View Full Version : Training both sides

Kungfu boy
03-17-2002, 02:27 AM
Do you guys train one side more than the other in regards to strikes? I imagine you have a prefered kick, most of the people I train with prefer their right kicks over their lefts. And some of their kicks are so far apart on the power scale. Their right is real fast but their left lags behind. Ya know what I mean?

Later Guys

Kungfu Boy

03-17-2002, 04:37 AM
Yes I train both sides, but often I tend to focus on the right side more.

03-17-2002, 09:42 AM
Everyone has a better side, I always try to train my worst side more (left) but it's always hard as it doesn't feel so natural as the other one.

Maybe one day it'll be my best side if I train it enough?

03-17-2002, 10:47 AM
When i started training i liked to do spagat/frontsplit with my left leg in front, so i trained it a lot with my right leg...today i have allmost equal flexibility with both legs.
In capoeira using both sides equally is very important, so this i have taken with me to all the other activities i do, even xingyi i do all things normal in class, and practise the forms the other way at home...it feels best this way for me.
The exeption is Gatkha, for some reason i train this only right hand:sword left:shield.

03-17-2002, 11:13 AM
I work my right side more. However i am right handed and left footed, so things are strange for me. Stance wise, i still have left foot forward, and i have left guard forward. I work my right side more, but occationally, i'll have a "revelation" on how the mechanics of something works, like, i could never do a left hook, and suddenly it all clicks and i can do them with a more respectable amount of power - still not as strong as my right, but i feel confortable throwing them.

In "anger" i will always flail my right out mainly. I should train to take advantage of my left footedness [sic] but hey, no ones perfectomondo.

I'm working on left uppercuts at the moment. I usually have these "revelations" when not training, just when i'm in my room p!ssing about in front of the mirror, shadowboxing. I can throw an okay right uppercut with left OR right foot forward (ie with right hand at front OR back) but my left lacks. It only kinda lacks when doing drills though, as i kinda get hyped when shadow boxing or sparring, i just do whatever. What i mean is, my hands will (try to) get to any opening from any angle. Sometimes i don't think this is a "right uppercut" it's just a hit cos there is an opening. Feels kinda free and hippy like, but maybe i am just a big tree hugger.



chen zhen
03-17-2002, 11:15 AM
WTF is gathka?

03-17-2002, 11:53 AM
Gatkha is a weaponssystem invented by the indian sikh religion.
In practise one uses different lengths of wooden sticks instead of sword, spears e.t.c
Also sometimes theres practise with shields.
The movements of the system is designed to hold many attackers at bay at once, because the sikhs were often outnumbered in combat. The system has many round swinging movements, often practised with a long pole in each hand.
The steps come from one basic step and are also round. Remind me of Bagua.
And its great fun:)

03-17-2002, 11:55 AM
How many sikhs are there in denmark?! ;)

03-17-2002, 12:04 PM
I dont know exactly...they only have one temple.

I found this link on gatka: http://www.sikh1.net/page28.html

03-17-2002, 12:06 PM
Ok...found out...around 1000 sikhs in DK:)
According to www.sikh.dk

03-17-2002, 12:51 PM
Is Tvebak perhaps a Sikh? :)

03-17-2002, 12:55 PM
In the defination of the word (sikh=student) i of course could claim to be one:) but no, i am not.
I found a link about sikh weaponry...very interesting.

03-17-2002, 01:00 PM
Oooops my mistake...sikh means diciple...sorry.

Justa Man
03-17-2002, 09:33 PM
i try to split time between both sides.
my left is faster, my right more powerful. my left reacts slower than my right. i'm righty but my left leg chucks the kicks with a fury, while my right not as much. i'm all f.ucked up.
but i'm trying to make both sides equally fast, powerful, and comfortable.

03-18-2002, 05:40 AM
I try to train both sides equally if not a little more on my left(Im right handed) so hopefully i'll even it out a bit more

03-18-2002, 11:18 AM
Any suggestions for bringing your weak side up to par with your strong side?

Just train the weak side more?

How does this work when your weight training, or anything where your doing a certain amount of reps, just do more with the weak side (arm)? Work the weak side to failure a couple times a week, and not the strong side?