View Full Version : jow garr

03-21-2002, 12:15 AM
some freinds of mine are studying jow gar under sifu Randy Bennett, i have heard that he is good but i dont know much about jow gar and was wondering if any one could enlighten me

03-21-2002, 12:25 AM
I don't kno wmuch about the style or Sifu Randy Bennet. I have seen some Jow Ga and know a practitioner or two and it is a pretty impressive style. Sifu Bennet has a pretty good reputation.

Sorry I'm not much more use.

03-21-2002, 12:28 AM
thanks anyway, i have heard that he has a good rep too but thats about it

03-21-2002, 07:10 AM
Hi, what do you want to know, and ill try to help out...

If you ask in the southern forum you will get a much better response.


03-21-2002, 02:43 PM
thanks for offering your assistance, i went to the jowga website but there was no mention of sifu Randy Bennett, i was just inquiring cos i want to know why many ppl speak highly of him but no one can say why he has such a good rep

03-21-2002, 03:56 PM

Randy Bennett is my Sihing, he began his instruction in Jow Ga here in Washington DC under Dean Chin and Raymond Wong
before relocating to Oz.

What exactly would you like to know...being that you do have friends that study under him, get their opinion of what they think
about Sifu Bennett and the Jow Ga system.

Also just go and take a few introductory classes to see if you like it or not.

Just drop me a PM or ask on the Southern forum like ZhouJiaQuan stated there are a few Jow Ga men around


03-22-2002, 07:30 AM
Go check out his site @ www.jowga.com.au it's got some info on Sifu Bennett, do what Renegade Monk said, get ur friends to show u some tech's or the best thing would be to go try it for urself & see if u like it & if ur comfortable with the style. I have'nt seen much Jow ga but my mates cousin trained in it & said it was a good shaolin style. I would think its got strong & mobil footwork of Choy ga & the very powerfull iron arms & internal strength of Hung ga & the flexibility of N. Shaolin, sounds similiar to my style Choy Lee Fut. I've heard some people say Sifu Bennetts' Jow ga has a Wu Shu flavor, i went there a long time ago & they showed me a book of Jow ga photos, there was a lot of flying kicks & jumping tech's but most styles have these. What school do ur mates train at the one in Surry Hills or Leichtardt.
There is also another Jow ga in Sydney taught by Sifu Andy Troung, he also has a school in Surry Hills & i think Belmore & he also teaches Bak Mei Gung Fu (White Eyebrow) & Lung Ying (Southern Dragon Boxing).

Do any of u Jow ga guys in Sydney know if there is a school in Eastwood? & what lineage? & teacher?
My mates cousin that was doing Jow ga said something about doing a exercise called Duck Walk, is this for leg strength? & do u guys do the Tit Sid (Iron Wire) & Sticky Hands of Hung ga?

03-22-2002, 01:29 PM
thanks for your help, i will check out that site now.....my friends train at the leichardt studio... i will ask them about that other stuff next time i see them

03-22-2002, 03:33 PM
If all works out well for me, I hopefully will be studying Jow Ga myself out here in cali!!

Check out this website:

Pretty good website as well.

04-19-2002, 04:25 PM
i study jow ga in virginia beach, virginia, USA under sifu hoy k. lee. golden armor was pretty right for the most part about our style. i would say that sifu bennet seems to stress more the northern aspects of the syttem( which combines hung ga, choy ga, bak sil lum). while my sifu, who lived in both canton and hong kong, seems to stress more the southern aspects of the sytem. we mainly focus on swift footwork, strong stance training, and swinging arms movements. also choy ga offers our basis for our groundfighting. the beauty of the system is that it's very diverse and anyone can adopt a fighting style which suits their body type. both master lee and master bennett are reknown for thier martial prowess, though each may vary in flavor. jus my 2 cents.

04-22-2002, 04:24 PM
hi, i do know randy, who is also my sihing. i can tell you that his jow ga is very strong, and he is one of the people who study directly from dean chin. i believe he is one of the team members of the first team to compete in taiwan in 1979, and he won in his division.

i know randy did study some other kung fu style, but jow ga is his main kung fu style. he told me why his brochure looks the way it is, and i understand. but his kung fu is very traditional and very strong. he was also a person who had the flexbility and agility to do wu shu style form, so most of us who did, learned it.

randy was one of those people who was successful in fighting and form division during a time when point fighting was known to be tough. dont let the fancy brochure fool you.

i wish i could tell you more but he is about 25 years older than me, and i only remember him as a kid.