View Full Version : Transporting your weapons

03-18-2002, 08:07 AM
I saw that PaulLin had mentioned to be careful with weapons in your car. My wife has some fears on this too, as we carpool a lot, and I'll usually have at least one of my weapons in the car. I was always under the impression, that as martial artists, there is some form of protection of our rights to carry weapons we train with. I've heard it specifically in a case in California, where nunchuka are illegal, unless you are using them to train with.

Not that I live in Cali or have nunchuka, but you get my drift.

Hua Lin Laoshi
03-18-2002, 09:34 AM
I don't transport weapons however I do transport martial arts training tool and accessories at times. :D

03-18-2002, 09:40 AM
A weapon is a weapon. even if you are a martial artist that is not going to change the law.

I am a school owner and instructor and have been told by my cop freinds not to get caught with anything that resembles a weapon. even the wooden boken or other training tools.

I can see a rubber knife not getting you in trouble but as far as anything else they are illegal.

A base ball bat is the only sport equippment that you cannot get in trouble with... unless of coarse you swing it at somwone , then it becomes a deadly weapon, as can fork for that matter.

03-18-2002, 10:07 AM
If living in fear is your style, then hey, more power to ya. I have a gun rack and I put my sword on there on the way to kung fu. If you can have a gun there, why can't you have a dull sword?

Besides, Americans in fear are giving up the rights our forefathers bled for. Fu(k em.

Its like people that stop practicing when other people come around. Don't act devious if your not. If you act normal, people will accept it. I carry swords with me to demos. So what? I have had them in front of cops that only tease me about it good naturedly.

Those kids at Columbine sure as heck didn't use nunchucks. A high school chemistry class and the anarchists cookbook are more destructive than any martial arts weapon.

03-18-2002, 12:40 PM
Yeap, I know that people's fear interrupting the normal living is not good idea. But yet, staycey, you are too young and unexperienced like a loose cannon(are you just talking like one or acting like one?). There is what worth of doing and what not worth of wasting your money and time. Like "Sze yo chin ru hong mao, huo chun ru Tai Shan."

Any ways, since you mentioned the fear of others watching people practicing, I totally agree on that. It is that when in matial arts, one must achieving the total harmonization of brain wave, body bio-rhythums, and the external movements. So if regularly, one can be interfered by others just by watching, that means the person's brain wave is weak(too unstable) and won't be able to support the arts when needed. That is why I am for every day living practice of martial arts, as you walking, sitting, or doing any thing alone or in the public, took all the chances you can to make your arts into you. Don't be fear of other people are watching or they will think odd thoughts, they will get used to it later. In fact, it can be a good way to spread CMA.

03-18-2002, 12:51 PM
I try to use common sense when carrying weapons in my truck ... I keep my swords in a case, put long weapons in the bed of the truck (if I have more than one I tie them together). And I hope the cop has some common sense too -- if he sees my uniform and that the weapons are "traditional" he'll let it pass. I haven't been pulled over in awhile, so my theory hasn't been tested.

Of course, if the cop catches me going all Jack Nicholson on somebody's windshield with my stick, that may be hard to defend. :D

Obsidian Mantis
03-19-2002, 02:04 AM
Here in Britain you'd expect our cops to be a bit more stringent in regards to weapons and whatnot, with our stringent gun laws and all.
But I've often found this isn't the case.
I frequently get away with carrying my swords to training - even though I have to go through the centre of town.
Sure you get odd looks - but no-one really makes a big deal out of it.
If you are really worried about getting into trouble though - get yourself a nice fencing bag. They won't help you much with regards to your longer weaposn (kwando, spear...) but any of the bog-standard chinese swords etc up to the size of a pudao will fit in with no problem.

Peace and health!

03-19-2002, 08:08 AM
As far as the law in England goes I think it's ok to carry them so long as they are away - in their case and then in your bag or something, but obviously whoever you are if you have a pair of chuks in your jacket or back-pocket it won't look too good!

Obsidian Mantis - have you ever been stopped out of interest and what was the outcome?

03-19-2002, 12:53 PM
Most large Sporting Goods stores sell something called a Sports Tube, a telescoping plastic tube with handles and carrying strap, usually about 12-15 inches in diameter. It will telescope between approx. 42 - 84 inches. Most users carry skis or other long equipment in them, but they're perfect for all manner of weapons, and they lock.

Obsidian Mantis
03-21-2002, 05:15 AM
NPMantis - I've never been stopped oddly enough! I do find it more than disconcerting to watch the car just drive slowly by - you just know there's gonna be armed response waiting for me around the corner! :S ;)
No, in all honesty I've never been stopped. But odd looks are always abundant...

yu shan
03-21-2002, 11:43 PM
Man! all the years i`ve carried weapons! Never dawned on me the seriousness. Can`t hardly believe though, I`ve done many diff. shows, demos, etc. police everywhere! No one has said a thing. I`ve been on major interstates with weapons in plain view, troopers, just nodded. Also carried on airlines in a weapons bag, MA weapons were checked in, no questions asked! We are the good guys, I`ve had passenger`s cheer when they realize I`m or we are pugilist.

Obsidian Mantis
03-22-2002, 01:04 AM
We could be heroes....
...just for one day!