View Full Version : OT : annicha

03-16-2002, 04:50 AM
About 3 o'clock. We are driving back from Dural. The bunny rabbit was right in the middle of the road. It didn't swerve as we drove passed, hoping other cars might be able to make it walk away from the road. But it didn't so our hazards went on and turned back to get it.

It was blinded, it hardly ran when we came up to it. It looks weak, like it hadn't had any food for days; it looked like it's just a baby. Its right eye was slightly bleeding and pussed, its left eye pussed and little bit open. It didnt take much effort at all to pick him up, he couldnt run very far, it could hardly breathe, its nose was blocked from puss too.

We wrapped it in my jumper, and arranged for a vet. Our friend got in contact with a vet who would see it at this time, we took home, and gave it some food water, it refused, or maybe it just couldnt as it was struggling to breathe through its mouth.

You could make out it was extremely in pain, it couldnt lie down properly nor could it stand, it simply stood still, panting.... almost surrending its entire body to us to somehow do something, anything....

Time comes for the appointment, and the vet takes a quick look. Its ears were swollen, its nose, genitals, eyes and mouth were swollen. The vet said "the kindest thing is to put it down. Otherwise it would suffer and die slow death. It had been affected by something-or-rather(medical jargon). Apparently it was released in the 50's to kill rabbits, released into the wild like viruses.

So, 4 of us, we didnt know what to do. One of us makes a decision and agrees, I am mixed in feeling. What was the right decision to do. All I had comfort in was that the vet would put it to sleep with an overdose of anaesthetic. At least, its suffering would have ended. I still wonder if was the right thing to do.

We took it home, it is so beautiful and peaceful. It rested on its right side of its body, just like Gautama did when he passed. My jumper wrapped around him. We prayed, We burried it outside, in the garden, under some rocks. Its heart area was still warm but its body undergone Rigor Mortis after some time at the alter.

It is so unfair of me to single out on this creature, everyday, thousands of squirrels, rabbits, rats, mice, human beings, insects, die in excruciating pain ....

I know some of you find me very odd, I know I talk too much, verbal diarrhoea on KFO etc, but if you could spare a minute. I am writting this to ask for you guys to spare a short moment, to think about all your loved ones, all those you around you, people you know or once knew. If you are a Christian, ask god, if you are Muslim, ask Allah. Or maybe it be the Supreme Brahmin, or whoemer it is your believe, or if you believe in existent being finite, then I ask for your strength, if I could ask a favour, and that is, please show us soon, the path to make life just that little bit less painful for every single one of us living creatures ... live like there mightnt be a tomorrow.

A big thank-you to all out there...I will probably look back tomorrow and think WTF did I post this for, but death does odd things to people.

From the #1 looney of KFO

kindest regards and blessings, I hope you are all well and in peace.


03-16-2002, 05:09 AM
Uh yea.......that was a nice thing to do. I would of personally left it on the road. Maybe it was destined to be a meal for another starving animal. I've taken in my share of helpless or wounded animals but never any half dead and diseased, for fear of catching something. You seriously couldn't tell it was sick? His mother probably died or even worse abandoned him/her because of that . Animals have no tolerance for defects and carnivore just plain take advantage but thats what separates them from us i suppose. Atleast he's not suffering anymore.........

03-16-2002, 05:14 AM
Atleast he's not suffering anymore.........
Thanks. I am glad I took it off the road, because the disease was designed to kill rabbits, very slowly and painfully.

Yung Apprentice
03-16-2002, 06:16 AM
Thats a he!la sad story. I'm getting depressed. :(

03-16-2002, 08:11 PM
My dog had to take a lethal medicine too when he was very sick, cos he was in too much pain and the dissease was too advanced for cure.

I will become a vet probably in some years from now.