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View Full Version : Has anybody ever herd of the Fat Cheung Buddhist Palm style

03-15-2002, 10:03 PM
Does anybody know of any books or videos on the Fat Cheung Buddhist Palm style that i can buy and does anybody know anything about this style ?

03-16-2002, 02:24 AM
Fat Cheung, or Buddhist Palm, is the name of an advanced level Choy Lee Fut form. There is Fat Gar (or rather Fut Gar) which is Buddhist family or sect style. Myself personally I've not heard of Buddhist Palm outside of CLF but then I could be wrong. Fut Gar videos can be bought through TC Media & feature Arthur Yee & his son Harlan, whom are both very skilled martial artists.

Arhat of Fury
03-19-2002, 03:00 PM
I think you are referring to "Fut Gar Jeung" (Buddhist Palm Style)which is the style that the green grass monk taught Chan Heung Sing who returned to King Mui village in 1836 to share with Chan Hung. From this sharing is where Choy Lay Fut got its last part of the name, The Fut was used to give praise to Buddha(the green grass monk).



03-19-2002, 06:10 PM
Hung Fut is founded half on fut gar, but a different fut gar than what Sifu Arthur Lee and his son Sifu Harlan Lee teach. It may be the same or similar branch of fut gar that is incorporated into Choy lay Fut. At the first Eagle Cup competition hosted by Sifu Lily Lau in San Francisco, I think it was 98 or 99, there was a thin older man with curlyish hair that did a fut gar form of the same that is in our style. It was extremely interesting, I don't have his name but I believe it was in the program and he is in the masters demo video. It is very soft, very old looking. Perhaps you could either call Sifu Lau's school, order the video, or contact someone with the program to get that Sifu's name and/or contact info.