View Full Version : This Taekwondoie girl got beat up last week...

03-21-2002, 09:45 AM
A taekwondoie girl at school got beat up last week. She got her butt handed to her by this big ol' black girl who sat on her and pummled her face. Anyway, this is funny because the girl is supposed to be training for taekwondoie olympics or something and she thinks she's all bad so she mouthed off to a big chick and got it handed to her.

03-21-2002, 09:53 AM
What did she say that made the bigger girl wanna beat her?

03-21-2002, 09:55 AM

people who get beat up are funny.

03-21-2002, 09:58 AM
She got what she deserved. My wife works with a girl who is the same way. The first day she (my wife) was there she was bragging that she had a black belt in TKD and was trying to be a hard ass. I hate it when chicks act hard. Guys too. But when women act hard, it is very unattractive, and at the same time very very amusing. They try so hard.

People who act hard are prime candidates for repetitive flicks on the forehead. Great way to teach someone humility.

03-21-2002, 10:04 AM
Even TKD people don't know the difference between olympic tkd and fighting tkd.

03-21-2002, 10:17 AM
Another good example of BJJ ( Black Jiu Jitsu ) winning against Tai Kwon-do.

03-21-2002, 10:29 AM
And with Mojo's last statement.....

Goodnight Everybody!!!:) :) :) :) :) :)


Water Dragon
03-21-2002, 10:43 AM
I once saw the lightweight WBA champ have his azz handed to him by an IG (Imperial Gangster) I guess that means boxing suks too?

03-21-2002, 10:58 AM
What I don't like it when people try to pick holes in your art because it is not the same as theirs.

I have a karate friend who comments on the fact we don't aim punches with knuckles and straighten arms as well as other 'flaws' in the system I am learning, the bottom line is why bother? You enjoy your and I'll enjoy mine, so long as we're both happy who cares? The overwhelming majority of arts originated from Kung Fu anyway so why bother?

Has anyone else found this?

03-21-2002, 10:59 AM
BoxerChick; Sounds like the women in your gym have way too much testosterone. They must be lovely. :rolleyes:

Dark Knight
03-21-2002, 11:24 AM
I have a karate friend who comments on the fact we don't aim punches with knuckles and straighten arms as well as other 'flaws' in the system I am learning, the bottom line is why bother? You enjoy your and I'll enjoy mine, so long as we're both happy who cares? The overwhelming majority of arts originated from Kung Fu anyway so why bother?

Has anyone else found this?"

I get this all the time, I hold rank in a couple styles, if I say one then I get "Well all I have to do is_____ to beat you." I am always amazed. i just tell them they need to find out and I always have my gloves a nd a set of spares with me.

The people who say this usually dont want to find out.

Ray Pina
03-21-2002, 11:34 AM
That's the difference between training for point sparring and fighting.

I've said before and I'll say it again: point sparring is poison. Maybe she'll come to that point I did when I got a bloody nose at 8 or 9 years old: What happened? I'm a martial artist and I got my but kicked. Makes you reavaluate your training.

03-21-2002, 12:05 PM
Yup, this is sure proof that Taekwondo sucks...just as Royce's loss to Sak and Wallid Ismael prove that Bjj sucks...

D'aym! people!

Hee hee hee

Dark Knight
03-21-2002, 12:53 PM
What i see alot of is "we teach the best fighting style because _____' TKD is not the only one who does it. Kung Fu, Karate, Ju-jitsu... They all have the bonehead instructors or students that come out with stupid remarks.

Some of my favorites are

"TKD is one of the oldest arts"

"Ninjitsu is so deadly that we dont spar, we would kill each other"

"We do one punch one kill, so we dont need to throw or trap"

"Other schools are jealous of us and know we would dominate
tournaments, thats why we dont compete."

"No one knew what an armbar was until Helio Gracie created it"

"A Ju-Jitsu guy has never seen a round house kick, if you throw one he will not know what to do."

"The reason TKD has never won at UFC is because no one has kicked full power yet"

"If an Akido master went to UFC he would have everyone on their face with an arm control."

Ray Pina
03-21-2002, 01:03 PM
Its not the art but the way it is taught, studied and applied that matters.

Unfortunately, TKD has become ba$tardized by competition in its very short history (it is not old). Its name itself is a lie, because it has no hand skill what so ever, zero trapping, folding, pressing, raising, ect. Nothing. ROund house, front kick, side kick, spinning kick:rolleyes: , cresent kick. That;s it. When the kick fails to register a point and the people are too close, then they punch furiously to see who get's there first and then ...


Not to say there can't be good TKD out there, but its being hidden very well. There is a place in my town, they are actually quite succesful I guess because they have a few huge trophies in the window. My wonder is if they could stop a good martial artists from going in there and walking out with them.

Allow there kicks to be kicked or struck, allow their supporting leg to be kicked while they kick, alow strikes to the back, back of the head, I guarantee they will quickly change there game or die a quick death. That would be the best thing for them, make them evolve. But they are caught up in a game of tag. But this one players seems to have been caught by someone who does not follow the rules, as those on the street never do.

