View Full Version : Jow

Alpha Dog
03-15-2002, 08:42 AM
Anyone ever had any adverse reactions to using too much of this stuff?

03-15-2002, 09:04 AM

Real Jow, from a real Dit Da Yee Sang, will be custom made to suit your personal nature. If you buy commercial stuff, or have stuff made from a generic recipe, you may suffer irritation of the skin (one of the most common side effects, especially with older recipes - of course, everyone should know not to take most formulaes internally) to varying degrees (I've heard of some people experiencing extreme redness and irritation akin to a bad rash).

I'd recommend you stop using it if you're having a bad reaction (especially if its a store bought or generic version) and see a Dit Da Yee Sang. S/he should hopefully be able to adjust the formula to better suit you.

(note: I am not a Dit Da Yee Sang, nor do I play one on TV, so in any case, please see a professional (and MA sifu, unless they have received specific TCM instruction, aren't a professional).)
