View Full Version : Fu Jow

03-19-2002, 06:29 AM
Hi Everyone,

I m interested in Fu Jow Pai in NYC. I heard that Tak Wak Eng teaches Fu Jow. I would like to more information about Master Tak Wak Eng. Your input would be very helpful.

Thank You

David Jamieson
03-19-2002, 07:22 AM

there's his site, check it out.


03-19-2002, 08:58 AM
I strongly recommend that you contact an instructor in nyc for info on this


Although the following instructor is somewhat out of the city, you can get some friendly, straightforward advice:


03-19-2002, 08:59 PM
Thank You CrazyBudha, but I think I ' ll feel uncomfortable emailing a stranger and I think that they wont respond if they dont know me...wouldnt you?

But I am still interested in Fu Jow Pai. I was looking at the site (thank you) and saw that he (Master Tak) has some Fu Jow videos. Maybe you can give me more information on Master Tak Wak Eng. Thank You

03-20-2002, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by tipwah
Thank You CrazyBudha, but I think I ' ll feel uncomfortable emailing a stranger and I think that they wont respond if they dont know me...wouldnt you?

But I am still interested in Fu Jow Pai. I was looking at the site (thank you) and saw that he (Master Tak) has some Fu Jow videos. Maybe you can give me more information on Master Tak Wak Eng. Thank You

please, email them. They will be nice and they will definitely respond. And they will answer any questions you have.

if you want more info from me, it would be better to email me and I'll answer any questions the best I can.


urban tea
03-24-2002, 08:23 PM
There is a studetn of wai hong in NYC. I forgot his name. He is a vietnamese guy. Duy? I heard that he is good. You should somehow try to contact wai hong and ask for his recommendation.

03-27-2002, 09:48 AM
I have been following this thread a little and I did a little checking on Tak Wah Eng. I've heard that he is not a recognized instructor of Fu Jow Pai does anyone know about these claims?

03-27-2002, 12:24 PM
There has been a certain amount of unrest in the Fu Jow Pai community for some time. I guess it was about 4 or so years ago, when I spoke with a reliable source re a seminar and found out that Wai Hong and Tak Wah Eng were not on the same wave length.

You might find the following website informative. I have no connection with it or with the person who has written. I'm only forwarding this information. I surfed the web and found it just now for you.
This dispute is of no interest to me, and I have not researched it further.

I might have another website for you re a student of Wai Hung, but I'll need to find it. If it is of interest, and still up and running, I'll leave a link here.


03-28-2002, 02:16 PM
Tak Wah Eng and Wai Hong had a falling out a few years ago. I don't know the reasons, nor do I care. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter. Tak Wah Eng is not a member and no longer represents the Fu Jow Pai Federation.

On the other hand, before the falling out, Tak Wah ran the Fu Jow Pai Federation. He was Wai Hong's chosen successor when he (Wai Hong) retired. They had a falling out, and Wai Hong came out of retirement to take back control of the federation.

Tak Wah does have knowledge of the system (or else Wai Hong would not have chosen him as his successor). Of that there can be no doubt. The challenge is really about politics. Tak Wah "knows" and "teaches" Fu Jow Pai, but he cannot claim to do so, because he is not a member of the federation. As happens in so many styles, there is now a schism, and those who leave (in this case Tak Wah) are accused of having no knowledge.

In any event, its a moot point. Tak Wah no longer accepts students. He only teaches family and his older students (e.g. Paul Koh in Manhattan & Paula Wong on Staten Island).

Phil Redmond
03-31-2002, 12:56 PM
I'm a former student of Wai Hong from the 70's. Tak, Paul Vizzio, Sidney Ko, David Wong, and Hui Cambrelen were some of my sihings. I had no idea of a breakup in the Fu Jow Family. It's sad to hear. BTW, anyone wanting to see Hui Cambrelen can rent the documentary video, "Warrior Within", or "The Warrior Within", (not exactly sure of the title). Hui headed the school in his homeland of Puerto Rico. IMO, Hui Cambrelen and Paul Vizzio were two of the premier fighters at Fu Jow around that time.
P Redmond

04-02-2002, 07:37 PM

Are you a Fu-Jow Pai practitioner? If so, do you know of any Fu-Jow Pai Sifu or students, preferablly in LA Area.