03-21-2002, 01:28 PM
BoxerChick has way too much testosterone.:rolleyes:

And not enough for the guy-living-in-his-mother's-basement he actually is.:rolleyes:

03-21-2002, 01:38 PM
Re: Budokan

In the words of Jim Rome...


03-21-2002, 01:48 PM
Usually if someone studies one art, and they are critisizing your art by using thiers as an example - a friendly challenge or request to spar can quickly remedy the 'flaws' in your system.

Most people just want to talk about your art, not show you thiers.

Evolution Fist:

You usually dont make big blanket statements like that. TKD does indeed have hand techniques, trapping, and joint locking etc.

If you studied TKD (i havent checked your profile) I appologize for jumping you, but perhaps your school just didnt teach those things (too competition or point sparring based) but Im sure you realize that there must be schools out there that do teach such things. I know this for a fact.

Not attacking, just commenting. :cool:

Dark Knight
03-21-2002, 02:06 PM
Schools that teach hapkido do, but straight TKD schools generally dont. the ones that do have added to the style, then its not TKD but an instructor who has cross trained.

Ray Pina
03-21-2002, 02:28 PM
"Not to say there can't be good TKD out there, but its being hidden very well"

03-21-2002, 02:40 PM
There's a movement going on right now in TKD circles leaning towards the new "full contact" tkd. It's similar to full contact karate. Pretty hardcore stuff.

03-21-2002, 03:10 PM
You kung fuey boys crack me up.
I tell you about a taekwondoie girl who gets beat up and you call
me a boy living in my mom's basement.
Does this look like a boy to you?

03-21-2002, 03:10 PM

03-21-2002, 03:19 PM
Has anybody else noticed that all the trolls on here masquerading as women always say "See? I'm a girl?" and then post some random website which is proof of nothing other than the fact they have all day to surf for a picture to use as "proof"?

Of course, if you, BoxerDude/Chica, really are a girl, then I hope you are close enough to me that you can prove it in the Jello Ring of Doom! String bikini required. But since you don't have a location of any sort on your tag, I'm inclined to say "TROLL!"

Tae Li
03-21-2002, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Nthman
Yup, this is sure proof that Taekwondo sucks...just as Royce's loss to Sak and Wallid Ismael prove that Bjj sucks...

D'aym! people!

Hee hee hee

HEY1 HEY! watch it buddy! your tredding on water here! TKD does NOT suck...i can tell you what does though....:p

I do TKD and I DONT BRAG, black belt or not, infact when people ask what do you do for a hobbie i do say TKD and then the NEXT QUESTION "REALLY? COOL, WHAT BELT ARE YOU?" i USUALLY TELL THEM OH I STARTED A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO ACTUALLY, IM A WHITE BELT (sorry forgot the caps) i HATE telling people im a 2nd DAN.. they automatically lable you as something, but then i think they know im lying when i beat up 15 guys on the grass that are harrassing this girl..lol (yeah right!)

Tae Li;)

03-21-2002, 06:59 PM

03-21-2002, 08:14 PM
Yeah, but no matter what stories you hear, TKD does suck.

( ;) )

03-21-2002, 08:16 PM
"Not to say there can't be good TKD out there, but its being hidden very well"

As a TKD guy, I'd have to agree with that. But we also kick, we punch, chop, poke, spear, gouge, choke, grab and sometimes throw. In our system we have a few small joint locks (hard to go from punching to sjl's) but a bunch of elbow, shoulder and leg locks and even some ok takedowns.

shaolinboxer: I've heard distant rumblings about the hard/full contact TKD but haven't seen anything on it yet. Have you found any links. It'd be good to see TKD get back to it's roots again.

03-21-2002, 08:18 PM
for a "boxerchic" your nose looks pretty straight.

Justa Man
03-21-2002, 08:48 PM
boxerchick YOU crack me up. one cat on this whole thread calls you a girl and you get your t!tt!ies in a bunch saying we all did it. then again, why you are even on a kungfu website bewilders the fu(k outta me. go get a manicure.

03-21-2002, 11:10 PM
Dayum- most folks on this forum are pretty cool/intelligent but some of you are hypocrites to the max!
Oh, and a couple of you are h0mos too! ;)

03-21-2002, 11:56 PM
Boxer chick
Your fat and your eyes are spaced to widely appart!:p

Now go develop an insecurity complex like a normal teenage girl;)

03-22-2002, 03:46 AM
Boxerchic, according to www.ratemyface.com these are your hobbies.

drawing, writing poetry, reading, listening to music, hockey, hangin with friends, movies, werking out, drinking, chatting, singing (even though i can't sing ), fishing, sleeping etc.

What no Boxing?

03-22-2002, 08:09 AM
mind if i kill a few kittens?

03-22-2002, 08:23 AM
Worth killing one or two I suppose

03-22-2002, 08:27 AM
The Gweilo Quan Chik troll and her flying bull**** again.


