get a good reminder of movements.

03-14-2002, 09:18 PM
oh . . there really isn't a way to prevent it. some people are born with a weak spot in the muscle that eventually rips with enough stress, others weaken the area with a previous injury, some can get them from chronic coughing (god **** pot!!!), while some people just rip it under normal stress for no apparent reason at all.

i think i may have actually gotten mine last night while lifting. i upped my weight a little on all lifts and really pushed the reps. it also could have been all the lugging of bags during our trip to the beach. we went with two other friends and i swear none of the ****ing bags weighed less than 60lbs and i was usually the only one moving them all up on top of the van (which is no easy feat considering how close me and the ground are) and back down again.

03-14-2002, 09:24 PM
Hey GDA, you often comment on your diminuitive stature. How tall (short?) are you exactly?

03-14-2002, 09:32 PM
Serpent: CoB rules! Have you ever heard Nightwish? It's a prog metal band with a female opera singer with an amazing voice. Download the song Fantasmic.

GDA: After you heal, try keeping your abs tight in every lift you do. Supposedly that will prevent hernias. And keeping the anus drawn up (like when you stop in the middle of going to the bathroom) will prevent hemmorhoids.


03-14-2002, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by IronFist
Serpent: CoB rules! Have you ever heard Nightwish? It's a prog metal band with a female opera singer with an amazing voice. Download the song Fantasmic.


Cool man, I'll check it out!


03-14-2002, 10:16 PM
peace and bhuddablessins and all that goodness

03-14-2002, 10:19 PM
Hemorrhoids (sp?) are herniated veins in your a-hole.

03-14-2002, 10:30 PM

03-14-2002, 10:37 PM
Hemarrhoids(sp) are caused by hig Blood pressure in the anal region.

Normally caused by stress.

They come in 3 stages, and most of the time will go away by themelves after a few days.

Any exercise/medication that lowers blood pressure can help as well.
There are also cremes out there that will help. Just ask for Roid or pile medication.

Some Qi-Gong exercises can cause them as well if trained improperly.
:D :D

Time to reach for the Donut cushion and start fearing the sessions on the white throne.

03-15-2002, 12:17 AM
serpent ... i'm half a man at 5'4'' and 140lbs.

iron fist . . ."try keeping your abs tight in every lift you do"

i actually try to dude, i don't know that i actually do it every rep, but the rip i got was in a groin muscle. it's funny cause i had a groin muscle bothering me on my left side for a long time. i kept training anyway, and it stopped bothering me, but now i got a hernia on my right side. i'm gettin that sh!t sewn up quick though. plus i learned the value of rest .. . . though i was delayed in fully applying the benifits.

03-15-2002, 12:31 AM
When you really love what you are doing though, the hard work and the resting are all a lot of fun! I would say in relation to some of my training, the hard work is the more physically demanding practices like weapons training, and two person exercises, and the resting is the more meditative practices. Regardless keep enjoying your training and MA!

- Nexus

wushu chik
03-15-2002, 01:18 AM
I am SOOO sorry GDA...I hope you feel better soon. Just relax a lot!


03-15-2002, 01:28 AM

Hope you get better soon.

Yes, resting is very important and a needed but often overlooked factor of any training.

I also agree that resting is kinda meditative.
The way I see when you work physically the Body collects Information about movements, force directions and so on.

During your rest periods the mind will catalog them and adjust your neural connections for optimum perfomance.
Plus, it can also heal minor injuries that you might not have been aware off, but will aggrevate with

out rest period.

So, yes, I see rest periods as a needed part of your physical & mental skill development.

I learned this during at my programming shool, a 10 month cram course of a 3 year Uni-course.
I fully understood what I had learned 4 month after I graduated from the corse.

Anyhuh, get well soon, and hug that lil girl of yours often.

03-15-2002, 07:17 AM
You probably got it from lifting the suitcases or similar activity. One of my friends got one in eight grade because he was always lifting/carrying his half-stack when we went to band practice. Oh, and they are going to shave your ass too GDA! :o

03-15-2002, 07:24 AM
Well, I'd bit(h at you and tell you to wear a weight belt but a tear that low you can only do so much about.

Listen to your doctor, take it easy. Wait until you are really healed, and then wait another week.

Heal up quick like. When the apocalypse comes, I'll need you on my side.


Ray Pina
03-15-2002, 07:39 AM
I train hard, but in spurts. The things I do for a longer duration are less impact, like Ba Gua walking and such. I don't hit a heavy bag anymore (I'm making a bag under teacher's instruction). I'll but a light on to cast a shadow and shadow box full speed for about 4 minutes. Take a breather, another four minutes, breather and then four more. Then study position and technique transitions, all low impact.

