View Full Version : Influence of Kuoshu Institute in thirties.

South Paw
02-28-2001, 01:38 AM
In the early thirties of the last century a Kuoshu Institute was set op in Guangzhou(Canton). Wellknown masters of the southern styles joined this Institute. Lam Sai Wing of Hung Gar Kuen, Cheung Lai Cheun of Bak Mei Pai, Lin Yue Kai of Leung Pai. Also Mok Gar Kuen, Choy Lee Fut and White Crane were involved.
"At this new Kuoshu Institute northern and southern styles were mixed, forming new and effective techniques" (Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu by Yang Jwing Ming and Jeffery Bolt).
The Institute was closed when the Japanese invaded China in 1937.

What influence did the Kuoshu Institute have on the curriculum of these different styles? Were there new sets introduced at this time? Did it change the way things were thaught?

South Paw

03-02-2001, 02:38 AM
I don't think that Lam Sai Wing joined the Koushu institute. This time he was permanent in Hong Kong.

South Paw
03-03-2001, 01:31 AM
The fact that Lam Sai Wing was a resident of Hong Kong does not imply that he was not a member of the Southern Kuo Shu Institute in Canton.
I also wonder where these famous Sifu of other southern styles lived when they joined this Institute.

I cannot think that Yang Jwing Ming is mistaking when he put this in print. He must have used a contemporary written source.

South Paw

03-05-2001, 03:57 PM
As far as I know, no Chinese bio of Lam Saiwing mentions that he was a member of Guoshu Institute or any of its branches. Some English sources even claim that he was a member of Jingwu (Chingmou)association, which is not true either. However, most of the Chinese bios say that Lam Saiwing himself was a founder and leader of "Southern Martial Physical Culture Association" (Naam mou taiyuk wui).

South Paw
03-07-2001, 09:33 PM
I do think Lam Sai Wing was involved. Probably just for a short time. Maybe it did not have influence on the Hung Gar style at all. That could be the reason for not mentioning it in his biographies.

I do hope there is someone that can shed some more light on this issue.

South Paw