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10-01-2001, 12:16 AM
anyone wanna trade some rare kung fu footage? im lookin for anything good oldschool, or hard to find?

I have a tape from the 1960s that is a bunch of kung fu masters who are now teaching in the bay area, they're all preforming but it's like...in their prime. anywyas, message me or email me if you want to trade, i'm really intrested in seeing some more old skool traditional kung fu. southern or northern, internal or not, whatever! just email me at shiroi_tori@hotmail.com or reply to this message!

BTW If anyone has the macau fight between the white crane and ng taiji guy, please let me know? I've been lookin for that forever.

10-01-2001, 04:07 AM
I have a video of me at a karate birthday party.(I'm the one in the turtle suit) Let's hook up, okay?

10-01-2001, 05:27 AM
are you talking about movies or video tapped real demos and sforms and stuff, I lived in san fransico china town and would be interested in somethings and I have things to trade but what are you looking for?


10-01-2001, 01:39 PM
i have one old tape that has some footage from lum jo's school i tihnk

e-mail me at rallis @cytanet.com.cy if youre interensted and we can sort something out, i think its only 5-15 mins long though...

I wongsifu shall strike fear into the hearts of trolls and mma guys who **** me off on these forums oh and in real life.

10-01-2001, 05:20 PM
crushing fist,

is that the one with no sound, featuring yc wong?

i have that, and i have some footage of gin foon mark, doing several hung ga forms.
(pole, spear, butterfly swords, 10 shape/iron wire, tiger crane, etc.) - pretty old footage, featuring a very young, and very muscular gin foon mark. (*no sound, but in color. - taken from 16mm.)

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10-02-2001, 07:10 AM
that is the tape...it
s pretty long...taken from old footage, no sound B/W...but i'd love to trade with you, i dunno is there anything your looking for in particular??? or anything u want in exchange? i have a bunch of modern wushu stuff if your intrested???

10-02-2001, 07:36 AM
I havelots and lots, (trad. In Taiwan, China and America).
I'll take your e-mail for when i get a chance.

"A wish to go to Heaven is the very beginning of falling into Hell."

09-20-2002, 06:48 PM
Stumblefist, I also have lots and lots from China, America, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Hawaii, Australia and England. I would like to trade with you or anyone interested.