I do not lift anymore. Fighting the weight reinforces the idea -- too me -- of fighting the force. This creates a push against the incoming force response when crossing hands which can be bad if the other is much stronger. Not to say I'm like a pu$$y willow. I'll check the power for an instant to read and then let it pass or divert, but not fight it.

But that is the mentality of the particular method I'm studyng now. If one is styudying Hung GAr say, then they should be developing that type of power I guess.

Either way, rest and feel better man. That's terrible. Take it easy. Your body deserves a rest. Get it in now before summer.

Be well.

03-15-2002, 11:00 AM
I decided that I'm going to start shelling out for the super-weed, then just take a few puffs. This is because inhaling all that smoke really is bad for you. Even though I enjoy the act of smoking joints and don't smoke cigarettes. I'm also going to put my stone pipe in the freezer first to cool down the smoke. I don't fancy myself dying of cancer due to pot-smoking.


03-15-2002, 11:17 AM
i don't smoke anymore unless i'm drinking, which is gonna be fairly often for the next couple weeks, but i always get midis when i do buy some. not quite as good as kind bud but only slightly more expensive than shwag.

i only hit it a couple times now as well. funny thing is that it actually gives you a much better buzz. remember when you first started smoking pot and only had a small j between you and two other people? you wouldn't be real sure you caught a buzz for about 10 minutes and then blam ... same thing still happens. problem is that as adults we can purchase larger quantities and not worry about getting caught so we sit and smoke until we actually feel high. at that point your stoned and in my opinion, it's not nearly as fun as just catching a buzz. it's hard to stop after a couple hits and trust that your gonna catch a buzz so i usually just wait until the j is half spent before getting in on the rotation.

03-15-2002, 11:29 AM
Yeah, it's been a few days for me w/out so when I get my s-hit tonight I'll probably get that "back in high school" feeling again. I remember well the days of uncontrollable laughter for 30 mintues at a time. It's nothing like that now, more like a mild relaxant. One thing a friend once pointed out to me- the funny thing is, if you smoke all day and keep smoking you will actually smoke yourself straight (not-high). That's kind of a depressing feeling, like you just wasted your throat and lungs and money and all it did is take you back to where you started. Anyway, mr. jones is talking to me - I had a dream about it last night.


03-15-2002, 12:32 PM
haha ... that's actually one of the main reasons i started hitting it only a couple times. i was smoking myself sober on a regular basis. i didn't smoke all day, just at night, but i'd sit and smoke and smoke and smoke until i was left with nothing but a headache. your right it sucks.

i stopped smoking on the weekdays several months ago and have actually kep up on the rule rather well. main reason i had to cut back is cause pot wakes me up and i was never getting more than a couple hours sleep. i just beat it into my head that you can't eat or go to sleep and waste a buzz in highschool. so if i smoke now there is no way ill make it in bed for at least an hour or two. as of late i stopped smoking every weekend too. i just lost desire to do it when i'm not drinking. i never thought i'd end up liking beer more than weed, but here i am. i'd rather like the weed more . .. it's not as bad for ya. not smoking ever day definatley lets you get a better buzz, but man i do miss the giggles. my buddy quit for two years straight and still didn't get the giggles when he started smoking again.

i'm definatley getting a fat sack for after the surgery. i never bother with pain meds . ... i just drink and smoke myself numb.

Ray Pina
03-15-2002, 12:35 PM
The kind.

03-15-2002, 02:08 PM
What was the quote from South Park?

Teacher: "Ok class, why shouldn't you do drugs?"

Cartman: "Cuz if you do drugs you're a hippie and hippies suck!"



03-15-2002, 03:21 PM
screw you guys ... im goin home

03-15-2002, 03:36 PM
Fine, go home and play in the flowers, hippie.


03-15-2002, 04:55 PM
shup jwt.

03-15-2002, 07:44 PM
just my 2cents on hernias, had 2, in a row.
I DID NOT follow the 6-8 week heal time that the surgeon recommended and had another one 12-14 weeks after the first.
I can't believe you were told just 2 weeks.

I was told swimming after 4 weeks was ok but only a little.

I was also told by my teacher that my, uh, preoccupation with my girlfriend was partially to blame. Ok, I was only 17 and twice a day didn't seem like to much :D

But, having sex 2 weeks after surgery probably didn't help.

To this day, 18 years later, I have to be carefull as I can feel the pressure build in that area at times and have to ease off. I have learned the importance of not holding your breath when exerting yourself.

I would get a second opinion unless you really trust the doctor you went to.

Also, last time I checked, the standard operation was just suturing the tear up but I was told that an option was putting a teflon mesh on the inside to prevent anymore slippages.
