View Full Version : some new thinking

03-16-2002, 06:24 AM
IN RELATION TO RELAXATION vS speed we need to ask do we use the mussle to increase hthe power. or do we use the speed to generate the power as we3 kno0w that speed is in conjuction with speed. do we simply rely on relaxation or do we use muscle to identify the power etc..

Also i want to ask if we can use though force to increas the power?? what are you thoughts on thought force, it spills into the opponent..and gives us power over them... anyone else experience this???

03-16-2002, 08:37 AM
body-mind-spirit: the three conquests.

Alpha Dog
03-16-2002, 09:38 AM
Sorta like dating!

03-16-2002, 02:58 PM
Without letting the stars or smoke get in your eyes
and letting the lovely flame die.

03-16-2002, 10:57 PM
Very good questions, S. Teebas. May I ask what is the good name of your sifu?

How much muscle is necessary, if at all? Which muscles to use? How does one generate power? How does one guide it? Meditation is the key.

Also: tan sau, bong sau, lap sau, kwan sau, jit sau, gan da, fuk sau, wu sau, biu sau.

03-17-2002, 01:56 AM

Yes I agree with what you have said, and I can only describe what is used as almost a mediataion, but with a strong link on connection between body and mind (unlike what I perceive yoga for example to be...i.e. a mind exercise but not guiding the body to such an extent that WC does)

I see in you profile you're are stuck in the second chakra so I assume you have knowledge of yoga?... I have a friend who also talks about the chakras..and linking them up. I can see some relationship between this and the though force in WC used to link up the body, Do you also see any relationships??

In class we don’t really talk about this stuff its just some things I have been thinking about (so don’t judge my sifu on the things I say) .. anyway my sifus name is Susana Ho and she is in my opinion the best Wc teacher I have had the opportunity to learn off. (I feel lucky to train under her) ...Very technical, lots of knowledge etc..

Anyway I want to ask you a question Sabu, why do you end your posts with:

tan sau, bong sau, lap sau, kwan sau, jit sau, gan da, fuk sau, wu sau, biu sau.


03-17-2002, 08:06 AM
Cant write a book called "Wing Chun for Dummies".

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts
and being stuck on the second wheel.

03-17-2002, 09:20 AM
Wonderful....! You are very lucky, S.Teebas, because in my opinion there is not enough yin energy in this wing chun world.

To answer your question about yoga vs wing chun kuen, energy is universal, just as God is non-denominational.

I'm glad you asked about the tan sau, bong sau, lap sau, kwan sau, jit sau, gan da, fuk sau, wu sau, biu sau, S. Teebas. Let us not forget our basics, our foundation, the first well from which we drank.

03-17-2002, 07:09 PM
'There is not enough yin energy in this wing chun world'
'energy is universal'
Could you tell me if these statements you made conflict?

If love is the answer what was the question?

03-17-2002, 11:23 PM
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts
and being stuck on the second wheel.

Im not sure what you mean?

On another, but related note. I was thinking about the comparison between Wc and other arts...external arts in particular. It is quite often we see people come in and out of WC classes...droping out quite a bit. But i think the real answer to why this occurs is perhaps the following: (?)
In an external art such as boxing or karate, the method to generate the power exists from day one you walk in the class (specifically relying on muscle to generate the power). And this can be strengthened from day 1.
However in a Wc class the power METHOD takes along time to understand. So we cant really begin to strengthen our force (ie the force we put into our opponent) until we actually understand what we are doing.... until we understandd how to generate the power. Only then can we work on strengthening our approach to power generation.

03-18-2002, 12:59 PM
I does appear that I have contradicted myself. The truth is I have not. One cannot look at the world through binoculars. Looking at the bigger picture, one sees everything. And to every question.... Love IS the answer.

And in the words of Neil Diamond, "Ride. C'mon baby ride".

Have I clarified Cloud One?

03-18-2002, 08:13 PM

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts
and being stuck on the second wheel.

Im not sure what you mean?
The listed wing chun techniques -each-are like a Trojan horse-
they enter the gate and explode.
Re; the second wheel. I do try to look at profiles to understand the questions that are asked. Sabu's profile claims that he is stuck on the second chakra in the kundalini structure. Chakras can also be seen as wheels
in some analogies. Chakras were ancient indian throwing weapons too of various kinds and sizes and throwing styles.. Ms. Xena uses one version in her show. In case RH questions this ---
:D :D

03-19-2002, 05:12 PM
Can love answer this question?

Who does your mother love?

Is your love one sided?


03-19-2002, 05:47 PM
New on the ignored list: Cloud One and RH

03-19-2002, 06:15 PM
if you want more power in your movements

practice the wooden dummy :)


03-19-2002, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by CLOUD ONE
Can love answer this question?

Who does your mother love?

Is your love one sided?



03-20-2002, 07:28 AM
You have missed the point!