View Full Version : further bull from PJO/fareast fighting arts

wushu chik
03-22-2002, 08:10 PM
I got an e-mail today from someone here on the forum, and thought that you guys would like to read it....

"I would like to extending an invitation for you to come to Fareast
Fighting Arts for a visit. See for yourself exactly why everyone on the
forum has some confusion as to what we are about. Just like the confusion
reguarding the history of Da Mo. Maybe they're ignorance shows the
lack of knowledge about the 18 animals of the Ancient Yogas. we have more
accurate history of that period than any of the modern day
practioniers. I would like to add, that you apear to be a person that might have a
rainbow strip in your back window of your small jeep, and if so, you
have some balls and your open centerline gymnastic Wu Shu bull****
wouldn't save your ass, if your wife's life depended on it."

03-22-2002, 08:12 PM
Whats keeping you?

03-22-2002, 08:28 PM
Weird ****

wushu chik
03-22-2002, 08:34 PM
What's keeping me what?? From going up there?? Yeah, after a message like THAT...what the hell?????


03-22-2002, 08:34 PM
It's quite unfourtunate that people have to act that way. You are better off to just try and ignore people like that.

03-22-2002, 08:34 PM
Rich Mooney had the same sort of response. I guess they aren't so enlightened after all.

03-22-2002, 08:44 PM
wushu chik

Cripes girl you crazy:rolleyes: Look at how much there offering you...

"See for yourself exactly why everyone on the forum has some confusion as to what we are about."
* You can laugh your ass off, in person infront of all there students.

"Just like the confusion reguarding the history of Da Mo."
* There going to finaly set you strait on the REAL history of Da Mo as opposed to the bs one that the rest of the world knows and agrees with.

"Maybe they're ignorance shows the lack of knowledge about the 18 animals of the Ancient Yogas."
* There going to teach you the knowledge of the 'Ancient Yogas' and introduse you to the long lost art of '18 animals' which has been previously unknown up untill now. Lucky you get to learn these ancient secrets, im sooooooo jelous:(

"we have more accurate history of that period than any of the modern day practioniers."
* Now here is where it really kicks in, they have special history that no one else knows! You CANT LOSE!!!
They also know more than any of the 'modern day practioners' meaning that we are all but plebs in comparison to there greatness...

Oh man i wish some cult would encourage me to join there club :(

wushu chik
03-22-2002, 09:37 PM
Apparently, if you look up the profile on the person that sent this...it's Da Shifu. How interesting. He signed up YESTERDAY, has NO posts, but e-mails me....GOD I FEEL SOOOOOO SPECIAL!!!


03-22-2002, 10:11 PM
Well, well, well....let's dissect, shall we? I'm in the mood to tear something up. It's a good thing I don't live near Beaverton.

Firstly, PJO/Da Shifu or whatever you think you are today...perhaps people would be more inclined to believe anything you post if you could spell half of it correctly. It makes it very difficult to believe that you are so intelligent to have "the secrets" when you post things like: "I would like to extending an invitation"; "reguarding the history"; "they're ignorance"; "practioniers"; "you apear to be"...this pretty much speaks for itself. Like I challenged you and your kind before, show us the Oregon public school system works. You failed, but you seem to be used to that.

You seem to truly enjoy the coward's way of doing things. Big talk on the forum and when a true traditionalist challenges your claims, you answer with hostility and lots of words that say nothing. Very courageous of you to e-mail a woman under the pretense of an invitation only to insult her later.

Speaking of which, considering the limp wristed way the demonstrator on those video clips delivered his "too deadly to spar with" techniques, you shouldn't be referencing anyone else's sexuality. Those who live in glass houses, as they say.

You should consider yourself very lucky I don't live near you. You don't have the courage to post your "invitation" publicly, you don't have the courage to say who you are...a true coward. If this is what this school teaches, you aren't worthy of keeping company with child molesters, you or your "teacher of teachers".

Put that in your "18 animals of yoga" and poach them.

wushu chik
03-23-2002, 01:18 AM
I couldn't have said it better myself!!! WOOO HAAA!!!


Chris McKinley
03-23-2002, 01:21 AM
Did Alexandre Dumas write The Three Practioniers after d'Artagnon or after The Count of Monte Cristo? I can never remember which.

03-23-2002, 01:28 AM
da shifu wrote it, but only with the help of the da mo in his body.

03-23-2002, 02:12 AM
WOW, and to think I stopped posting here after the SPM fiasco on the southern forum. Well, I'm less mature than I was then, I suppose...so if da shifu reads this, feel free to email me with the same comments at talolan@hotmail.com......I used to live in Portland, and still visit a few times a year..I would love to visit your school and see what your system is all about.

wushu chik
03-23-2002, 02:18 AM
108~ I have to hear about this.. What happened in the southern forum? Anyways, if you want the e-mail address that i got this message from, pm me and i would be happy to give it to ya. I don't think he likes me too much! He's not such a nice guy!


Yung Apprentice
03-23-2002, 06:48 AM
Yeah that was some real lame SHIaT. Oh well, no need to get riled up over the type who "live to fight another day"!:D

03-23-2002, 07:15 AM
Silumkid - your diplomacy astounds me :D

Wushu Chik - you should feel special. How come none of us get things like that in our email? :(


03-23-2002, 07:35 AM
If I'm not mistaken, "The Three Practitioniers" was written by Danielle Steele. Gee, does anyone else smell the lowest form of cowardace here?

