View Full Version : My Wing Chun Punch Is Powerful!...

03-19-2002, 05:25 AM
Ive been training in wing chun for 3 ½ years and during this time, I have obtained a good level of skill from the art. However, despite this, I had always had doubts about the power that was behind my straight punches, should I ever find myself having to defend myself in the street. The theory behind a wing chun punch (speed, relaxation, correct body mechanics etc etc…) all made good sense to me, although I have never actually HIT no-one before, and therefore the doubts about my power have always been in the back of my mind.

That was until Saturday night………….

I hit somebody once and virtually knocked him out. He was a bigger lad than me, and I hit him only the once, but he ended up lying face down in the street, besides a big puddle of blood. My wrists and knuckles after the punch felt perfect.

Now Im not bragging about this, because I don’t go around getting into fights. I never have and never will……

But I now realise that boy, my wing chun straight punch IS powerful!!

Repulsive Monkey
03-19-2002, 07:07 AM
Nice try in stroking your own ego, but there are a numerous amount of explanantions as to why your punch put him down: him having a poor constitutional health; him being taken by surprise; your punch connecting with a particularly poor constitutional part of his body; he could of been feeling weak at the time; he maybe tall but internally he maybe as strong as a lame duck.

Don't make linear assumptions when you don't have all the facts.

03-19-2002, 07:36 AM
I was just trying to highlight the fact that I didn’t realise I had this much power in my punch. I have NO ego at all! Im a very laid-back and relaxed type person and that was the first time I have EVER hit anyone.

I wasn’t making no assumptions, I was making a FACT. The man was knocked out and in a bad state, therefore, it has proved to me, that my straight-punch is EFFECTIVE.

Simple as that.

sticky fingers
03-19-2002, 08:03 AM
I've never had to use WC in anger(thank goodness) and I also often wonder how much power I have in the stright punch.

How do you train your punches at your school? Do you only punch air or do you hit wallbags/focus mitts too?
Where did your punch land? If you said there was a lot of blood, maybe his nose?
What was the situation? did he swing first and u countered or you hit first?

03-19-2002, 08:22 AM
My wing chun training will consist of 15 mins straight punching, concentrating on being relaxed, throwing the punch from the elbow only, using no shoulder, whilst maintaining a well-sunk stance. I regularly hit the wall-bag to condition knuckles and get used to the feel of impact on the knuckles and wrist. Once a week, we concentrate on focus pad training to develop speed and two-hand co-ordination.

I hit first, pre-emptively. It started from a little argument, I could see the anger in his face and the tension in his body. So I just hit him. It connected on his cheekbone. My fist made no contact with his nose.

Although I was pleased I put him down, I felt bad inside, and still do, as I didn’t realise I would cause that much damage to his face with a single punch.

03-19-2002, 07:14 PM
My brother in-law, is the direct student of a direct student of one the disciples of Grandmaster Yip Man and he has studied Wing Chun for 30 years now.

He used to repair cars as a living. Some years back I used to take my car to his shop to get it tuned up and we were the only ones at the shop at the time and we loved to talk gung-fu. So he was talking about the power of his sifu when all of a sudden he pivoted and shot out a straight punch. It was so unexpected, and he was so engrossed in telling me about his sifu that we both didn't notice the opened bathroom door.

So his straight punch hit the door and knocked a hole clean through it. We were both surprised, me more than he, but he was more worried that his partner was going to charge him for putting a hole in the door.


03-20-2002, 10:30 AM
My dog is short.


03-20-2002, 02:48 PM
JWT admitted to having a small weiner :). I declare that he does not speak for all of us Texas boys.

03-20-2002, 03:54 PM
LOL at ewallace and jwt!!!
ewallace, man your last 2 post had me cracking up here, this and the caps lock fang choke advice, bahahaha

03-20-2002, 04:04 PM
Yeah, there is no such thing as a stupid question. Just stupid people that ask questions. :)

03-21-2002, 01:34 AM
A powerful punch, and humility too :)

03-21-2002, 12:42 PM
I freely admit that I have a 4 inch dong.

But some girls like it that wide. ;)


03-21-2002, 12:54 PM
:D That was a good come-back.

03-21-2002, 03:18 PM
Aesop's fable, the
Fox, the Mule, and the Lion

One day a lion caught a killed a mule in a hunt. Now, a fox saw the hunt, and offered to guard the mule for the lion while he rested from the hunt. The lion didn't trust the fox but he was very tired and needed to rest up. So he warned the fox not to eat any of the mule. The fox agreed. As soon as the lion wasn't around, the fox quickly popped open the mule's head and ate out the brains. When the lion returned he began to eat the mule and noticed that the brains were missing. He was furious with the fox and said, "Fox, I told you not to eat any of the mule and while I was resting you ate the brains." The fox quickly replied, "Why Lion, if the mule had any brains you wouldn't have caught him in the first place."

Whit has an answer prepared.


03-21-2002, 03:33 PM
If Whit has dinner prepared send her my way. I'm really daamn hungry right now.

straight blast
03-30-2002, 02:01 AM
It's satisfying isn't it? I find when I'm training my WC straight punch it just doesn't feel as satisfying as a huge right cross, but it does hit awfully hard. It's very reassuring that all that time practising body mechanics, structure etc pays off...that you weren't just doing it for fun.

Last Sunday I had a friendly spar with a guy I used to train Kempo with and when I caught his chest pad it launched him back about three feet. He reckons I hit harder now than I did when I was doing Muay Thai.

God bless Wing Chun!!! :D :D :D

04-25-2002, 07:22 AM
heh heh heh...
I would reckon the knockdown was more because of your pre-emptive hit then power. Hitting someone first in a fight (and by surprise) can and does put people down a lot. Because it's a shock. The punch doesn't need to be especially powerful...but it helps.

If you want to know if you have power. Spar full contact with someone who boxes. See if you can put them down or not. :D


yu shan
04-26-2002, 08:03 PM
Musta been standn RIGHT IN FRONT of you, cuz we all know the limitations of wc.

In the CMA, it is not always a straight on attack. Hey wc guy, try that on a Mantis practitioner, talking from experience! I`ve done your simple style, in my earlier years. I`m lucky to learn the real deal!

05-03-2002, 07:41 AM
You make me laugh Yu Shan.

You're so full of sh!t sometimes.

yu shan
05-03-2002, 09:40 PM

Just confident, bold and presumptuous...