View Full Version : Has anyone read this book?

03-20-2002, 12:00 PM
Has anyone here read this book "Why Wing Chun Works" by Alan Gibson? Here's the link to website

http://www.wingchun.org.uk/ (http://)

If you have, can you tell me if you thought it was good or not?
Are his explainations clear and concise?
Does he go into detail with the topics?


03-20-2002, 02:13 PM
Mr. Gibson had just sent me a copy of his book for review. I will be posting my review of "Why Wing Chun Works" on KFO's ezine when I finish reading it.

Ng Family Chinese Martial Arts Association (http://www.ngfamilymartialarts.com)

03-21-2002, 02:17 AM
Alan Gibson's book is top class. Ive had it since it first came out and Ive just bought the revised version too.

It has excellent illustrations and very clear explanations of theory and application. You will find that this is one of the books that most UK sifus recommend to their students - I certainly do.

Go buy it!

Regards, Stuart

Nat from UK
03-21-2002, 05:52 AM
I'll second that, its a good well written book aimed at beginners but paying a lot of attention to structure and correct positioning rather than a next to useless set of SLT how to pictures.

Nat from UK

David Peterson
03-21-2002, 07:12 AM
I'll third those comments! Alan has written a great book that describes the science and mechanics behind the techniques, while avoiding the politics of "style" or "lineage". I am also aware that he is currently preparing a second follow-up version of the book, tentatively entitled 'Why Wing Chun Works II'. I hope that it will be out soon and recommend that you take a look at it. If you don't already have a copy of the first one, it's worth adding it to your collection.

03-21-2002, 09:17 PM
What's the best way to get a copy to Canada?
It's not listed on Amazon.com. Anyone have a suggestion?


03-22-2002, 12:37 AM
can someone give me some other great books on WC too? i have William cheung's series, but found them to be all pictures of SLT, CK, and BJ. there is nothing real useful for me ( a beginner) since i just, *just* began SLT. thx

black and blue
03-22-2002, 02:31 AM
Gibson's book is excellent if you are just starting (for all the reasons previously stated), and Rene Richie's Complete Wing Chun is great if you want a burst of WC history and its variations.
(Read the latter book in one sitting and constantly pick it up for a browse).

To be honest, I seldom look for books, videos are much better, but that said, the best info in a written form is right here... THE INTERNET.

Rene's site has some great articles, as does Augustine Fong's, and David Peterson's.

So if you're after info on history, training, styles, drills etc, start researching... there's so much out there you can pick and choose.

03-22-2002, 08:12 AM

how about an autographed copy? ;) and maybe the link to your site...

Alpha Dog
03-22-2002, 10:39 AM
through Amazon UK:


03-22-2002, 07:14 PM
the books by Randy Wiliams are great .It's the most complete book on W.C. covers every aspect of the system.

03-25-2002, 02:35 AM

do you know where i can get a copy of his books? i have been trying to order them from amazon and barnes and nobles and they both say that they aren't out yet. was wondering where you got your copy?

03-25-2002, 12:25 PM
The Randy Williams books I bought many years ago,in INSIDE KUNG- FU MAGAZINE and I think it is still available.If you can't find it then R.W. also has a video series you can buy in INSIDE KUNG-FU MAG.

03-26-2002, 10:02 PM

Sifu Williams has a six-volume series that came out a while back, which StoneCrusher mentioned. From the reviews I've read, they are very well written, with decent pictures and cover a lot of wing chun (each form in detail, wooden dummy, iron palm, etc).

This set is available from the IKF ads at 40 bucks each, but recently I've seen them on Ebay starting at $19.99. In fact, I think there's an auction going on number for # 4.

I've asked Sifu Williams (via email) about his latest series, a 3- volume set. I'm most interested in the wooden dummy volume (book 3). It keeps getting pushed back- some problem with the publisher, etc. Last I heard, he hoped to have'em out by Christmas of 01... I'll see what I can find. You can check the covers at CFW Enterprises official web page. Folks at CFW indicated that they are not publishing- that's being handled by Sifu Williams.

I'll keep the board posted.


04-10-2002, 09:40 PM
This just in from Sifu Randy Williams regarding his 3 volume series on Wing Chun Kung Fu:

"The latest word is that the books will be released for summer."

Can't wait for the Wooden Dummy volume!


04-11-2002, 06:25 AM
Just wanted to mention that in case your not able to get R.W book on the dummy form. Sifu A. Fong has the same dummy form on VHS ,but he does not show very many applications like R.W does. This dummy from is very interesting it has an additional section that was created buy Yip Man If I remember correctly.