03-23-2002, 07:58 AM
i smell something that's not good, where's ewallace with his bullshlt meter when u need him? :D


03-23-2002, 08:06 AM
Probably overloaded!

law hon gung
03-23-2002, 11:09 AM
hey all, I sent directly to wushuchik because she was bashing my art, and is the only one living in OR. I realize I can't spell, and I can't see too well either. How old are you guys anyway. I guess spell check is in order and a pair of glasses wouldn't hurt. I am not a dashifu, or a shifu, where in the profile does it say that. I am just a caring person in the art of healing. I'm an LMT not a shifu or a dashifu. I do not instruct martial arts, but I do teach the art of massage therapy. I just didn't feel that all of you should bash an art you know nothing about. I have been to those martial art expos and I never put them down. grow up. you would think that you may have more to do than pick apart my schools web site. come on, "the color of our uniforms, to we are barefoot in our tai chi classes, these are students learning the art of tai chi not teachers. Our web site is in construction, we just wanted to get it going, even though it wasn't perfect. and was not a complete reflection of Sheng Hun. you would truly need to see our art to fully appreciate it. anyway, I will not be involved in this forum, your all a bunch of jerks. most of you have been members since 1970. that says something right there. no families or life. My daughter is 14 and spends all of her free time on IM she's a teen. see ya

03-23-2002, 11:20 AM
most of you have been members since 1970. that says something right there.

Most people would realize that the internet did not exist in it's present form in 1970. For some reason it doesn't suprise me that you don't. Maybe that 1970 date isn't correct, but if you don't question the big things, why would you bother with the small ones?

wushu chik
03-23-2002, 12:27 PM
Wow....he's a smart one. What a loser! Good LEAVE, we don't want you here. How's that for being an ass??


wushu chik
03-23-2002, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by law hon gung
anyway, I will not be involved in this forum, your all a bunch of jerks. said in a whiny b!tch voice...



03-23-2002, 01:27 PM
PJO here,
I just logged on and was suprised to see WushuChic's thread. I don't know who emailed you but it was not me. If I have anything to say I will post it right here. I do however still extend the invitation to anyone in the area to come check out what we do. I appologize on behalf of the school for any comments made not having to do with martial arts.


03-23-2002, 01:27 PM
Now please try to act mature about this. There is no need to
badmouthing one another. Both sides have behaved in a less than desireable manner. I don't think this place should be used as a venue to judge and insult others.

I will admit that part about being here since 1970 was funny.:D

03-23-2002, 01:35 PM
An art we know nothing about?

PLEASE! The saying is true....there is no arguing with stupidity. I imagine that if we posted the identifying trait list of cults, this "school" would match many of them.

- Only we have the real thing/history/style
- Valid points are ignored or replyed to with cult drivel
- "If only you come to us with an open mind, it's easier to brainwash you...I mean, you'll see the truth."
- "Practioners" are obviously kept away from much contact with the real world...it would be pretty hard to be a member since 1970 when a) Paul already addressed the internet issue and b) Our sponsors are only celebrating their 10th anniversary.
- Your profile must be total crap then if what you said about yourself is true...after 40+ years, you AREN't a teacher? And, if you have been in the style for so long, why isn't your "da shifu" much older? ewallace's BS meter overloaded indeed.

I could go on, and on, and on, but I won't. All I'd like to know is: Does your school have an open door/challenge policy and if so, are the students brave enough to step forward when called out? I may not live in Oregon (which seems to be a big thing with you...can't see the forest for the treees, perhaps?) but I visit there from time to time. You let me know when we can set something up. I love cult/BS busting.

03-23-2002, 01:39 PM

Not bloody likely. Are you telling me everyone is Beaverton spells like this?

and was suprised to see ; I appologize on behalf

Pretty similar typing styles here. And you wonder why everyone is questioning you?

03-23-2002, 01:51 PM
Now you are just being silly! Last time I checked not everyone on this forum had perfect spelling. I just felt I should write something fast and didn't bother to really check my spelling.

wushu chik
03-23-2002, 04:02 PM
I am wanting to know what your role in your school is. I want to know this because you seem to have started this WHOLE thing by trolling us with your website, and then defending it when people start thrashing on it. I would really appreciate a reply to this, and not some babble bullsh!t that you have done in most your other posts.

03-23-2002, 04:17 PM
I am a student and instructor(Shifu) at Far East Fighting Arts. I really don't know what babble bs you are talking about and I don't get where you come off calling me a troll. I'm part of a school that I'm proud and wanted other people to see the website, period. A lot of people on this forum what to turn things around and make me seem like some sort of bad guy when if you read all of my posts I'm just defending what I believe in.

wushu chik
03-23-2002, 04:29 PM
Do you believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa Clause, The Tooth Fairy, Brad Pitt and Ed Norton being the same person (fight club guys...work with me)....If i tell you that it's safe to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge, will you PLEASE take my word for it? PLEASE!

Learn to do your research before blowing sh!t up everybodys ass.... The history is bullsh!t. Your story is bullsh!t.

About the "Posession" that seem to be bothering your "Da Shifu", he really needs to see either a shrink or an exercist. MAYBE BOTH. Either that, or I can call him and tell him that it's safe to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge. Or he has the "Fight Club" syndrom. In either case, he NEEDS HELP....FAST. And, if you believe this happy horsesh!t, you need some help to.

I am really not a b!tch like this all the time (shut up guys)....I just hate bunk ass schools that think they are kewl, and are really nothing but a McKwoon that smokes crack.


David Jamieson
03-23-2002, 04:32 PM
Moving right along...

This thread be closed...*poof*.