03-22-2002, 08:33 AM
"Your fat and your eyes are spaced to widely appart." --Jon


Actually I think her eyes are too fat. And did you see how f*cking big that schnozz is on her face? She can track satellites with that thing. It looks like a banana shoved into vanilla pudding. I give her about a 3 out of 10 on my Pud Pulling Meter.

Disturbing, especially when you consider BoxerChick is actually a 42 year-old man with a hairy back sitting in his underwear in front of his computer while he gnaws on a block of "gubment cheese".

Rolling Elbow
03-22-2002, 10:39 AM
unfortunately TKD has the largest "gaps" or "holes" to make fun of. the teaching is watered down now, and even good "fluff" surface teachers are hard to find. They often have a good sense of community though...then again, am i playing for pre-school or to get my ass handed to me so that i can in turn defend myself?

My gf does TKD..the knife defense i do and then the stuff they show her is COMPLETELY diff. All the things we are told not to do..they blindly do. Why? cause i am taught to expect to be cut and minimize it..she is taught to look pretty taking out a compliant partner. In the case of someone who knows how to use a knife...:-/.., sorry- your dead. Case closed.

Justa Man
03-22-2002, 12:31 PM
RE, why don't you get your gf out of there? i mean, if she is learning some bogus schmogus, show her the light.

03-22-2002, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Budokan
Disturbing, especially when you consider BoxerChick is actually a 42 year-old man with a hairy back sitting in his underwear in front of his computer while he gnaws on a block of "gubment cheese".

:D Stunning Budo!

But don't forget the collection of sloppily painted "Warhammer 40,000" figures on top of the monitor that have been arranged into "funny" positions, and the small pile of "used socks" that rest under his "Alan Titchmarsh Virtual Gardening Tool".

Boxerchick is a sad, lonely little man, who uses an internet forum as a substitute for either:

A) Real Martial Art Practise
B) Normal relationships
C) Cybersex [mummy checks his history files]

03-22-2002, 07:45 PM
LOL! ON this point Rolling Elbow I can wholeheartadly agree with you.

I have taken Chinese, Korean, and Japanese styles and I can honestly say that while some knife training was interesting it was all inherantly flawed.

I would train outside of class with my partners and I came to one conclusion. In a knife-fight, more often then not, you will be cut. In fact, I would tell junior students that they WOULD get cut, definately.

I speak from my TKD experience with kinfe training. The moves in the demos and the two man forms are very impressive and can work.

The only problem is that they can only work under lab environments that take human nature out of the equation. To disarm a knife weilder using TKD techniques is laughably dangerous. In fact it is dangerous under the best of circumstances.

I think the USMC does a much better job at knife training then I have ever seen from the MA's in practice or demo.

old jong
03-22-2002, 09:55 PM
Neal Cameron!!!!:mad:

03-22-2002, 10:20 PM
Well in tkd's defense I have to say this:

If you watch Drunken Master (partt 1) the guy with the good kicks (Hwang Jang Lee) who slaps Jacky Chan around like a doll in the movie does tkd.:D

03-22-2002, 10:34 PM
Just give it a rest, boxer"chick". It's obvious that you posted this because you somehow thought it would prove your theory of martial arts being useless. We have good reason to suspect you being a male. For starters, it's obvious that you picked some random picture. You're incredibly fervent in creating the awareness that you're some bad @ss boxing girl, yet it's not even in the hobby list of that person you linked.
Plus, you're not the first to try this. Anyone remember jackie or stacy? Stacy is slightly less annoying, but at least jackie had the good grace to leave as soon as everyone found out that she/he was a man. Then we have Nafanal, the only woman posing as a (slightly deranged) man!

Rolling Elbow
03-25-2002, 08:02 AM
That guy in drunken master is kicking air AND kicking at 10 times the speed after they have sped up the film to account for his blistering speed!

As for my gf and TKD, she likes the exercise and more or less new it was a "pretty art". Unfortunately, i think over time now, she has bought into it and tells me all about these great defenses which suck my a$%. she raged about this black belt in class who was incredible and spinning and jumping kicks. I visited her dojang and had a look..lets just say I had to keep myself from laughing. I am soo confident that what I saw was a joke, that I told her it would take me about 45 seconds to submit anyone of them.. to the ground and pound. they were SOO light on their feet it was disgusting. They didn't even have power in their kicks. Oh well..I got to see the board breaking demo and let me just say that you never really know when boards are gonna hit back!

03-25-2002, 09:26 AM
All I wanna know is, what the heck is "TaekwonDOIE?"

Yea, the knife defense stuff I have learned is just..bad and the worse thing is that we all laugh about it and no one takes it seriously anyway..course maybe that is a good thing..why learn it though if it is completely useless AND we all know it? If I tried that against someone with a knife I'd probably walk away with a new opening in my heart box!

I wil just use my deadly, "shriek like a school girl and run away with hands flailing" routine.