I am also interested in finding a Bak-Mei Sifu in the LA area.

You can e-mail me a locofilm@yahoo.com.


04-04-2002, 10:30 AM

Check your e-mail.

Black Tige Fist
06-05-2007, 08:29 PM
Greetings and salutations Hai-To, I am responding to your post. For it is obvious you really don't know. What your speaking about, when it comes to our Federation. It is true, that Tak Wah Eng had left the federation and that, he did teach at headquarters. Tak Wah Eng is back with the Federation and both he and Sifu have always spoken to one another. Even after he (Tak Wah Eng) took his leave.What is not true is Tak Wah Eng was never looked at as the head of the Federation. And was not chosen to be successor of our Federation, when Sifu Wai Hong retired. They are to many people in line for Tak Wah Eng to ever be the successor. We the members and Instructor of the Fu Jow Pai Federation don't know who is next in line and it does no one any good to assume. Normally, I would have never made any statement about this. However you mentioned that, Tak Wah Eng was next in line to head the Federation. This should be left up to the members of the Federation and not outsider. And now the subject is moot. Thank you!

Tak Wah Eng and Wai Hong had a falling out a few years ago. I don't know the reasons, nor do I care. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter. Tak Wah Eng is not a member and no longer represents the Fu Jow Pai Federation.

On the other hand, before the falling out, Tak Wah ran the Fu Jow Pai Federation. He was Wai Hong's chosen successor when he (Wai Hong) retired. They had a falling out, and Wai Hong came out of retirement to take back control of the federation.

Tak Wah does have knowledge of the system (or else Wai Hong would not have chosen him as his successor). Of that there can be no doubt. The challenge is really about politics. Tak Wah "knows" and "teaches" Fu Jow Pai, but he cannot claim to do so, because he is not a member of the federation. As happens in so many styles, there is now a schism, and those who leave (in this case Tak Wah) are accused of having no knowledge.

In any event, its a moot point. Tak Wah no longer accepts students. He only teaches family and his older students (e.g. Paul Koh in Manhattan & Paula Wong on Staten Island).

06-05-2007, 08:37 PM
Hmmm... I can see you took your time in considering your response to Hai-To. Never rush into a hasty response I say… But FIVE YEARS!?! :confused:

Black Tige Fist
06-06-2007, 04:42 AM
Greetings and salutations Einstein (Fu-Pau), I was not responding to time. However, I was responding to the statements. That people put out on the net, without being part of a/or any federation. And think they are experts on the inner workings of a federation or a system. Or the problems they may or may not be faced with. When I wrote. I was not looking at dates, but at what was said. If you had a problem with it to bad. And if you look, you will notice this is the first write up or reply. I have done on here, so if it took five years it was for a reason. obviously you are another one that like to write to put in your two cents in matters which don't concern you. Especially when your over six Thousand miles or better away. It is always easier to insult a person, when they are not standing in front of you. Yes Einstein, I was insulted by your statement.

Hmmm... I can see you took your time in considering your response to Hai-To. Never rush into a hasty response I say… But FIVE YEARS!?! :confused:

06-06-2007, 09:37 PM
Black Tige,

<sigh>… My apologies if you were insulted by my comment. It was not intended as an insult, but rather to point out to you, albeit a tad sarcastically, that given that you had posted it 5 years after the post that you were replying to, the intended recipient of your comments was unlikely to ever see them… and therefore all you were achieving is to further muddy your own waters by posting a ‘political’ statement on a public message board, on a topic that for the people most likely to read it (ie current members of this forum), is totally irrelevant.

Anyway, welcome to the board, and please don’t take offence where none was intended.

Albert Einstein