View Full Version : Hong Cha kung fu. Same as Hung Gar or Hong Chuan?

03-16-2002, 12:08 PM
Like another member of this forum who was left distinctly non-plussed at studying a kung fu style(?) with a murky lineage, I was hoping to get some info in a style(?) of Kung Fu I studied when I lived in New York. By way of introduction, I'm from Missouri and moved to Washington State due to a job transfer. I met my wife in Mussouri and moved to New York because SHE had a job transfer. We stayed in New York for approximataely 5 years until her company folded. Anyway, Has anyone herad of an instructor by the name of Sifu(?) Jan Miller? He taught in I think Hewlett, New York(Long Island) and the style he claimed to teach was "Hong Cha" and like the other poster(was it "Killer Nerd"?) , I too remember him saying that Hong Cha was the "sister style of Hung Gar". On the other hand, I have heard of "Hong Chuan"(Red Fist) and am not sure is Miller is just combining names to make the lineage seem more "secret". If so, shame on him!

My wife speaks some Chinese and she says that Hong Cha sounds like "Red Tea"..LOL. At 43, I know I'm no kid but like the other poster who felt robbed, I'm curious to know if I was duped as well. Someone posted on this website before and said something about there being "between 10 to 15 different Hong family styles". CAN SOMEONE PLEASE LIST THEM? Also, I too, remember him saying that Hong Cha was extremely rare and something about him being one of only 3 masters of the style. He claims to have studied in Hong Kong and one of the other forum members who studied with Miller(were you in my class? I studied from 88-89) contacted me said that another gentleman contacted him(the student) and said that Miller claimed to study with Lung Kai Ming(from N. Shaolin style). This student said that Miller now lists his yellow page ads as Hong Cha being a "Northern Shaolin 5 animal style" but our training was alot like Hung Gar 5 animals.

I remember reading some people saying that there IS a Northern SHaolin 5 animal style but it had a DIFFERENT name than "Hong Cha". I'm asking ANYONE here..have ANY of you heard of "Hong Cha"? And if so-is it a true style or just Miller's imagination to collect $ from unsuspecting students who don't know any better? Thanks. Lonnie Ellismann.

03-16-2002, 05:40 PM
What you are saying may be HONG JIA(Mandarin) ...Hong Family style...the Same as Hung Gar in Cantonese.